Burg Sugitahonten - Yokohama

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Burg Sugitahonten

住所 :

1 Chome-1-1 Sugita, Isogo Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 235-0033, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87787
Postal code : 235-0033
Webサイト : http://www.staminaburg.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:30AM–3PM
Sunday 10:30AM–3PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10:30AM–3PM
Wednesday 10:30AM–3PM
Thursday 10:30AM–3PM
Friday 10:30AM–3PM

1 Chome-1-1 Sugita, Isogo Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 235-0033, Japan
DOLL BANG on Google

バーグ!といったらスタミナ生でしょ! カレーにしょうが焼きと生卵というトッピングです。カレーが美味しいです! まっカレー屋さんですからねっ♪ 出てくるスピード、量、味の全てが合格です。 ご馳走様でした。
Berg! You're a stamina student! It is a topping of curry, ginger grilled and raw egg. The curry is delicious! It's a curry shop ♪ The speed, quantity, and taste that come out are all passing. It was a treat.
館林春笑 on Google

スタミナ、ボリューム、美味しさ三つ揃いの満点の名店です?ここのハンバーグカレーはとても大好きで、注文してあっという間に出来上がり(早すぎ~?)が来てまず、キャベツサラダにドレッシングをかけてムシャムシャ食べます!サラダを食べ終わったらご飯の上のハンバーグを(なるべく一口で♪)頬張ります♪そして、〆にルーとご飯を頂くのがBerry Good❗?
It's a well-known restaurant with a perfect score of stamina, volume, and deliciousness ? I love the hamburger curry here, and when I ordered it, it was ready (too early ~ ?) and first dressed the cabbage salad I'm gonna eat it! When you finish eating the salad, chew the hamburger steak on the rice (as much as possible ♪) ♪ And it is Berry Good ❗? to have the roux and rice at the 〆
山口勉 on Google

12/16/2021 嗚呼(ああ)、バーグのスタミナカレーが食べたい。カレーに炒めた豚三枚肉が乗り、そこに生タマゴを落とす。 昼に店に入ってみればいい。若いホワイトカラー、ブルーカラーでいっぱいだ。女性は2、3割か。むき出しの食欲がぶつかり会い、店内はカレーの香りを含んだ熱気でムンムンになる。 確か最期にバーグに入ったのは、3年前。その後は店の前を通り、覗(のぞ)くのだが、スタミナカレーを無事に食べ終える自信がない。まだ肉をバリバリ食べることは可能だ、行きたい、食べたい、という気持ちはある。 しかし、若者に混じってこんなものを食ったら死んでしまうかもしれない、とも思うのだ。
12/16/2021 I want to eat Burg's stamina curry. Stir-fried three pieces of pork are placed on the curry, and raw eggs are dropped there. Just go into the store at noon. It's full of young white-collar and blue-collar workers. Is it 20 to 30% for women? The bare appetite collides with each other, and the inside of the store becomes stuffy with the heat containing the scent of curry. It was three years ago that I finally entered Berg. After that, I passed in front of the store and looked into it, but I wasn't confident that I could finish eating the stamina curry safely. It is still possible to eat meat crunchy, I have a desire to go and eat. However, I also think that if you mix with young people and eat something like this, you may die.
しんのすけ on Google

I forgot the volume, probably because I visited the store after a long time. It's a mystery that you can eat it even though it is a gutsy and rich seasoning. It is a restaurant where you can enjoy both hamburger steak and curry.
松岡照幸 on Google

今日は新杉田に外出。んで昼ちょっと前に要件は終了。それならランチにあそこ、寄るでしょ! と、言うことで数年ぶりに来ました、「バーグ 杉田本店」さん、ですね。 16号沿いに店舗があったときから利用していて、かれこれ40年近く経っているかな…。 んで注文したのはもちろん『スタミナカレー生』(880円)で!って、いつも生で、焼は頼んだことないな…。 今回も注文してから2分ぐらいで出てきました。さすがに16号沿いの頃よりは遅くなりましたがw。 うん、この味!濃厚で甘さと辛さの両方が感じられるルーがたまらない!トッピングの塩胡椒効いた生姜焼きも暴力的なうまさ! ちなみに気がはやって、混ぜてから写真撮ってないことに気が付きました(汗)。 今日も堪能しました。 って新杉田来る機会が数年に一回ぐらいしかないので、常に『スタミナカレー生』頼んじゃって、他のメニュー頼めないのが難点だな…。もっと頻繁に来るようにしよう。
I went to Shinsugita today. So the requirements are finished shortly before noon. Then you'll stop by for lunch! That's why I came to "Berg Sugita Main Store" for the first time in a few years. I've been using it since there was a store along No. 16, and it's been almost 40 years now ... Of course, I ordered "Stamina Curry Student" (880 yen)! I've never asked for grilling because it's always raw ... It came out about 2 minutes after I ordered this time as well. As expected, it was later than when it was along No. 16, but w. Yeah, this taste! Roux is irresistible because it is rich and you can feel both sweetness and spiciness! Ginger-grilled toppings with salt and pepper are also violent! By the way, I noticed that I didn't take a picture after mixing (sweat). I enjoyed it today as well. I only have the opportunity to come to Shinsugita once every few years, so the problem is that I always ask for "stamina curry students" and I can't ask for other menus ... Let's come more often.
Daniel Patterson on Google

It good
越後龍一 on Google

popular in local guys. If you hungry AF, this is it. Do not forget you can choose spice level. me is 10. this this is DELASTA.
Erine Taguchi on Google

This is good food place. They have great volumes menu for curry!! Especially special curry is too much!!! Of course it’s very delicious but so big amount for regular women…Cash only and looks so local!

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