Chogakuji - Tenri

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Chogakuji

住所 :

508 Yanagimotocho, Tenri, Nara 632-0052, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 632-0052
Webサイト :
Description : Azaleas surround a centuries-old temple housing Buddha statues & a famous painting depicting hell.

508 Yanagimotocho, Tenri, Nara 632-0052, Japan
Lily Black on Google

大和十三佛霊場寺院❹番辰、巳生まれの守本尊普賢菩薩。重要文化財の鐘楼門1000年経つそうです 阿弥陀如来の目にはじめて宝石を使用したと受付の方のご説明有りました
Yamato 13 Buddhist Temple ❹ Ban Tatsu, Morimoto Samantabhadra born in the snake. It seems that 1000 years have passed since the bell tower gate, an important cultural property. The receptionist explained that he used jewels for the first time in Amida Nyorai's eyes.
ねこべん on Google

There are remnants here and there that seemed to be vast in the past. You can also see the rare sarcophagus Buddha carved using the stone chamber of the tumulus.
かるまかるま on Google

受付で色々と説明くださいました。 重要文化財としては仏像5体、建造物4棟があります。地獄絵図は10月にご開帳されるよう。本堂にはレプリカを観ることができます。こちらで血天井を観ることができます。八十八箇所巡りもあり、また来てみたいお寺の1つとなりました。
He explained various things at the reception. There are 5 Buddhist statues and 4 buildings as important cultural properties. The hell picture will open in October. You can see replicas in the main hall. You can see the blood ceiling here. There are 88 places to visit, and it has become one of the temples I would like to visit again.
夢工房ナビ on Google

秋は紅葉がキレイでした。 12月31日午後11時30分より先着106名が鐘をつく整理券は午後11時より配布もされるそうです。 無料で甘酒も配られるそうで、冬も楽しみですね。
The autumn leaves were beautiful. From 11:30 pm on December 31, the numbered tickets for the first 106 people to ring the bell will be distributed from 11:00 pm. Amazake is also distributed free of charge, so I'm looking forward to winter.
若山樹雄 on Google

紅葉がきれいなお寺です。でもさすがに11月下旬ですので色あせてしまっていますね。もう2週間ほど早ければ良かったのかもしれません。 近くには崇神天皇陵や景行天皇陵など古墳も多く見所満載です。 自然と歴史が好きな方にはオススメ。
It is a temple with beautiful autumn leaves. But it's late November, so it's faded. It would have been better if it was about two weeks earlier. There are many ancient tombs nearby, such as the Tomb of Emperor Chongjin and the Tomb of Emperor Kageyuki. Recommended for those who like nature and history.
安部輝浩 on Google

つつじで有名な寺院ですが、紅葉も美しい。 さくらともみじがあり、赤くなると見ごたえがあり美しい。 日曜日は絵図の法話があり、ユーモアのある住職がわかりやすく話してくれます。とても面白いはなしなので、せっかく行ったら、是非この有名な住職の話をきいてほしい。 駐車場は普段の平日で何も無いときは門のちかくまでいけるが、紅葉やさくら、つつじといった花のシーズンは、人気なので、少し下にあるコミュニティセンターに駐車して歩くことになる。 300mほど山道を登るので、足の悪いひとはゆっくり進むとのぼれる程度の坂です。
The temple is famous for azaleas, but the autumn leaves are also beautiful. There are cherry blossoms and maple leaves, and when it turns red, it looks good and is beautiful. On Sundays, there is a Dharma Talk about drawings, and a humorous priest speaks in an easy-to-understand manner. It's a very interesting story, so if you go there, please listen to the story of this famous priest. The parking lot can be reached near the gate on weekdays when there is nothing, but the flower season such as autumn leaves, cherry blossoms, and azaleas is popular, so you have to park at the community center a little below and walk. As you climb a mountain road for about 300m, people with poor legs can climb slowly.
Ruza Kinsman on Google

Pretty but comes with a 400yen entry fee that's not really worth it considering there are other beautiful temples and gardens around the area that are free to enter.
Andres Roberto Gomez Vargas on Google

Nice temple with beautiful gardens. There is a small paints exposition.

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