ベトニヤ vietnamese food

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ベトニヤ vietnamese food

住所 :

Tsukagoshi, Warabi, 〒335-0002 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88979
Webサイト : https://www.instagram.com/vietniya/
街 : Saitama

Tsukagoshi, Warabi, 〒335-0002 Saitama,Japan
Tomomi Tateno on Google

蕨駅東口から徒歩3分にあるベトニア。フォーののぼりが出てたのを見つけて入ってみました!「鶏肉さっぱりのフォー」「生春巻き」「青パパイヤのサラダ」「ベトナムコーヒー」をいただきました。鶏肉のフォーは、しっとり柔らかいチキンとスープが旨みたっぷりでとっても美味しい!生春巻きも青パパイヤのサラダも料理のクオリティがとても高くて大満足です。 パクチーが苦手とかで、倦厭する方もいるかも知れないですが、パクチー、レモン、唐辛子は別添えなので、辛味や、香草が苦手な方も安心して召し上がれます。 店主の人柄もよく、ラストオーダーが22:30なのも嬉しい。 カウンター席はなく、テーブル席ですが、私自身女1人ですが入りやすいです。 またおじゃまします!
A 3-minute walk from Sakai Station East Exit. I found out that there was a carp of pho and entered it! We received "Four chicken stock", "fresh spring roll", "blue papaya salad" and "Vietnam coffee". Chicken Po is delicious, moist and tender chicken and soup. Both fresh spring rolls and blue papaya salads are very satisfying and the quality of the food is very high. Some people like Pakuchi may not like it, and some may hesitate, but because Pakuti, lemon and chili peppers are served separately, those who are not good in hot taste and herbs can be served with confidence. The character of the shopkeeper is also good, and it is also nice that the last order is 22:30. There is no counter seat, but it is a table seat, but I am a woman but I am easy to enter. I'll come back again!
藤澤隆史 on Google

I used it alone at lunch time. The day before, I came to heal my tired stomach after drinking and eating. The chicken was light pho, and it tasted gentle no matter how many times I ate it. I'm not good at coriander, but I'm glad that the lemon, chili and coriander are separated on a separate plate. On the way, you can add your taste and enjoy the change of taste. After all, coriander was not good today.
ℹ︎ TXDXO on Google

ベトナムらしい(行ったことないけど)ベトナムらしい居酒屋さん。 何が言いたいかというと、店主さんの人柄。一見 愛想なさげだけど、話しかけるとアタタカイ。 やっぱりお店は人柄だと私は思います。 接客のクオリティは日本の居酒屋さんと 比べない事。 このベトニヤさんの店主さんの人柄を 見て頂きたい。 あと、やっぱり大事なのは料理ですよね! 僕のランチのオススメは 【裏メニュー】の【親子丼 ミニフォー付】1000円 だけど、裏メニューなので 混み合ってる時は時間かかります、が 美味しい! 全て店主さんお一人でやられている(頑張ってる)ので たまに、呼びづらい時あるけど、それもアイキョウ! 店内はいつも空いてる事が多くて 入りづらいけど、入って食べて納得! ランチの【裏メニュー】は インスタグラム @vietnia で掲載されてるやつ 出来る日もあるみたいなので、 聞いてみて下さいね。 私は毎回【親子丼】ですけどねー!
A Vietnamese izakaya (although I've never been). What I want to say is the character of the shopkeeper. At first glance, it's an unfriendly offer, but when I talk to it, I'm atatakai. I think the store is personal. The quality of waiting on customers is with Japanese izakaya Do not compare. The personality of this shop owner I want you to see it. And, after all, the important thing is cooking! My recommendation for lunch is [Back menu] [Oyakodon with mini four] 1000 yen But it's a back menu It takes time when crowded, but delicious! Everything is done by the owner alone (I'm working hard) Sometimes it's hard to call, but that's Aikyo! The inside of the store is always empty It's hard to enter, but you can enter and eat! [Back menu] for lunch Instagram The guy listed on @vietnia There seem to be days when I can do it, Please ask. I'm [Oyakodon] every time, though!
Kazuhiro Oda on Google

