Chai Cafe - Yokohama

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Chai Cafe

住所 :

360 Yatsumachi, Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 236-0016, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 236-0016
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–10PM
Sunday 11AM–10PM
Monday 11AM–10PM
Tuesday 11AM–10PM
Wednesday 11AM–10PM
Thursday 11AM–10PM
Friday 11AM–10PM

360 Yatsumachi, Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 236-0016, Japan
tokuhara tsuyoshi on Google

The workplace became a library. If you are looking for a delicious store at the east exit, this store will be hit. On the day I decided to go, I distributed a discount ticket in front of the station. I thought I had to go and went to lunch. I personally like rice more than Nan (I don't hate Nan, but I like rice but I like rice). I received a daily ?. Delicious. It was cheap, delicious, discounted, including tax, and maybe you got a good store. I'm gonna go He recommended it to people at work.
chan ton on Google

出前館で頼んでいます。 お店の人はとても良い人です^_^ カレーの種類が豊富で、どのカレーを選んでも美味しいです。自分好みの辛さを選べるのもとても嬉しいです。サラダ、ラッシー、ナンも美味しいです。お気に入りはガーリックチーズナンです^_^
I'm asking at the delivery hall. The person in the shop is a very good person ^ _ ^ There are many kinds of curry, and it is delicious no matter which curry you choose. I am very happy to be able to choose the spiciness that I like. Salad, lassi and naan are also delicious. My favorite is garlic cheese nan ^ _ ^
taka taka on Google

金沢文庫のすずらん通り商店街から脇道へ入ったすぐの場所に有る、インドネパールカレーの店です。 2018/08 文庫に来る用事が有ったので久々に入りました。 暑い日でしたがエアコンがまるで効いておらず、食べる前から汗だくです… ・マトンカレー800円 ランチセットになります。 ナンではなくサフランライスで注文です。 サラダとドリンクが付きます。 ライスとナンはお代わりも出来るのでお得な値段です。 残念なのはエアコンが効いてなかったので星下げです。
It is an Indian Nepalese curry shop located just off the side street from the Suzuran-dori shopping street in Kanazawa Bunko. 2018/08 It's been a while since I had a business to come to the library. It was a hot day, but the air conditioner wasn't working and I was sweating before eating ... ・ Mutton curry 800 yen It will be a lunch set. I ordered saffron rice instead of naan. Includes salad and drink. Rice and naan can be replaced, so it's a great price. Unfortunately, the air conditioner wasn't working, so it's a star down.
きょうこ on Google

初めてランチを食べに行って来ました。 チーズナンセットを頼みました。 その中でも、ガーリックチーズナンはそのまま食べても美味しかったです。
I went to eat lunch for the first time. I ordered a cheese nanset. Among them, the garlic cheese nan was delicious even if I ate it as it was.
Fuka on Google

ランチがボリュームもたっぷりで絶品です。チーズナンとエビカレーがお気に入り! お店の方も感じが良く、定期的に行きたくなるお店です。テイクアウトもできます。
Lunch is generous and exquisite. I like cheese nan and shrimp curry! The shop feels good and you will want to go there regularly. You can also take out.
HIRO on Google

久々にインドカレーが食べたく駅周辺で探していたらたまたま見つけて訪問! 京急沿線はマリカが多いイメージだったのでこちらはマリカとは違う感じで良かったです。 一番はナンの種類の多さです! チーズ、ガーリックチーズ、メープル、チョコなど!スペシャルセットならこの中から選べます。注意は、お代わり自由なのは通常のナンで、チーズなどは選べないこと!(書いてなかったので分からないです?) +500円で頼むことも出来ます!チーズなどなどは無難に美味しいですが、チョコを是非試して欲しいです。よく、隠し味にチョコ入れますよね?そんな感じで意外と美味しいですよ♬︎ 店員さんやる気無かったですが、特に問題ないかな?笑
When I was looking around the station where I wanted to eat Indian curry after a long time, I happened to find it and visited! I had the impression that there were many Marika along the Keikyu line, so I'm glad that this was a different feeling from Marika. The first is the variety of naan! Cheese, garlic cheese, maple, chocolate and more! If it is a special set, you can choose from these. Please note that you can use regular naan as a substitute, and you cannot choose cheese! (I don't know because I didn't write it ?) You can also order for +500 yen! Cheese etc. are safe and delicious, but I definitely want you to try chocolate. You often add chocolate as a secret ingredient, right? It's surprisingly delicious like that ♬ ︎ The clerk wasn't motivated, but is there any particular problem? Lol
Lea K on Google

Not so cheap.
James M. on Google

Good quality Indian and Nepalese food, friendly staff who speak English in addition to Japanese and Nepali. Nepalese items like momo are more likely to be found at dinner than lunch.

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