Site of Hiwa Mansion - Kyoto

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Contact Site of Hiwa Mansion

住所 :

Kyotogyoen, Kamigyo Ward, Kyoto, 602-0881, Japan

Postal code : 602-0881
Webサイト :

Kyotogyoen, Kamigyo Ward, Kyoto, 602-0881, Japan
O Kiyopy on Google

Jack Motoyama on Google

4つのベンチ椅子があって木陰にもなり休憩にもってこいの場所 小鳥の囀りも心地よい
There are 4 bench chairs and it is a perfect place to take a break in the shade of a tree.
on Google

It is said that it was called "Site of Hiwa Mansion" because many fruits were planted in the former Fujiwara no Mototsune residence. After that, Fujiwara's successive princesses used it as a mansion, but Emperor Go-Shirakawa took up this land that he owned because Fujiwara no Tadazane was defeated by the Hogen rebellion, and the mansion disappeared. Now, only the sign of the site stands.
Hiroshi Kyoto on Google

枇杷殿は、このあたりにあったといわれ、平安時代前期、藤原基経(もとつね)から三男仲平(なかひら)に伝えられ、敷地内には宝物を満たした蔵が並んでいたといいます。 長保4年(1002)以降、藤原道長と二女妍子(けんし)の里邸として整備され、御所の内裏炎上の折は里内裏ともなり、寛弘6年(1009)には一条天皇が遷り、紫式部や清少納言が当邸で仕えたといわれます。 長和3年(1014)、再び内裏が炎上し、その後、三条天皇はこの邸で後一条天皇に譲位したといいます。 It is said that the Site of Biwa Mansion was located around here, and in the early Heian period, it was handed down from Mototsune Fujiwara to Nakahira, the third son, and it is said that the premises were lined with warehouses filled with treasures. After the 4th year of Choho (1002), it was maintained as a village residence for Fujiwara no Michinaga and Kenshi, and when the inner back of the Imperial Palace was on fire, it became the back of the village. It is said that Murasaki Shikibu and Sei Shonagon served at this residence. It is said that in the 3rd year of Chowa (1014), the inner lining burned again, and then Emperor Sanjo transferred to Emperor Go-Ichijo at this residence.
It is said that the Site of Hiwa Mansion was located around here, and it was handed down from Mototsune Fujiwara to Nakahira in the early Heian period, and it is said that the premises were lined with warehouses filled with treasures. After the 4th year of Choho (1002), it was maintained as a village residence for Fujiwara no Michinaga and Kenshi, and when the inner back of the Imperial Palace was on fire, it became the back of the village. It is said that Murasaki Shikibu and Sei Shonagon served at this residence. It is said that in the 3rd year of Chowa (1014), the inner lining burned again, and then Emperor Sanjo transferred to Emperor Go-Ichijo at this residence. It is said that the Site of Biwa Mansion was located around here, and in the early Heian period, it was handed down from Mototsune Fujiwara to Nakahira, the third son, and it is said that the premises were lined with warehouses filled with treasures. After the 4th year of Choho (1002), it was maintained as a village residence for Fujiwara no Michinaga and Kenshi, and when the inner back of the Imperial Palace was on fire, it became the back of the village. Shikibu and Sei Shonagon served at this residence. It is said that in the 3rd year of Chowa (1014), the inner lining burned again, and then Emperor Sanjo transferred to Emperor Go-Ichijo at this residence.

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