Bistro Bambina Shinjukuhigashiguchiekimaeten - Shinjuku City

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Bistro Bambina Shinjukuhigashiguchiekimaeten

住所 :

Pandora Building, 5F 3 Chome-23-12 Shinjuku, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0022, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 160-0022
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 4:30–11:30PM
Sunday 4:30–11:30PM
Monday 4:30–11:30PM
Tuesday 4:30–11:30PM
Wednesday 4:30–11:30PM
Thursday 4:30–11:30PM
Friday 4:30–11:30PM

Pandora Building, 5F 3 Chome-23-12 Shinjuku, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0022, Japan
早川もも on Google

記念日での利用です。ガッツリ系ではないのでお洒落に♪ 記念日で利用しました。ローストビーフに、明太子もつ鍋などパランスの悪い注文をして大丈夫かな?と思いましたが美味しく食べれて 喜んでもらえました! お酒はカシスグレープフルーツ とミントのレモンサワー! 生ハムの切り落としが¥500でしたので追加。安かったので 少量でしたが、濃厚な味と塩加減がよくて美味しかったです♪ 新宿には買い物目的だったので特に予約しないで着たので 予約での割安コースが頼めなかったのが悔しい。 ¥2000~3000のセットコースを見ると、かなりコスパも良さそう なので次回、食べに来るなら予約しておきたいですかね♪ 席が半個室といった雰囲気に造られていてたのと、窓際の席だったので 街の様子を眺めながらの食事が出来てよかった! 飲みながら食べられるチョイ料理は¥400~¥900が多く、牛タンハラペーニョやナチョス、アンチョビもやし、などワンコイン程度のメニューはいいかも♪ ガッツリ食べる店というよりは、お洒落に食べる感じのお店ですね♪ 西武新宿駅もJRからも近い場所なので、都合は良い場所です。 今回は食べれなかったチーズフォンデュを次回はチャレンジしたい(笑)
Use on anniversary. Because it is not a gutsy system, it is stylish ♪ I used it on the anniversary. Is it okay to make an order with bad balance, such as roast beef and a roe beef? I thought it was delicious I was pleased! Sake is cassis grapefruit and mint lemon sour! Added because the cut of prosciutto was $ 500. Because it was cheap Although it was a small amount, it was delicious with rich taste and saltiness ♪ Since I was shopping for Shinjuku, I wore it without making a reservation I am sorry that I couldn't ask for a cheap course by reservation. If you look at the set course from 2000 to 3000, the cost performance seems to be quite good So if you come to eat next time, do you want to make a reservation ♪ The seats were made in a semi-private atmosphere, and the seats by the window It was nice to have a meal while watching the city! Chocolate dishes that can be eaten while drinking are often $ 400 to $ 900, and a menu of about one coin such as beef tan jalapeno, nachos, anchovies, etc. may be good ♪ It is a shop that feels more fashionable than a gutsy restaurant ♪ Seibu Shinjuku Station is also close to JR, so it is a convenient place. I want to try cheese fondue that I could not eat this time next time (laugh)
ハードバンク on Google

駅から迷わないで来られる場所の良さとオシャレなタパスメニューが多く飲み会に最適と感じました。 人数が当日まで未定だったし、今回はコース予約せず席予約のみ。ほんとならコースの方が割安だし品数も多いんでこっちのがいいんですけどね〜。 代わりといっちゃなんだけど席のみ予約特典で15%offになるのはかなり良い。 1000円くらいで食べれる自家製ローストビーフ&生ハム食べ放題はコスパがよく味もちょうどいい。これにチーズフォンデュソースを追加するとまた違った味わいで飽きない。 肉料理が比較的多い。その中で唯一ある三種鮮魚のカルパッチョがとろける旨さで美味しかった。さっぱりとしてワインとも相性がいい。 全体的にお酒がすすむような少し濃いめの料理が目立っていましたね。 カクテルは見た目から楽しめる風貌の物が多くインスタ映えには向いてる。女子ウケはとてもよかった。
There were many good tapas menus and a good place to come without getting lost from the station. The number of people was undecided until the day, and this time only the seat reservation without the course reservation. The course is really cheaper and there are many items, so this one is better. It's a good alternative, but it's pretty good to get 15% off with the reservation only for seats. All-you-can-eat homemade roast beef and prosciutto ham that can be eaten for about 1000 yen has good cospa and tastes just right. If you add cheese fondue sauce to this, you will not get tired of the taste again. There are relatively many meat dishes. Among them, the only three fresh fish carpaccio was delicious because it melted. It goes well with wine. The dishes that were a little darker were more prominent as a whole. Cocktails have many appearances that can be enjoyed from their appearance and are suitable for Instagramming. Women's uke was very good.
罪とマル on Google

新宿でぷらついていて、夜もこのあたりで済ますことに。 歌舞伎町の入り口近辺のビルにあるビストロバンビーナ 新宿東口駅前店さん。 ローストビーフ、生ハム食べ放題で飲みましたぁ♪ 生ハムサラダもなかなか美味しかったです(⌒▽⌒)
I'm hungry in Shinjuku, so I'll be able to spend the night around here. Bistro Bambina Shinjuku East Exit Ekimae store in a building near the entrance to Kabukicho. I drank all-you-can-eat roast beef and prosciutto ♪ The raw ham salad was also delicious (⌒ ▽ ⌒)
Rie “susana” on Google

