
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact BIWAKOモニュメント

住所 :

Imahamacho, Moriyama, 〒524-0101 Shiga,Japan

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街 : Shiga

Imahamacho, Moriyama, 〒524-0101 Shiga,Japan
鯵aji on Google

道路反対側の無料駐車場を利用できます。 トイレも有ります。 天気が良ければ比叡山をバックに記念撮影出来ます。
Free parking is available on the other side of the road. There is also a toilet. If the weather is nice, you can take a commemorative photo with Mt. Hiei in the background.
小松利一 on Google

Facebookの滋賀県グループで写真がアップされてたので今日行って来ました。 マリオットホテル横にある公園の駐車場に車を置いて徒歩ですぐです。 浜が近いので短パンで水遊びが出来ると思います。
I went there today because the photo was uploaded by the Shiga prefecture group on Facebook. The car is located in the park parking lot next to the Marriott Hotel and is a short walk away. Since the beach is near, I think you can play in the water with shorts.
プチん on Google

バイク進入禁止でした。記念日撮影出来ませんでした。自転車とバイクの違いが意味不です。 追記 他の人に聞いたらエンジンきって進入撮影後 速やかに撤収はありっぽい?‍♀️です。 インスタ見てたらバイクの皆さん写真撮影してます。エンジンきったバイクはただの荷物?(笑) 混雑してない時間なら なんでもありなんじゃないですかね? 早朝とか寒いけど…
Motorcycle entry was prohibited. I couldn't shoot the anniversary. The difference between a bicycle and a motorcycle is meaningless. Postscript If you ask other people, the engine will be turned off and the withdrawal will be promptly after shooting ?‍♀️. If you look at Instagram, everyone on the bike is taking pictures. Is a motorcycle with an engine just a baggage? (Laughs) I think it's all about when it's not crowded ? It's cold early in the morning ...
スナッチちゃんねる on Google

2021/7に千葉からバイク旅で来ました。 出来たばかり?とのことで来ました。 映えスポットです。 このようなモニュメントをどんどん観光地に作って欲しいです! 詳しくはYouTubeで『スナッチちゃんねる』と検索! 現地の様子を動画で上げてますので参考に。 良い旅を ----------------------------------------------- I came from Chiba on a motorcycle trip on 2021/7. Just done? I came with that. It is a brilliant spot. I want you to make more and more monuments like this in tourist spots. For more information, search YouTube for "Snatch Channel"! Please refer to the video of the local situation. have a nice trip
I came from Chiba on a motorcycle trip on 2021/7. Just done? I came with that. It is a brilliant spot. I want you to make more and more monuments like this in tourist spots! For more information, search YouTube for "Snatch Channel"! Please refer to the video of the local situation. have a nice trip ----------------------------------------------- I came from Chiba on a motorcycle trip on 2021/7. Just done? I came with that. It is a brilliant spot. I want you to make more and more monuments like this in tourist spots. For more information, search YouTube for "Snatch Channel"! Please refer to the video of the local situation. have a nice trip
J J on Google

滋賀県の噂のモニュメントの所へ。 滋賀県なのでそんなに混んでいないので、のんびり過ごせた。 ここは、砂浜もあり、簡易トイレ、手洗い場もあるので子供もおもいっきり遊べて満足してました?水は特別にキレイではないが臭かったりドロドロだったりということはないので水でも遊べる場所。 ここは、カップルも子供連れも、一人でボーッとしたい方も、疲れている方、何かアイデアをひらめきたい方、プロポーズを考えている方などなどオススメのスポットかと思います(^-^) ちなみに、帰りに、川西イチゴ園と朝日屋セトモノ店によって帰りました?
To the rumored monument in Shiga prefecture. It's Shiga prefecture, so it's not so crowded, so I was able to spend a leisurely time. There is a sandy beach, a simple toilet, and a hand-washing area, so children were happy to play with it ? The water is not particularly clean, but it is not smelly or muddy, so it is a place where you can play with water. I think this is a recommended spot for couples and children, those who want to be dumb alone, those who are tired, those who want to inspire some ideas, those who are thinking about proposals, etc. (^-^) By the way, on the way back, I went back by Kawanishi Strawberry Garden and Asahiya Setomono store ?
Paloma Hsu on Google

琵琶湖(びわこ BiwaKo)位於日本滋賀縣,為日本最大的湖泊;日本湖沼水質保全特別措置法指定湖泊,也列入濕地公約國際重要濕地名錄中。 琵琶湖佔有滋賀縣六分之一的面積,總面積670.33平方公里,湖岸長241公里,最深103.58米,平均水深41.2米 。 自琵琶湖流出的河流依上下游的不同依序稱為瀨田川、宇治川、淀川、最後流入大阪灣。此外為了供應京都市之自來水以及灌溉、發電等種種目的,因而開闢有琵琶湖疎水這條人工水道。 在湖頸段的最狹處建有琵琶湖大橋,以北的部分稱為北湖,以南的部分稱為南湖,北湖面積約為南湖的11倍,最深處位於北湖。 湖水的來源主要為周圍的山地,湖水供應京阪神地方的居民用水,也因為經濟的高度成長,導致水質污濁與富養化,因此設有琵琶湖條例保護湖水的潔淨。 自古以來為重要的水上交通要道,在鐵路開通以前為日本東部與北陸地方運輸要道。
Lake Biwa (びわこ BiwaKo) is located in Shiga Prefecture, Japan, and is the largest lake in Japan. It is designated as a lake under the Special Measures for Lake and Marsh Water Quality Conservation Act of Japan, and is also included in the List of Wetlands of International Importance under the Convention on Wetlands. Lake Biwa occupies one-sixth of the area of ​​Shiga Prefecture, with a total area of ​​670.33 square kilometers, the lake shore is 241 kilometers long, the deepest is 103.58 meters, and the average water depth is 41.2 meters. The rivers flowing out of Lake Biwa are called Seta River, Uji River, Yodo River in order of upstream and downstream, and finally flow into Osaka Bay. In addition, the artificial waterway of Lake Biwa Kaisui was opened for various purposes such as supplying water for Kyoto City, irrigation, and power generation. The Biwa Lake Bridge is built at the narrowest part of the neck of the lake. The northern part is called Beihu, and the southern part is called Nanhu. The area of ​​Beihu is about 11 times that of Nanhu, and the deepest part is located in Beihu. The source of the lake water is mainly the surrounding mountains. The lake water supplies the residents of the Keihanshin area with water. The high economic growth has also led to pollution and eutrophication of the water. Therefore, the Lake Biwa Ordinance was established to protect the cleanness of the lake water. It has been an important water transportation route since ancient times, and it was an important transportation route between eastern Japan and the Hokuriku region before the opening of the railway.
湊Figueiredo on Google

Owasiul Islam on Google

Good point to take pictures

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