Bitchutakamatsujoseki Mizuzemeshiseki Park - 市北 Okayama

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Bitchutakamatsujoseki Mizuzemeshiseki Park

住所 :

Tazuta, 市北 Okayama, 701-1333, Japan

Postal code : 701-1333

Tazuta, 市北 Okayama, 701-1333, Japan
たぬきのぬぬた on Google

A good park where you can feel the history, but the parking lot is hard to understand.
形部秀樹 on Google

I was impressed that Hideyoshi 's water bomb was able to be confirmed while looking at the topography locally.
杉山弘道 on Google

Do these young people know the history of water attacks? Such young men were enjoying soccer. (2020_01_12)
大越雄彌 on Google

天正10年(1582年)に織田信長の命を受けた羽柴秀吉が“中国攻め”において、毛利方の清水宗治の居城である備中(岡山県)の高松城を攻撃した戦い。 秀吉が高松城を水攻めによって包囲したことから、高松城の水攻めとも呼ばれる。 水攻めの最中に主君・信長が明智光秀に討たれる本能寺の変が勃発する。 その報を聞いた秀吉は毛利方と和睦、宗治の切腹を見届けてから、光秀を討つ為に京都へ引き返した。
In 1582, Hideyoshi Hashiba, who was ordered by Nobunaga Oda in 1582, attacked Takamatsu Castle in Bitchu (Okayama Prefecture), which is the residence of Muneharu Shimizu of Mohrikata in "Offensive to China". It is also called Takamatsu Castle's water attack, as Hideyoshi surrounded Takamatsu Castle with a water attack. In the middle of a water attack, the strangeness of Honnoji Temple, where the lord, Nobunaga is attacked by Akechi Mitsuhide, breaks out. After hearing the news, Hideyoshi saw Morikata, Wazumu, and Soji's harassment, and then returned to Kyoto to hunt down Mitsuhide.
橋本進 on Google

Visited on April 10, 2021. It is a large open space with nothing. Wooden chairs are rotten.
Aurelie Y. on Google

特に何かが残ってるわけではないが、とてもいい史跡でした。 自刃した清水宗治の首塚を見ることもできました。 最後小さな案内所で映像を見ることもできて、どういうふうに水攻めしたかも理解できました。
There is nothing left, but it was a very good historic site. I was also able to see Muneharu Shimizu's self-made head mound. At the end, I was able to see the video at a small information center, and I could understand how the water attack was done.
nakabaya 4 on Google

2019年3月訪問。国道にある歩道橋の下を北側に折れてちょっと進むと駐車場があります。 難攻不落の平城たるべき条件を備えた備中高松城に対して、ここを端緒として堤を築けば水攻めができるという発想をした黒田官兵衛が凄い。この堤跡が明瞭に残っていて、すぐ脇に官兵衛さんも陣取っていたということを感じ取れるのが嬉しいですね。
I visited in March 2019. Follow the footbridge in the national highway to the north and proceed a little and there is a parking lot. Kuroda government officials who thought that Bizen Takamatsu Castle, which has impregnable Heijo had a condition to be able to build a tsunami by placing here as a beginning, is amazing. It is nice that you can feel that this trail mark remained clearly and immediately the army guards came along.
岩間宏充 on Google

今は公園として整備されていますが、当時の堤防跡があります。 今は堀となっていますがかなり距離があるのも確認できます。
It is now maintained as a park, but there are remains of the embankment at that time. It is now a moat, but you can see that it is quite far away.

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