新宿で女子会の場所に迷ったらこちら☺︎ 新しくて、綺麗です。 またフォロジェニックな美味しいお食事が出てくるのでインスタ映えもします。 また、窓際の席だと、よくテレビでみるTHE日本の風景が見えます。歌舞伎町といえばこの風景‼︎がお食事をいただきながら見れるので観光に来ている方にもオススメ。ローストビーフがとても美味しいのでローストビーフも必ず食べて欲しい一品です。
Click here if you get lost in Shinjuku's girls' association ☺︎ It is new and beautiful. In addition, I will be doing Instagram as a delicious fologenic meal comes out. Also, when you sit near a window, you can see the scenery of THE Japan that you often see on TV. Speaking of Kabukicho, this landscape! It is also recommended for tourists who can see while eating. Roast beef is so delicious that you should definitely try it.
おふね on Google

確かに食べ放題自体の値段は安価。でも、必ずお通しとワンドリンク、ワンフードが付いてきて結局値段は跳ね上がる。一番わからないのは、「食べ放題なのに別にワンフード頼まなければならない」点だった。 さらに言うと、「食べ放題と飲み放題を同時に頼んだ場合、2フードと2ドリンクを頼まなければならないのか」という質問に対する反応が、「別の者に聞いてみますね」と言って結局3人巻き込んでしまっていたのが疑問だった。以前に食べ放題+飲み放題で注文した客はいなかったのだろうか。想定問答としてこれが考えられていないのは意外だった。 料理の味はまあまあのチェーン店くらいでした。
Certainly the price of all-you-can-eat itself is cheap. However, it always comes with a drink, one drink, and one food, and the price jumps after all. What I didn't understand the most was that "I have to order one food separately even though I have all-you-can-eat". Furthermore, the response to the question "If I ordered all-you-can-eat and all-you-can-drink at the same time, do I have to order 2 foods and 2 drinks?" It was doubtful that people were involved. Was there any customer who ordered all-you-can-eat + all-you-can-drink before? It was surprising that this was not considered as a hypothetical question and answer. The taste of the food was about the same as that of a chain store.
昇龍県 on Google

忘年会シーズンになりかけてるので早めに利用してしまおうとグダグダ3人組で小宴会しました。 飲み放題付きのコ-スが一番コスパ良いのは分かっていたので、迷うことまなく予約しておいたのが肉の宴コースって言うマンマのコースwwでして、コレがまたチョイ割で一人3300円の3H飲み放題に料理は抜粋してきた内容でコレになります↓ 【1】お肉屋さんの自家製ローストビーフ 【2】生ハムのごちそうグリーンサラダ 【3】フレンチポテトフライ 【4】チキングリル~バルサミコ風味~ 【5】粗挽き肉とクリームチーズのトマトパスタ 【6】本日のデザート 好き嫌いの少なめな内容にまとめられていて良かったのと、主役系のローストビーフとパスタがちゃんと美味しかったのが何よりです!
The year-end party season is approaching, so we had a small banquet with a group of three Gudaguda to use it early. I knew that the course with all-you-can-drink was the best cospa, so I made a reservation without hesitation at the Mamma course ww called the meat feast course, and this is another choi-wari. The food is excerpted for 3H all-you-can-drink for 3300 yen per person. [1] Butcher's homemade roast beef [2] Prosciutto ham feast green salad [3] French fries [4] Chicken Grill-Balsamic Flavor- [5] Tomato pasta with minced meat and cream cheese [6] Today's dessert It was good that the contents were summarized in a few likes and dislikes, and the roast beef and pasta of the leading role were delicious!
world so on Google

インスタ映えを意識したメニューだったり、半個室の不に気だったりと基本女子狙いのお店なのは間違いないのでガテン系に食べるつもりwwだったりすると物足りなく感じてしまいます。 ローストビーフと合わせて食べる生削りチーズはコクも旨味も深くなって新らしい美味しさの発見でした♡ 生ハム+αローストビーフ+α生削りチーズ食べ放題を利用しつつでしたが、出来ればローストビーフか生ハムのどちらかを選択できる食べ放題サービスが」あったほうがよかったです。てぇ言うのも生ハムほとんど食べなかったんで・・・。その分価格転嫁して手頃価格になった方が嬉しいm(__)m。そのままでも1450円ですから高い価格ではないいいんでしょうが、食べない分なんとなくです 笑
There is no doubt that the menu is aimed at basic girls, such as the menu that is conscious of Instagram and the unpleasantness of the semi-private room, so if you intend to eat it in a gatten style, you will feel unsatisfactory. The raw cheese that is eaten with roast beef has a deeper richness and umami, and it was a discovery of a new taste ♡ I was using prosciutto + α roast beef + α all-you-can-eat cheese, but if possible, I should have had an all-you-can-eat service where you can choose between roast beef and prosciutto. I didn't eat much prosciutto ... It would be nice to pass on the price to make it more affordable m (__) m. It's 1450 yen as it is, so it's not a high price, but it's somehow because I don't eat it.
真由美 on Google

Recommended for those who want to eat a lot of meat. However, I feel that there are few vegetables. Without grilled vegetable cheese, it would be good for chopsticks rest. I was happy if I had a vegetable stick.

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