
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 田村屋

住所 :

Asanumacho, Sano, 〒327-0831 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Webサイト : http://tamuraya.web.fc2.com/
街 : Tochigi
Description : Green "bamboo" noodles are kneaded by hand the traditional way at this small & rustic ramen bar.

Asanumacho, Sano, 〒327-0831 Tochigi,Japan
高宮重幸 on Google

It was delicious. I thought that the first bite of the soup had a light taste, but as I continued to eat it, it felt just right. Tamuraya-san's char siu is outstandingly delicious.
Rk i on Google

とても澄んだスープです。 一口目のスープが沁みる感じでとても美味しかったです! 餃子は大きくて重いので子供が箸でつかもうとするとまぁ〜ボトっと落とします。 皮が厚く、もちもちした餃子でした。
It's a very clear soup. The first bite of soup was so delicious! Dumplings are big and heavy, so when a child tries to grab them with chopsticks, they drop them. The gyoza had a thick skin and was chewy.
A J on Google

平日ランチで10組1時間ぐらいの待ちです。 あっさりした佐野ラーメンはスープが飲みやすくて、青竹打ち麺も美味しいです。 白ネギは味がついており、トッピングにおススメです。 餃子のサイズが大きく、外はカリッと中はふっくら熱々です。 店内は綺麗で、カウンター席とテーブル席が十分にあり、家族連れでも入りやすいです。駐車場も広いです。地元の人と店員さんが仲良く地元に愛されてるお店と感じました。
We are waiting for about 1 hour for 10 groups at lunch on weekdays. The light Sano ramen is easy to drink soup, and the green bamboo noodles are also delicious. White onions are flavored and recommended for toppings. The size of the dumplings is large, the outside is crispy and the inside is plump and hot. The inside of the store is beautiful, and there are plenty of counter seats and table seats, making it easy for families to enter. The parking lot is also large. I felt that the shop was loved by the locals and the clerk.
Rさん on Google

佐野プレミアムアウトレットで ウィンドウショッピング後、 田村屋で佐野ラーメンと餃子をパクリ。 スープがとても美味しかった。 スープは…。 頼んだラーメンは、メンマラーメン。 メンマは、コリコリ系。 餃子は、皮が厚めで 胸焼けせず、甘みがあって美味しかった。
At Sano Premium Outlets After window shopping Pakuri Sano ramen and dumplings at Tamuraya. The soup was very delicious. The soup is ... The ramen I ordered was Menma Ramen. Menma is a crunchy type. Dumplings have thick skin It was sweet and delicious without heartburn.
Ryuichi Takahashi on Google

When I arrived at the store just before 13:00 on weekdays, there was a line of about 10 people outside. Enter the store in about 20 minutes with Matsuko. I ordered char siu noodles and dumplings. The char siu has a thick but soft texture. Did you have 6 to 7 sheets? The soup is a little light and smooth. And noodles. The texture of the chijire noodles peculiar to Sano ramen was very good. As you can see in the picture, the dumplings are big size. The texture is chewy. I have a lot of garlic. By the way, there was a line outside the store even around 14:00. It's a popular shop.
nobu taka on Google

田村屋さんです。 佐野ラーメンの人気店、他の人気店の源流ですね。 目の前に宝来件さんが有りますが、 お弟子さんなのでしょうか? お味ですが、黄金色のスープ、手打ちの麺、トロッとしたチャーシュー どれも佐野ラーメンぽくて良いですね。個人的に薄味が好みなので、 とても美味しいです。 今回は開店と同時でしたが、15分位待って座れました。お昼時だとすぐ いっぱいに為るため、時間をずらして行けば良いのでは、入口で手打ちの実演が見れます。見てるとずーっと見てしまいます(笑)
This is Tamuraya. It's the origin of popular Sano ramen shops and other popular shops. There is Mr. Horai in front of me, Is it a disciple? As for the taste, golden soup, handmade noodles, and roasted char siu All of them are good like Sano ramen. I personally like light taste, so it tastes very good. This time it was the same time as the store opened, but I was able to sit for about 15 minutes. As soon as it's lunchtime You can see a hand-made demonstration at the entrance if you can stagger the time to make it full. If you look at it, you will see it all the time (laughs)
ちゃんまる on Google

はじめての佐野ラーメン! 休日の17時ごろ着いて1時間半ちょっと並び、注文したラーメンが来たのが19時でした。 流石、人気店。初めてラーメンをこんなに待ちました。 はじめての青竹うちの平打ちの麺はもちもちつるっとおいしいし、ワンタンも美味しかったです。スープによくあっていました。 餃子も大きくてびっくりしました。もちもちカリッとあつあつジューシーでした。 味玉は味をあんまり感じませんでした?トッピングしなくてよかったかも。 チャーシュー丼も一口もらいましたが、んー、上品な味付けだね?といったかんじでした。
The first Sano ramen! I arrived around 17:00 on a holiday and lined up for an hour and a half, and the ramen I ordered arrived at 19:00. As expected, a popular store. I waited so long for ramen for the first time. The first Aotake our flat noodles were chewy and smooth, and the wonton was also delicious. It went well with the soup. The dumplings were also big and I was surprised. It was chewy, crispy and juicy. Didn't you feel the taste of Ajitama so much? Maybe I didn't have to topping. I got a bite of char siu bowl, but it's an elegant seasoning, isn't it? It was like that.
H I on Google


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