SynerGym(シナジム)加古川北在家店【加古川市 24時間ジム パーソナル】 - Kakogawa

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact SynerGym(シナジム)加古川北在家店【加古川市 24時間ジム パーソナル】

住所 :

Kakogawa, 〒675-0031 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87977
Postal code : 675-0031
Webサイト :
街 : Hyogo

Kakogawa, 〒675-0031 Hyogo,Japan
E T on Google

There is a women-only area, and you can enter and leave the room with a card, so I thought that it is an environment that is easy for women who are new to the gym to use ♪
ロビンマスク on Google

It has been used since the opening, but the staff feels good. The facilities are also substantial.
倉本マキト on Google

The staff are very friendly and I am very satisfied with the cleanliness of the building!
みな on Google

Free weights are substantial. I think the manners of the members are also good and clean. It would be great to have a tanning machine.
mari 0000 on Google

パーソナルの16回コースで通っていました! コミュニケーションも楽しく、運動嫌いな私でも頑張って通えました! 結果も-8kgと目標にしていた体重にして頂けました! もしリバウンドしてしまったらまた通いたいと思います?
I went on a personal 16-time course! Communication was fun and I could do my best even though I hate exercise! The result was -8kg, which was the target weight! If I rebound, I would like to go again ?
jun yasuda on Google

こちら所属のトレーナーさんに塚口の本店の方に来て頂きまして、息子が大変お世話になりました。 サッカーをしている息子が11歳の時からお世話になり、みるみる足が速くなったり体の使い方が上手くなり、名門サッカークラブに移籍出来たり、中学校も強豪私立中学に推薦で入学する事が出来ました。 息子は現在、将来はJリーガーという夢を叶えるべくお世話になっていた時のトレーニングを自主トレで取り入れ、またパーソナルトレーニングのコースが終わった後もコンディション等気にかけて頂き、いつもお世話になり感謝しております。
The trainer I belong to came to the main store in Tsukaguchi, and my son was very kind to me. My son, who is playing soccer, has been indebted to me since he was 11 years old, and he has become faster and better at using his body, and he can transfer to a prestigious soccer club. I did. My son is now taking care of his dream of being a J-League in the future by voluntary training, and even after the personal training course is over, he is always grateful for his help. increase.
魔剤 on Google

Definitely the highest level in the gym around here. There are plenty of machines and free weights, and I'm personally happy to be able to do a deadlift on the floor. I want a little more plate, but everything else is perfect
earl grey on Google

今まで散々無駄に終わってきたダイエットでしたが、こちらのパーソナルでお世話になってからは考えが変わり、ー13kgを達成出来ましたのはトレーナーさんのお陰です。 どんどん変わる体型を喜べた事もそうですが、トレーニングのペースや、楽しくジムに通えるよう話しを合わせて頂いたことも、継続して通えた大きなポイントでした。 私はジムといえば大勢がひしめき合ってキャッキャしているうるさいイメージがあったのですが、こちらのジムは本当に体を鍛えたいひとが来ているようで、みな黙々とトレーニングをこなされていますので落ち着けますし、マナーも良いと思いますので安心出来ます。 女性には女性専用エリアがありますので、ストレッチやダンベルなど落ち着いてトレーニング出来るのが嬉しいです(*^_^*) 難点といえば、右折で敷地へ入ろうとすると、タイミングによっては信号待ちの車が邪魔で入れない事が時々あるくらいと、非常に混雑している時は駐車スペースが無くて、え~と思うくらいです(・ω・)
It was a diet that ended in vain until now, but after being taken care of by this personal, I changed my mind and it was thanks to the trainer that I was able to achieve -13 kg. It seems that I was pleased with the ever-changing body shape, but the pace of training and the discussions so that I could enjoy going to the gym were also big points that I could continue to attend. Speaking of gym, I had a noisy image that many people were crowded together, but this gym seems to have people who really want to train, and everyone is training silently, so calm down. I also think that the manners are good, so you can rest assured. There is a female-only area for women, so I'm happy to be able to calmly train with stretching and dumbbells (* ^ _ ^ *) The difficulty is that when you try to enter the site by turning right, sometimes the car waiting for the traffic light may not be able to enter because of the obstacle, and when it is very crowded, there is no parking space, so I think. (・ Ω ・)

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