
3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 清水宗治公自刃の地

住所 :

Takamatsu, Kita Ward, 〒701-1335 Okayama,Japan

Webサイト : http://www.city.okayama.jp/museum/joukan/10.html
街 : Okayama

Takamatsu, Kita Ward, 〒701-1335 Okayama,Japan
Y F on Google

Both the stone monument and the temple next door are new.
杉山弘道 on Google

There are descendants. I have a great ancestor who has saved many vassals and I think it's really wonderful. (2020_01_12)
河上浩治 on Google

If you come to see Takamatsu Castle, why do not you just look at it? Level of
izumi izumi on Google

It seems that the surrounding area has been improved with the new construction of the neighboring Myogenji Temple. Visited June 2018.
森昭二 on Google

真新しい供養塔が建てられています。この清水宗治という武将は天下人でもなければ勝利者でもありません。しかし四百年の後までも人々に讃えられているというのはすごいですね。自らの命と引き換えに五千の城兵の命を救った立派さ、潔さが今でも多くの人々の心を打つのでしょう。 それにしても、もしこの時、宗治が降伏を受け入れるのをもっと伸ばしていたら、この後の展開は大きく変わっていたかもしれませんね。そう考えると、秀吉に中国大返しを可能ならしめ、山崎の合戦での勝利をもたらした影の功労者はこの宗治かもしれませんね。 今回の大河ドラマ「麒麟がくる」も間もなく高松城の水攻めの話になると思います。今回の主人公は明智光秀なので前の「軍師官兵衛」の時のように詳しくは描かれないと思いますが、本能寺の変から山崎の合戦、そして光秀の最期が今回の物語の最大のクライマックスなのでその中で高松城の水攻めがどのように描かれるか今から楽しみにしています。 最後に自らの命と引き換えに多くの城兵の命を救った英雄の御霊に合掌。
A brand new memorial tower is being built. This military commander, Shimizu Muneharu, is neither a world man nor a victor. However, it is amazing that people are praising it even after 400 years. The splendor and purity that saved the lives of 5,000 castle soldiers in exchange for their own lives will still strike the hearts of many people. Even so, if Soji had been more willing to accept surrender at this time, the development after that might have changed significantly. With that in mind, this Soji may be the shadow meritor who made Hideyoshi able to make a big return to China and brought victory in the Battle of Yamazaki. I think that this taiga drama "Kirin ga Kuru" will soon be the story of Takamatsu Castle's water attack. Since the main character of this time is Akechi Mitsuhide, I don't think it will be drawn in detail like in the previous "Gunshi Kanbei", but since the Honnoji Incident, the Battle of Yamazaki, and the end of Mitsuhide are the biggest climax of this story, that I am looking forward to seeing how the water attack of Takamatsu Castle will be drawn inside. Finally, in exchange for his own life, he joins the spirit of the hero who saved the lives of many castle soldiers.
ずいかく on Google

備中高松城主であった清水宗治が、羽柴秀吉に水攻めされ、降伏して舟上で自刃した場所で、五輪塔がたてられています。 高松城駐車場の西側にあり、訪城の際は足を伸ばしてみましょう。
Muneharu Shimizu, who was the owner of Takamatsu Castle in Bichu, was attacked by Hidekichi Hashiba, surrendered and slashed himself on the boat. Located on the west side of the Takamatsu Castle parking lot, let's stretch out when visiting the castle.

2017年11月に訪問。 清水宗治公は最期に豊臣秀吉公から贈られた酒と肴で宴を行い、舞をおどった後、この地の船上で自刃したと言われています。 その最期は見事であったと、後の天下人・豊臣秀吉公が絶賛したそうです。 場所は備中高松城跡から徒歩2分ぐらいで、お寺の横にあります。 「浮き世をば 今こそ渡れ 武士(もののふ)の 名を高松の 苔に残して」 辞世の句のとおり、その名声は現代の人々の心にも刻まれています☆
Visited in November 2017. It is said that Muneharu Shimizu held a banquet with the sake and side dish presented by Hideyoshi Toyotomi at the end, and after dancing the dance, he self-bladed on the boat here. It was said that the final man, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, praised it at the end. The place is about a 2-minute walk from the ruins of Bitchu Takamatsu Castle, and it is next to the temple. "Let's cross the tide, leave the name of the samurai (Mononofu) on the moss of Takamatsu." As the era of resignation, fame is engraved in the hearts of modern people ☆
がんば on Google

2021/3/21来訪。 宗治公の自刃は後の切腹の作法となったとのこと。詳しくは高松城址にある資料館のビデオで。
Visited 2021/3/21. It is said that Soji's suicide became the method of seppuku later. For details, see the video of the museum at Takamatsu Castle Ruins.

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