
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Bakuの夢

住所 :

Minamiikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒171-0022 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89777
街 : Tokyo

Minamiikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒171-0022 Tokyo,Japan
sukero shin (しん) on Google

A lively and peaceful space next to Minami Ikebukuro Park. It is an atmosphere where you can relax and chat in a beautiful shop. The clerk is also helpful. The dishes are delicious with Japanese-style seasoning, so please take a break!
J A on Google

池袋では珍しく、静かにお食事ができて、まぁまぁリーズナブルなお店。 ビジネス会食でも使用できる落ち着いた雰囲気があるし、友人と一緒にカジュアルに食事をするのにも適しています。 近くには南池袋公園があるので、食後は散歩したりすることもできます。
Unusual in Ikebukuro, it is a reasonably priced restaurant where you can eat quietly. It has a relaxed atmosphere that can be used for business dinners, and is suitable for casual dining with friends. There is Minami-Ikebukuro Park nearby so you can take a walk after your meal.
Masahide Sakurai on Google

店内全面禁煙ナイスです。 マグロカマ大きくてサイコー美味かった。
It is nice to have no smoking inside the store. The tuna fish was big and delicious.
suwa yurika (ゆっちゃむ) on Google

夜に行きました。 賑やかな池袋の中にこんな落ち着いたところがあったのだと驚きました。前に公園があるので窓側の席に座るとおしゃれな気分になります。 中は全席禁煙席なのでタバコの匂いを気にせずに食事ができます。 お通しの紹介、刺身を頼んだときになんの魚なのか細かくいってくださったのでよかったです。 接客も優しく丁寧でした。 食事ですが、和食なので味付けは濃くなく優しい味で体に染み渡るようでした。 雑炊に関しては毎日でも食べたいと思うくらいでした。 季節もののメニューを食べにまたこようとおもいました。
I went at night. I was surprised that there was such a calm place in lively Ikebukuro. There is a park in front, so sitting on the window seat makes you feel stylish. Inside, all seats are non-smoking, so you can eat without worrying about the smell of cigarettes. I was glad that they introduced me the details of the fish when I asked for the sashimi. The service was also gentle and polite. It was a meal, but because it was Japanese food, it seemed to permeate the body with a gentle and gentle flavor. As for porridge, I wanted to eat it every day. I decided to come back to eat a seasonal menu.
4amrkwxverki on Google

土曜の夜に利用しました。お店はお洒落で静かで落ち着いた雰囲気です。その割にお値段が極端に高いとかそういうこともなく、お店の人もすぐ来てくれるしとても良かったです。 お料理は全て和食で、和食を楽しみたい方におすすめです。炊き込みご飯が蟹、鰻、鶏と3種類あって蟹と鶏をいただきましたがとても美味しかったです。また利用させていただきたいです。
Used on Saturday night. The shop is stylish, quiet and calm. There was no such thing as the price was extremely high, and the people of the store came soon and it was very good. All dishes are Japanese and are recommended for those who want to enjoy Japanese food. There were three types of cooked rice, crab, eel and chicken, and we had crab and chicken, but it was very delicious. I would like to use it again.
naoki kayama on Google

駅からちょっと離れているけどランチの時間でもそんな混んでいないので打ち合わせなどもできるお店。 いろんな種類の釜めしがあります。ひとつひとつ釜で炊き上げるので頼んでからくるまで10分程度待ちます。急ぎの場合には向いていないです。テラス席もあるので春や秋はテラスも良いです。目の前に公園があるのでゆったりとした気持ちでカフェやランチができると思います。 コーヒーやドリンクは+100円で頼むことができます。店内のスペースを広く使っているので隣の話し声なども気にならないです。
It's a little far from the station, but it's not so crowded even at lunch time, so you can have a meeting. There are various types of Kamameshi. Each one is cooked in a kettle, so wait about 10 minutes until you come. Not suitable for hurry. There are also terrace seats, so the terrace is good in spring and autumn. There is a park in front of you, so you can relax and enjoy a cafe or lunch. You can order coffee and drinks for +100 yen. I don't care about the voice next to me because I use a lot of space in the store.
平原健司 on Google

A kaiseki restaurant. There is also a lunch menu, and the price ranges from 1000 yen to 2000 yen. The store is bright and relatively open around noon. It is casual and not formal and easy to enter. There are also open seats, and in front of you is Minami Ikebukuro Park. Although the seasoning is thin, there is a taste. The amount is a little small but just right for the stomach. There are many female customers and women are easy to enter.
大本佳典 on Google

池袋の居酒屋さん。二次会で行ったので場所がいまいちわかってない(笑) 窓際の席に案内されました、壁は全面ガラスで隣の公園が丸見え。開放感があってこの席いいな。 地酒と魚(たぶんマグロ)のカマをいただきました。 締めに釜飯、まぜまぜしていただきます。 一次会で来てみたいな。 #池袋 #居酒屋 #地酒
Ikebukuro's Izakaya. I went to a second party so I do not understand the place very well (lol) I was guided by the seat by the window, the wall was full glass and the park next door was visible. There is a sense of openness and this seat is good. I got local beer and bear of fish (probably tuna). I will mix and cook rice with a screw. I would like to come to the first party. # Ikebukuro # Izakaya # Sake

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