Anytime Fitness - Kakogawa

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Anytime Fitness

住所 :

Nagasuna-1180-1 Noguchicho, Kakogawa, Hyogo 675-0016, Japan

Postal code : 675-0016
Webサイト :

Nagasuna-1180-1 Noguchicho, Kakogawa, Hyogo 675-0016, Japan
エミルカ on Google

感染症リスクが高すぎる。 みんな大声で話して集団でグループトレーニングしている! 店員は怖がって注意しないのかめんどくさがって注意しないのかわからないが、ただいるだけ。特に何もしてない。 他の口コミにも書いてある通り。 集団でトレーニングできるので、感染リスクが気にならない方にはオススメ
The risk of infection is too high. Everyone is talking loudly and doing group training in a group! I don't know if the clerk is scared and doesn't pay attention or is annoyed and doesn't pay attention, but he's just there. I haven't done anything in particular. As written in other reviews. You can train in a group, so it is recommended for those who do not mind the risk of infection
にゃしゅもとにゃしゅみ on Google

オープンしたてで設備がとても綺麗ですが、マナーの悪い人が多くて残念です。 顎マスクの人が居たのでスタッフの方に注意してもらうようにお願いしたら、きちんと対処してくれました。 マナーが悪い人が居たらスタッフさんに直接言って注意してもらうのも手だと思います。
It's just opened and the facilities are very clean, but it's a shame that many people have bad manners. There was a person with a chin mask, so I asked the staff to pay attention to it, and they dealt with it properly. If there are people with bad etiquette, I think it's a good idea to tell the staff directly to pay attention.
R M on Google

マスクの徹底?コロナ対策?鼻出しマスク当たり前、、、あげくにマスク外して会話、、 店員は見てみぬふり,,,いつクラスター出てもおかしくない状況、、 コロナ対策は飾りですか? せっかく器具も広さも充実してるのに勿体ない! 店員自体の質が悪すぎる! 店員同士の会話も目立つしそんな暇があるなら見回りでもして注意でもしたらいいの、、 店員の教育をし直したほうが良いのでは? 何かあってからでは遅いと思いますよ?
Thorough mask? Corona measures? Nose mask is natural ... After all, remove the mask and have a conversation ... The clerk pretends to look at it ,,, the situation where it is not strange to leave the cluster at any time ,, Is corona measures a decoration? It's a waste to have a lot of equipment and space! The quality of the clerk itself is too bad! Conversations between clerk are also conspicuous, and if you have such time, you can look around and be careful, Isn't it better to re-educate the clerk? I think it's too late after something happens, right?
大泉洋平 on Google

バーベル、スミスマシンコーナーでダンベル等も併用してトレーニングしている人が多いので長時間専有率が高い、 いつから 使いはじめたのかわからない為、開くまで待つことがある 使用開始時間等分かるように 記入なりわかるようにしてみては? 時計が少ないのと壁と同化してるのでデジタル化して見やすくしてみれば? スタッフさんはたまに出てきても注意する素振りもなくスタッフルームで楽しそうにお喋り 割と高めな料金の割に他のジムよりも質が悪い印象 これから改善される事に期待。
Many people are training with dumbbells at the barbell and Smith machine corners, so the rate of long-term occupancy is high. I don't know when I started using it, so I may have to wait until it opens. Why don't you fill it out so that you can see the start time of use? Since there are few clocks and it is assimilated with the wall, why not digitize it and make it easier to see? The staff talks happily in the staff room without any pretense to be careful even if they come out occasionally. The impression that the quality is worse than other gyms for the relatively high price is expected to be improved in the future.
一生どうでしょう on Google

複数人でわちゃわちゃする若者が多い、店員注意するって言いな がら スル~してるし マシンの使用時間も守らず 店員もスル~ もう少し してたら落ち着くのか? アタッチメント、フリーのシャフトが少ないシーテッドロウが無いのが痛い 他のジムでは当たり前なのに 時間を守る工夫もして欲しい ある意味残念 返信で、安心、安全て スタッフの状態、マシンの占有、集団トレ何一つ変わって無いのですが? 前総理ですか?(笑) 注意の張り紙している場所も ウォーリーを探せみたいに 全然わからないし オーナー自体やる気ないから スタッフもやる気が無いんですね 出来て間もないのに他店舗よりも評価悪いって 何なんでしょうね?
There are many young people who mess up with multiple people, do not say that the clerk should be careful Gara-suru-I don't keep the machine usage time, and the clerk also-suru- Will it settle down if I do a little more? There are few attachments and free shafts. It hurts that there is no seated wax. It is commonplace in other gyms, but I want you to devise ways to keep time. In reply, it's safe and secure. The staff status, machine occupancy, and group training haven't changed at all. Is it the former Prime Minister? (smile) I don't know where to look for Wally, and the owner isn't motivated, so the staff isn't motivated. What's wrong with the evaluation of other stores even though it's just completed?
maru on Google

When I entered the store, the staff greeted me with a smile, which was very impressive. The machine was also substantial, and when I went there in the daytime with reference to other people's reviews, it was vacant, so I was able to train comfortably ♪ The cleaning was also solid and beautiful. I would like to continue to attend.
ko on Google

最近できたばかりで設備は綺麗なんですが、トレーニング終了後にアルコール消毒しない人がいたりマシンにアルコール直接かけてそのまま終わっていたり、フリーウェイトエリアでは集団が占拠してトレーニングしていたり少しマナーが悪い人が多いかなぁ、、、と感じます。 荷物置き場はロッカー式ではなく棚に置くだけなので貴重品の管理はしっかり自分でしたほうがいいです。 シャワールームは広くシャンプーやリンス、ボディーソープが備えてあるのでタオル持っていくだけで良いのはありがたいです。
It's just recently built and the equipment is clean, but there are people who do not disinfect with alcohol after training, people who put alcohol directly on the machine and finish it as it is, people who are occupying the free weight area and training, and people with a little bad manners I feel that there are many. The luggage storage is not a locker type, it is just placed on the shelves, so you should manage your valuables yourself. The shower room is large and equipped with shampoo, conditioner and body soap, so it's nice to just bring a towel.
H T on Google

マスクしてない奴がおり、スタッフに何度指摘しても伝えました!と言うが全く改善されない… 注意するのが怖いのか、ただ面倒臭いだけなのか… その他、三人以上で大声で会話したり…せめて小声で話せよこいつら… スタッフはバイトなのか事務所で3〜4人固まって雑談して、たまに掃除するだけ 巡回せず固まってるだけなら、もう完全無人化でいいのでは? 掃除婦だけ雇うかrumbaで 感染も怖いので近隣店舗に移ります。。 ダンベル放り投げても、マシン、ベンチ長時間占有してもスタッフはスルー… もう完全無人化にしてくれ
There was a guy who wasn't masked, and I told the staff no matter how many times I pointed out! But it doesn't improve at all ... Is it scary to be careful, or is it just annoying ... In addition, three or more people can talk loudly ... At least talk quietly ... Is the staff a part-time job? At the office, 3 or 4 people get together and chat, and sometimes they just clean up. If it's just solidified without patrolling, isn't it okay to be completely unmanned? Hire only a cleaner or at rumba I am afraid of infection, so I will move to a nearby store. .. Even if you throw dumbbells, even if you occupy the machine or bench for a long time, the staff will pass through ... Make it completely unmanned

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