蕨駅近くでの用事が終わり、時間を見たら13時過ぎ。最近あまり来なくなった隣駅でランチのお店を探してこちらを発見しました。しばらく来ない間にベトナム料理店が! 王将、吉野家も近くにあり悩みましたが、フォーの方が健康的かな?と思い、こちらを初めて訪問。 コロナの影響もあるのでしょう、ドアが開放されてて店内も見えて入りやすい。店内に消毒液もあり、安心して入店。 奥に長い店内の作りで、一番入口側のテーブルに着席。 お店はとても綺麗、ちょっとカフェみたい。それにベトナムハノイ出身の店主さんがベトナム感を演出してて、とても良い感じ。 ランチメニューなのでしょう、4種類プラスアルファほどのメニューが載った中から今回私はカレーフォー、相方はチキンフォーを注文。 注文後、後ろに何冊もガイドブックがあり、ハノイのガイドブックを見ながら5分ほど待つ。 すぐにフォーが来ました。気遣いでしょう、パクチーはレモンと唐辛子と共に別皿で提供。 私は構わず全投入。 そして、まずスープ、うわー美味しい!、それからフォー、おー凄いたくさん沈んでる!それにもちもちツルツル! ココナッツミルクが香り、カレーは香るがそこまで辛くないカレーフォー。量も結構あり、お腹一杯になります。 美味しくて、ついスープを全部飲み干したのですが、最後に全投入していた唐辛子がガッ!っと来て、ようやく辛い! フォーに満足してお会計。ありがとうございました、と店主さんに送り出される時、店内のベトナム語の会話集で見たベトナム語の挨拶をしてみました。 カームオン!(ありがとう) 店主さんが、驚きながら笑顔でカームオンと返してくれました。 店主さん、いい人なんだなと感じた一瞬でした。 またお伺いしますね!
After errands near Warabi Station, it was past 13:00 when I saw the time. I found this by looking for a lunch shop at the next station, which I haven't visited much recently. A Vietnamese restaurant hasn't come for a while! I was worried because the King Yoshinoya was nearby, but is Pho healthier? I thought, I visited here for the first time. Perhaps due to the influence of the corona, the door is open and the inside of the store is visible and easy to enter. There is also a disinfectant solution inside the store, so you can enter the store with confidence. The interior is long in the back, so you can sit at the table on the most entrance side. The shop is very beautiful, a little like a cafe. Besides, the owner from Hanoi, Vietnam creates a feeling of Vietnam, which is very nice. Probably the lunch menu, I ordered curry pho and my partner chicken pho from the menu of 4 kinds plus alpha. After ordering, there are many guidebooks in the back, and wait for about 5 minutes while looking at the guidebook in Hanoi. Pho came soon. You may be concerned, coriander is served on a separate plate with lemon and pepper. I don't care about it. And first of all, the soup is delicious! And then Pho, oh, a lot of them are sinking! It's also chewy and slippery! Curry pho with coconut milk scent and curry scent but not so spicy. The amount is quite large and you will be full. It was delicious and I drank all the soup, but at the end I got all the peppers I put in! It's finally spicy! Satisfied with Pho and accounting. When I was sent to the shop owner saying thank you, I tried to say hello in Vietnamese that I saw in the Vietnamese phrasebook in the shop. Calm on! (Thank you) The owner surprised me with a smile and returned Calm-on. It was a moment when I felt that the owner was a good person. I will visit you again!
まっさん on Google

I ate beef pho. It's refreshing and delicious. Be careful with the garnished chili peppers as they have a strong pungent taste. → You can do without it. While I was waiting, I enjoyed watching the Vietnamese version of Doraemon.
本園大介 on Google

シンプルなフォーが味わえます。 追加の薬味はチリソース、ラー油、甘酸っぱい油と色々楽しめます。 春巻のタレは甘酸っぱいですが、輪切りの唐辛子は超辛いです。
You can enjoy a simple pho. You can enjoy various additional condiments such as chili sauce, chili oil, and sweet and sour oil. The spring roll sauce is sweet and sour, but the sliced ​​chili peppers are super spicy.
Danner K on Google

とても美味しいフォーが900円でした。牛肉のフォーは生のスライスが乗っていて、スープの熱で火が通るという食べ方です。ベトナムコーヒーも400円と少し高めですがえぐみや渋味が全くなく飲みやすいコーヒーで、淹れ方も興味深かったです。 ベトナムと言えば生春巻きが有名ですが、ここには小さなサイズの揚げ春巻きも有り美味しかったです。セットにも付いて来るみたいです。 店で揚げて作ってくれる厚揚げ(夜限定)がとても美味と聞いたので、次回は夜に食べに来たいです。
A very delicious pho was 900 yen. Beef pho has raw slices on it and is cooked by the heat of the soup. Vietnamese coffee is a little expensive at 400 yen, but it is easy to drink without any harshness or astringency, and the brewing method was also interesting. Speaking of Vietnam, raw spring rolls are famous, but there is also a small size fried spring roll here, which was delicious. It seems to come with the set. I heard that Atsuage (only at night), which is fried at the store, is very delicious, so I would like to come to eat at night next time.
Jeric Lazo on Google

I came for lunch because I wanted Vietnamese pho and Vietnamese style coffee, and I got more than I expected. I ordered the curry and pho set, which also came with rice and a fried spring roll. The taste was sweet and sour. Very delicious! I lastly ordered rice spring rolls as a side. I definitely recommend this place for everyone who wants to eat authentic Vietnamese food!

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