Awake セミパーソナルジム - Kakogawa

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Awake セミパーソナルジム

住所 :

Noguchicho, Kakogawa, 〒675-0012 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799789
Postal code : 675-0012
Webサイト :
街 : Hyogo

Noguchicho, Kakogawa, 〒675-0012 Hyogo,Japan
龍見優 on Google

少人数で気兼ねなくトレーニングできます。メニューのハードルが上がる度にメニューをこなせるよう自宅でも工夫する日課が楽しくもあり辛いですができるようになるとかなり嬉しいですね。 始めて半年ですが身体に変化が出てきてモチベーションも上がります!
You can train with a small number of people without hesitation. It's fun and painful to devise a daily routine at home so that I can handle the menu every time the hurdles of the menu rise, but I'm very happy to be able to do it. It's been half a year since I started, but my body has changed and my motivation has increased!
on Google

It's been two months since I started going to school 2.3 a week, but my body is definitely starting to change and I'm feeling the effect! The trainer in charge is a woman who is very easy to talk to and answers small things kindly, so I feel much more motivated than training alone with the feeling that I am working hard together ✨ I want to do my best as it is ?
土持恵美子 on Google

初めてトレーニングに通い出しました。難しい動きはせず、通う度に前回よりも体が動きやすくなるのを実感します。毎日の食事も指導して頂きます。料理の苦手な私でお弁当やお惣菜も多いですが、毎回褒めて頂きながら、アドバイスもしてくれるので安心です。万年腰痛だったのが治り、体重も減ってきておりこれからが楽しみです。 整骨院併設でケガをした時に治療したあとにトレーニングすると、可動域が広がり今までと全然ちがい運動神経が良くなったと勘違いする程でした。
I went to training for the first time. I don't make difficult movements, and every time I go, I feel that my body is easier to move than last time. You will also be instructed in daily meals. I'm not good at cooking, so I have a lot of lunch boxes and side dishes, but I'm relieved that they will give me advice while complimenting me every time. I'm looking forward to the future as my back pain has healed and I'm losing weight. When I trained after being treated when I was injured at the osteopathic clinic, I misunderstood that my range of motion expanded and my motor nerves improved.
ちー on Google

運動は1人で続けれないので、通いはじめました。 下半身が気になるので下半身を中心に筋トレメニューを組んでもらってます!筋トレだけではなく、正しい歩き方も教えて頂きました。まだ歩き方は意識しないと戻ってしまうのですが、これからも正しく歩けるように頑張ります! 公式LINEでの食事の管理。 そして食べる事が好きな為、オススメの食べ物を教えて頂きました! 運動・食事のサポートありがとうございます! 結果が出るように頑張りたいと思います!
I couldn't continue exercising alone, so I started going. I'm worried about the lower body, so I have a muscle training menu built around the lower body! He taught me not only muscle training but also the correct way to walk. If I don't pay attention to how to walk, I will return, but I will continue to do my best to walk correctly! Meal management on official LINE. And since I like to eat, I was told about recommended foods! Thank you for your exercise and diet support! I will do my best to get results!
T H & on Google

通い始めて3週間! 現在 ー4㎏‼️ 週2回のセッション! 1人1人に合ったメニューを、その日のコンディションに合わせて組んで頂けます✨ 食事の相談もできるので、安心できます? 厳しさの中に優しい励ましがあり、一緒に喜んでくださる環境が、頑張ろっ!と思え、楽しく通えています(๑╹ω╹๑ ) 目標達成目指して頑張る?
It's been 3 weeks since I started going! Currently -4 kg‼ ️ Twice a week session! You can create a menu that suits each person according to the conditions of the day ✨ You can also consult about meals, so you can rest assured ? Do your best in an environment where there is gentle encouragement in the harshness and you will be pleased with us! I think it's fun to go (๑╹ω╹๑) I will do my best to achieve my goal ?
いな on Google

入会して2ヶ月が経ちますが、定期的に減量に成功しています!! 1人でジム通いが続かなかった自分でも、トレーナーの方々が親身になって それぞれの人に合ったトレーニングメニューを考えてくださります^_^ 身体の可動域も広がり、体型にも変化を感じてきています! 今後も目標体重まで落とせるまで通いたいです!!
It's been two months since I joined, and I've been successful in losing weight on a regular basis! !! Even if I couldn't go to the gym by myself, the trainers became kind to me. Please come up with a training menu that suits each person ^ _ ^ The range of motion of the body has expanded, and I'm feeling a change in my body shape! I want to continue going until I can lose my target weight! !!
on Google

産後ダイエットのため、通いました。 トレーナーさんは優しく、無理な勧誘もなく、個人個人に合わせてメニューやトレーニングの続け方を考えてくださったので、楽しく続けることができました。体脂肪、筋肉量など、自分の体のことを詳しく教えてもらったので、体重や見た目の変化だけでなく、中身の変化も感じられたのでよかったです。 また、小さい子どもを連れていっても、受付の方が子どもをみてくださるので、安心してトレーニングすることができました。気持ち的にも少し子供と離れて、自分の身体に集中できたので、いいリフレッシュになりました? 毎回、入口まで「○○さん、こんにちは〜!」と出迎えてくれ、子どもを預けると「頑張ってきてくださ〜い!」、帰るときも必ず外に出るところまで見送ってくださって、本当に温かい方たちばかりでした。 感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。お世話になりました。ありがとうございました!
I went there because of a postpartum diet. The trainer was kind, without any unreasonable solicitation, and thought about how to continue the menu and training according to each individual, so I was able to continue happily. I was glad that I was told about my body in detail, such as body fat and muscle mass, so I could feel not only changes in weight and appearance, but also changes in the contents. Also, even if I brought a small child, the receptionist would look at the child, so I was able to train with peace of mind. It was a good refreshment because I was able to concentrate on my body, feeling a little away from my child ? Every time, they welcomed me to the entrance saying "Hello, Mr. XX!", And when I left my child, "Please do my best!" It was just. I am filled with gratitude. thank you for helping me. thank you!
夏野菜 on Google

違うアカウントで評価してしまったので再掲です。 運動が嫌いで今までジムも続かず、全く運動歴がなかったため不安でしたが、パーソナルだと約1年弱続けることができました。体力のない私に合わせて厳しすぎないメニューなうえ、性格上私生活も大きく変えられず、ゆるくゆるく続けたパーソナルですが、少しずつ数字的にも個人的にも変化が出てきて嬉しいです。第三者に変わったねって言われるように引き続き頑張ります!
I have evaluated it with a different account, so I will post it again. I didn't like exercising and I couldn't continue at the gym until now, so I was worried because I had no history of exercising, but I was able to continue for less than a year if I was personal. It's a menu that isn't too strict for me, who has no physical strength, and my personal life hasn't changed much because of my personality. I will continue to do my best to be told that I have changed to a third party!

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