Bistro Pateya - Suginami City

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Bistro Pateya

住所 :

ライオンズプラザ高円寺 1D 3 Chome-21-19 Koenjikita, Suginami City, Tokyo 166-0002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 166-0002
Webサイト :

ライオンズプラザ高円寺 1D 3 Chome-21-19 Koenjikita, Suginami City, Tokyo 166-0002, Japan
ぶらりおたべ on Google

Meat plate with three kinds of meat for lunch is the best. There are actually four types of buffalo chicken. The meat is a little hard, but you can enjoy the taste and difference of red meat.
トミー on Google

この日は、肉あいもりステーキプレートを注文。 牛&豚が250gですが、バッファローチキンウィングも入っています!ご飯はセルフでおかわりもできます。+100円で牛すじカレーがけもできます(量はかなり少ないです)。 ランチは、平日は12時~15時、土日祝は12時~16時でやっています。 メニューは、肉盛りステーキプレート850円、肉あいもりステーキプレート950円、肉屋の牛すじカレーが500円(大盛り無料)です。 他にドリンクやデザートもあり、アルコールも飲めます。ハッピーアワー(平日12時~18時45分、土日祝12時~16時)はドリンクが290円とかなり安くてお得。コスパもそこまで高くない印象です。 席は、カウンター席、テーブル席がありましたが少し狭めです。 味は美味しかったですが、衛生面が少し気になりました、、カウンターだったから見えたのかもしれません。 生肉を素手でつかむ、その手のまま別の作業をする、包丁は肉と野菜兼用みたいですが、拭くだけ?そして作業台の上にスマホをおいていじる。せめて、グローブかトングを使ってー!と思いました。味は悪くないのに、少しもったいないなと思いました。
On this day, I ordered a meat Aimori steak plate. 250g of beef and pork, but also includes buffalo chicken wings! You can also refill the rice yourself. You can also curry beef tendon for +100 yen (the amount is quite small). Lunch is served from 12:00 to 15:00 on weekdays and from 12:00 to 16:00 on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. The menu is a meat-filled steak plate for 850 yen, a meat-filled steak plate for 950 yen, and a butcher's beef tendon curry for 500 yen (large serving is free). There are also drinks and desserts, and you can drink alcohol. During happy hour (weekdays from 12:00 to 18:45, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays from 12:00 to 16:00), drinks are quite cheap at 290 yen. The cost performance is not so high. There were counter seats and table seats, but the seats are a little narrow. The taste was delicious, but I was a little worried about hygiene, maybe because it was a counter. Grab the raw meat with your bare hands, do other work with your hands, the kitchen knife seems to be used for both meat and vegetables, but just wipe it? Then put the smartphone on the workbench and play with it. At least use gloves or tongs! I thought. The taste wasn't bad, but I thought it was a little wasteful.
Rem Deikun Casval on Google

久しぶりに地元に帰ったので高円寺でランチを探していたら昼時は相変わらず長蛇の列で、、、暑いのに並ぶ気にはならずパテ屋さんが空いていたので入ってみました。なんだか店員さんの態度が悪いとか口コミはよろしくないようですが店員さんより味が大切です。 お肉もお値段以上に美味しく唐揚げは最高でした。スジ肉カレーは我が家で作るようなサラサラとしたスパイス効いている味付けで満点です!あのサラサラは煮込んだ後に冷蔵庫で一晩冷やして脂を取り除かないと出来ない味なので手間暇かかって作られているんだなぁ〜って感動しちゃいました。ステーキソースも美味しかったです。あの味付けはどうしたら出来るのか今度行ったら研究しなきゃいけないと思う程でした。 ご飯のお代わりは自由でコスパ最高に良いお店です。店員さんの何処が悪いのかサッパリ分かりませんでした。高円寺の中では2〜3番手でも良いと思います。脂タップリの牛肉がお好みの方はやめられた方が良いですね。穀物牛なので赤身のお肉で硬めですから。
I went back to my hometown after a long time, so if I was looking for lunch at Koenji, I was still in a long line at lunchtime. It seems that the clerk's attitude is somewhat bad and the word of mouth is not good, but the taste is more important than the clerk. The meat was delicious and the fried chicken was the best. The streak curry is full of spicy seasonings that are as smooth as home made! I'm impressed that it's made with a lot of time and effort because it's a taste that you can't do unless you boil it and chill it overnight in the refrigerator to remove the fat. The steak sauce was also delicious. I thought I would have to do research next time to see how that seasoning could be done. The place to have rice is free and it is the best shop in Cospa. I didn't understand what was wrong with the clerk. In Koenji, I think it's fine to be in the 2nd or 3rd place. If you like beef with a lot of fat, you should stop it. Because it is a grain cow, it is hard with red meat.
ココロ on Google

3年以上ランチ利用。 牛豚合い盛り250g1000円。 赤肉の熟成肉で、脂身ほぼ無しが好み。 豚肉は程よく脂乗っていて想像した以上美味しい。 香るエール280円で楽しめるのも最高。 ただ、店員さんの方が若干無愛想で、肉質もなん年前よりちょっと落ちてしまったのでまあ仕方がない。 ハッピーアワーの飲み物はとてもお手頃で高円寺の隠れた昼飲みせんべろ名店かもしれない。
Use for lunch for 3 years or more. Assorted beef and pork 250g 1000 yen. Aged red meat, I like almost no fat. The pork is moderately greasy and tastier than I imagined. It's great to enjoy the fragrant ale for 280 yen. However, the clerk is a little unfriendly, and the meat quality has deteriorated a little compared to many years ago, so it can't be helped. Happy hour drinks are very affordable and may be a hidden lunch senbero restaurant in Koenji.
高田実佳 on Google

ランチで利用。 道から少し奥まったところに店舗がありました。 値段に対し、お肉の質や量もよく、コスパが良いと思います。 女性には少し量が多いかもしれません。 ご飯は自分で盛り付けるスタイル。 店内は狭いので少人数で行くことをおすすめします。
Used for lunch. There was a store a little behind the road. The price and quality of the meat is good and the cost is good. Women may have a little more. Rice is a style to serve yourself. We recommend that you go with a small number of people because the store is small.
鈴木一行 on Google

どれもが 格安でとても美味しかったです 今日は2軒目だったので それほど料理を頼めなかったのですが 次回はここでしっかり食べたいと思います
All It was cheap and very delicious It was the second house today I couldn't ask for food so much Next time I would like to eat well here
あすなす on Google

At lunch, I ordered beef tendon curry on a meat-filled steak plate. The beef is also reasonably tender, and the fried chicken is a little greasy and delicious. All-you-can-eat rice is good for 1,000 yen. It's just the worst that people like regulars smoke in the store in a small store. Aside from the taste, shouldn't it be better to quit smoking as a restaurant around lunch time? So I gave it a star rating.
Maurice on Google

Excellent meat and great music if you are also into soft electronic music. Happy hour is also only 280 yen per drink and the beef was amazing. Would recommend again. I see other reviews here where people complain about minutiaeand things that don't affect the quality of the food. You have to wait for a while, and no, kids not the best meal you will ever have in your life, but for the price it is excellent.

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