Bống Xinh Quán - Koshigaya

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Bống Xinh Quán

住所 :

Bống Xinh Quán 南越谷ハイツ 102 21-8 Gamouakanecho, Koshigaya, Saitama 343-0843, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 343-0843
Webサイト : https://hadocoffee.business.site/

Bống Xinh Quán 南越谷ハイツ 102 21-8 Gamouakanecho, Koshigaya, Saitama 343-0843, Japan
Linh Khánh on Google

Thực đơn phong phú. Rất hấp dẫn. Tôi đã có chuyến du lịch Nhật Bản tuyệt vời. Thanks you so much!
Extensive menu. Very attractive. I had a great trip to Japan. Thanks you so much!
Yama San on Google

ベトナム人夫婦で経営している店で、料理は美味しかったのですが、夫婦の子供が、他の客の迷惑を考えずに、大音量でスマートホォンを聞いているのが、すごく不快だった。うるさくて、心地よく食べられなかった。 営業中なので、注意すべきだと思う。子供のしつけをしっかりしてほしい‼️
The food was delicious at a restaurant run by a Vietnamese couple, but it was very unpleasant for the couple's children to listen to the smart phone at a loud volume without considering the inconvenience of other customers. It was noisy and I couldn't eat it comfortably. It's open, so I think you should be careful. I want my child to be disciplined! ️
Yoshimasa Fujisawa on Google

本格的なベトナム料理のお店。 コーヒーショップのような店名とインテリアですが、ボリューム満点のベトナム料理を頂くことができます。 料理は本格的かつ種類が豊富で初めて見るようなものも多かったのですが、どれもとても美味しかったです。 何度も通ってお気に入りを見つけたいですね。
Authentic Vietnamese restaurant. The restaurant name and interior are like a coffee shop, but you can enjoy hearty Vietnamese food. The food was authentic and abundant, and there were many things that I saw for the first time, but they were all very delicious. I want to go there many times and find my favorite.
Xuan Cuong Quach on Google

Đồ ăn rất ngon. Hợp khẩu vị của nhiều người. Cảm ơn nhà hàng rất nhiều. Tôi sẽ ghé thăm vào những lần tới. ♥️♥️♥️
The food is delicious. The taste of many people. Thank the restaurant very much. I will visit next time. ♥ ️ ♥ ️ ♥ ️
Dung To Duc on Google

Quán dễ tìm , đồ ăn ngon , đa dạng . Chủ quán rất vui tính , phục vụ thoải mái . Mà suất ăn cũng nhiều , đầy đặn , ăn rất no . 量が多いし、美味しいし、店員が優しい。
The restaurant is easy to find, delicious food, variety. The owner is very funny, comfortable service. The ration is also full, full, very full. 量 が 多 い し 、 美味 し い し 、 店員 が 優 し い。
ソメヤヒデアキ on Google

三密を防ぐため、店内が空いているのを確認して入店しました。外から丸見えなので、その点はいいですね。 鶏肉のフォー(カリカリに仕上げた方)と冷たいベトナムコーヒー(ミルク入り)を注文。どちらも高い方をお勧めされましたw お値段は安くはないですが、日本で食べるエスニック料理の値段としては普通でしょうか。でもフォーとコーヒーで1500円近くはちと高いので、できれば、フード頼んだら、ドリンクは割引してくれるといいなぁ... 肝心の料理のお味は、満足でした!フォーはすごくサッパリとしていて食べやすいですし、コーヒーはガツンとコーヒー感とミルクと砂糖のパンチが効いていて美味しかったです。 フォーの麺の量はとても多いので男性でも足りないということはないでしょう。少食の方は少なめにしてもらった方がいいかもです。赤いソースで味変できるので、飽きずに食べられます。 店員さんはにこやかで愛想がいいです。また来たいですね。
In order to prevent the crowding, I confirmed that the inside of the store was vacant and entered the store. This is good because it is completely visible from the outside. I ordered chicken pho (a crispy finish) and cold Vietnamese coffee (with milk). Both were recommended to be higher w The price is not cheap, but is it a normal price for ethnic foods eaten in Japan? But pho and coffee cost about 1500 yen, so if you can order food, I would like to get a discount on drinks ... The taste of the essential dish was satisfying! Pho was very refreshing and easy to eat, and the coffee was delicious because it had a good coffee feeling and the punch of milk and sugar worked. The amount of Pho noodles is so large that even men can be satisfied. If you eat less, you may want to ask a little less. You can taste it with red sauce, so you can eat it without getting tired. The clerk is smiling and friendly. I want to come again.
うじまっちゃ on Google

平日13時半頃、ランチでフォーセットとマンゴージュースを、頂きました。過去のクチコミや店内の写真のイメージとはまるで違いました。 揚げ春巻きは美味しかった。でも小さくて少量。フォーは、素朴な現地の味、よく言えば本格的?少量で満足感には欠けます。ライムじゃなくてレモン。ハス茶ではなく水。マンゴー搾らず、市販のジュースをそのまま注いだだけ。フォーのスープがぬるい。ライスはジャスミン米ではないのでは?決して不味くはないけど、これまで食べてきたお店のランチと比較するとかなりレベル差があります。 店員さん一人でしたが、シャイなのか、日本語話したくないのか、やる気があるのかないのか、客が来て嬉しいのか嬉しくないのか、ちょっとホスピタリティに欠けるかなと思います。ホントにメニューにあるような華やかなスウィーツの店なのか、信じられません。 頑張ってください!
I had Faucet and mango juice for lunch around 13:30 on weekdays. It was completely different from the image of past reviews and photos in the store. The fried spring rolls were delicious. But small and small. Pho has a simple local taste, or is it authentic? A small amount is not satisfying. Lemon, not lime. Water, not lotus tea. Just pour the juice on the market without squeezing the mango. Pho's soup is lukewarm. Isn't rice not jasmine rice? It's not bad at all, but there is a considerable difference in level compared to the lunches at the restaurants I've eaten so far. I was the only clerk, but I think I'm a little lacking in hospitality, whether I'm shy, I don't want to speak Japanese, I'm motivated, I'm happy or not happy with the customers. I can't believe it's a gorgeous sweets shop like the one on the menu. I wish you the best!
Hoàng Đức on Google

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