Ashikaga Museum of Art - Ashikaga

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ashikaga Museum of Art

住所 :

2 Chome-14-7 Tori, Ashikaga, Tochigi 326-0814, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 326-0814
Webサイト :
Description : Art museum emphasizing exhibitions of historical & modern works from the Ashikaga area.

2 Chome-14-7 Tori, Ashikaga, Tochigi 326-0814, Japan
変彩金緑石 on Google

コロナ対策で完全予約制。セブンでチケットセットを買って訪問しました。 特別展自体は勿論とても素晴らしいもので、貴重な日本刀を鑑賞する経験が出来たのはこの上ない喜びでした。特別展の図録は当日館内の何処で売っていたのかわからず、後に通販で入手しました。
Complete reservation system for corona measures. I bought a ticket set at Seven and visited. Of course, the special exhibition itself was very wonderful, and it was a great pleasure to have the experience of appreciating the precious Japanese sword. I didn't know where the catalog of the special exhibition was sold in the hall on the day, so I got it later by mail order.
まめまめあんず on Google

I went to see the sword exhibition. It seems that the number of visitors is considerably narrowed down as a countermeasure against infectious diseases, and the viewer was able to look around slowly and firmly. From the organizer's point of view, I would like many people to see it, but if you pay the admission fee and all the visitors can see it well, I think that it is just like this time. I was very happy with it.
ポイズンアイビー on Google

諸星大二郎展を見に初めてこちらの美術館に行ってきました。 綺麗ですね。展示も見やすいです。 美術館なので撮影はほとんど出来ませんでしたが堪能は出来ました! 駐車場はたまたま建物の前に停められましたが他にもあると思います。そこだけだと狭いので。
I went to this museum for the first time to see the Daijiro Morohoshi exhibition. It's beautiful. The exhibition is also easy to see. Since it is a museum, I could hardly shoot, but I was able to enjoy it! The parking lot happened to be parked in front of the building, but I think there are others. Because it is narrow only there.
Masami Kondo on Google

This time, I visited to see the Daijiro Morohoshi exhibition. It depends on the exhibition, but I come to see it several times a year. Although it is a small museum, it is large enough for a city and is well thought out, including its location. This project was co-sponsored by five museums nationwide, and in front of Ashikaga it was the Mitaka City Museum of Art, but it was good that the exhibition structure was easier to see because it had more floor space than Mitaka. Also, the admission fee was discounted by presenting the JAF membership card, so even with the same project, it was possible to watch it at a very low price.
時雨堂 on Google

2022.4.9来訪。 「生誕110年香月泰男展」を鑑賞。香月泰男と言えば自身の過酷な捕虜生活を描いたシベリアシリーズが有名だが、それ以外の作品も多く展示されている。 香月泰男の作品は「観る」というよりは「知覚する」ものであるが、展覧会の作品の「四重奏」に香月自身の面白い記述があった。「私は音楽を聞くのではなく見るのが好きである」香月泰男は音楽を見ているのだ。それと同じで私たちは香月の作品を観るのではなく、絵から生み出される自らの心象を捉えなければならない。 シベリアシリーズは抽象画に近い描写であるが、あまりに凄惨な体験を具体化するには美術は不適合な手段である。そのため、シリーズには本人の解説文を付けるという手段が用いられたが、果たしてこれは必要だったのだろうか。鑑賞する側に解釈を委ねたほうが良かったようにも思う。 展覧会の最後にある島根県の津和野の風景画があるが、訪れた人ならよく分かる津和野の雰囲気を良くとらえており、このようなデッサン力はさすがだと言える。
Visited 2022.4.9. Watch the "110th Anniversary of Yasuo Kazuki Exhibition". Speaking of Yasuo Kazuki, the Siberian series, which depicts his own harsh prisoner of war life, is famous, but many other works are also on display. Yasuo Kazuki's work is more "perceptive" than "watching", but there was an interesting description of Kazuki himself in the "quartet" of the exhibition's work. "I like watching music, not listening to it," Yasuo Kazuki is watching music. In the same way, we must not see Kazuki's work, but capture our own image created from the painting. The Siberian series is a depiction that is close to abstract painting, but art is an incompatible means of embodying such a horrific experience. Therefore, the method of attaching a commentary of the person himself was used for the series, but was this really necessary? I think it would have been better to leave the interpretation to the viewer. At the end of the exhibition, there is a landscape painting of Tsuwano in Shimane Prefecture, which captures the atmosphere of Tsuwano that visitors can easily understand, and it can be said that such drawing power is truly.
Angelo Villanueva on Google

Erin McDowell on Google

Came here during the week and it was mostly empty. Very interesting setup, as it is downstairs in what used to be a bank, so some of the exhibits are behind an old bank vault door.
Setsuko Kondo on Google

私の散歩コース。I love the place for nice relaxing place.There is coffee shop also.(quiet)And take Pokémon spot 2.Every 5 mints you can get ball.

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