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Contact いとうファミリークリニック

住所 :

Yatsumachi, Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒236-0016 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87879
Webサイト : http://www.ito-f-clinic.com/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Yatsumachi, Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒236-0016 Kanagawa,Japan
ぽかぽか on Google

体調が悪いため尿検査をしてもらったが、結果を教えてもらえずなぜ検査をしたのか分からなかった。 受付がいつもしゃべっていて具合悪くて医者に行っているのに、余計具合が悪くなる。
I had a urine test because I wasn't feeling well, but I couldn't tell why and I didn't know why. The receptionist is always talking and sick, so I go to the doctor, but I feel sick.
石井ボス on Google

I am always indebted. I am always grateful to the teachers who are close to the feelings of the patients. It is a clinic that is easy to go to the receptionist.
A I on Google

I had a colon polyp taken, but it was quick and painless, and I was really happy with no blood or a drop. I am a great doctor. I highly recommend it. I look forward to working with you again.
lina m on Google

昔、ユニー金沢文庫店(現在のアピタ金沢文庫店)にクリニックが入っていた時は、穏やかで、子供や親に寄り添った話し方をする先生でした。 今は…娘が神経質な子で、夜なかなか寝付けず、寝ても夜鳴きのようにして起きてくるので、何か漢方薬など処方してもらえないか、と受診しに行った時に、娘が不登校で生活リズムが整っていない事など、娘の前で先生に話すのが憚られるような内容を手紙にして、受付の人に渡して、先生に読んでもらいました。 診察室に行くと、娘に「学校は楽しい?」娘「あ、はい」先生「嫌な子とかいない?」娘「特には…」などのやり取りがあった後、娘だけ退室され、私に向かって「あなたが原因です。事務的な手紙を読んで思いました。親子関係が良好でないから、娘さんがそういう状態になっています。娘さんは学校も楽しいと言っていますから、薬は必要ありません。あなたが考え直さないといけません。」と一方的に言われて、ひどく傷付きました。 私は不登校の娘に寄り添い、不眠の娘を何とか少しでも楽にしてやりたい思いで行ったのに。二度と顔を合わせたくないです。先生は昔と変わってしまいました。
Once in the past, when the clinic was in the Uni Kanazawa Bunko store (the current Apita Kanazawa Bunko store), it was a calm teacher who talks to the child and parents. Right now ... My daughter is a nervous child and I can not get to sleep well in the night, even though I get asleep, I get up like a roaring sound, so when I go to see a doctor to prescribe something like traditional Chinese medicine, my daughter I wrote to the receptionist and asked the teacher to read the contents of a letter that I would like to tell the teacher in front of my daughter, such as living rhythm is not in place at school. When I go to the consultation room, my daughter leaves only my daughter, after having interaction with my daughter "Is your school fun?" My daughter "Ah, yes" Teacher "Do you like bad daughters?" I was thinking, "You are the cause, I thought with reading an administrative letter, because my parent-child relationship is not good, so my daughter is in that state.The daughter says school is fun, so the medicine It is not necessary, you have to think over again. "One-sidedly said, it got badly scratched. I cuddled up with my daughter who failed to go to school and went with the desire to make my insomnia daughter a little easier. I do not want to match your face again. My teacher has changed from old days.
Ya U on Google

全く話しを聞いてもらえません。 風邪と診断され 学校で溶連菌が流行してるから 検査をお願いしたいと伝えても、 聞いてもらえず、診断は間違ってない、 あなたの管理が、悪いと言われました。 他の病院で検査してもらったら、 やはり、溶連菌。 患者の話しを一切聞かず、押し通す医者には 2度と行く気がしませんでしたが、 掛かり付けが休診で、行ったら、 翌々年に行ったら、大分、間が空いてますね。 掛かり付けに行ったらどうですか? と言われ、休診なので来たと行ったら、 舌打ちされ、まさかの同じ現象が 起きました。 もう絶対行きません。
I can't hear you at all. Diagnosed with a cold Because streptococcus is prevalent at school Even if you want to ask for an inspection, I ca n’t hear you, my diagnosis is n’t wrong, Your management was said to be bad. If you have an examination at another hospital, After all, it is a streptococcus. For doctors who do not listen to the patient at all I didn't feel like going again, If you are on a holiday, If you go to the next year, Oita, there is a gap. How about going to the hook? If you go there because it ’s a holiday, The same phenomenon is happening Occurred. I will never go again.
チップスター on Google

★1つもつけたくない 受付も先生も不親切 この間、病院前を通ったら、母親が小さい子供を抱いて泣いていた。 聞き耳をたてると先生や受付の対応が酷かった模様。 とても可哀想で、やっぱり酷い病院なんだな改めて感じた。
★ I don't want to attach one Both the receptionist and the teacher are unfriendly During this time, when I passed in front of the hospital, my mother was crying while holding a small child. It seems that the teachers and receptionists were terrible when they listened. It was very pitiful and I felt again that it was a terrible hospital.
M I on Google

優しい先生で、受付の方も感じが良いです。消化器系で具合が悪い時には積極的に血液検査もしてくれました。 とにかく薬をたくさん処方されるイメージが強いです。ある時、先生の見立ては珍しい種類の花粉症、私は季節の変わり目の風邪ではないかと思うと伝えた時は、アレルギーの薬と、風邪の薬(咳止め、鼻水の薬など)を両方出されて(全部で10種類くらい)驚きました。普段からたくさん薬を出してくれるので、「とにかく忙しくて、症状を止めたい」という時はここに掛かっていました。
He is a kind teacher and the receptionist feels good. He also actively performed blood tests when he was unwell with digestive system. Anyway, I have a strong image of being prescribed a lot of medicine. At one point, my teacher's appearance was an unusual kind of hay fever, and when I told him that I might have a cold at the turn of the season, I gave both allergy medicine and cold medicine (cough medicine, runny nose medicine, etc.). I was surprised when it was done (about 10 kinds in total). He usually gives me lots of medicines, so when I was "I'm so busy and I want to stop my symptoms," I was here.
y take on Google

I went there several times before. My child was sick, and even if I asked him to do it after a few minutes of reception time, it was no good. Five minutes later, I saw the director go out and quit my doctor. Since last year, we have not accepted any outpatients with fever. Children have a lot of fever other than corona, so when choosing a family doctor, it is important to take care of the fever. Since the previous word of mouth has been erased, I rewrote it concretely according to the rules.

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