Asakurasan Shinzen'in - Fuwa District

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Asakurasan Shinzen'in

住所 :

2006 Miyashiro, Tarui, Fuwa District, Gifu 503-2124, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 503-2124
Webサイト :

2006 Miyashiro, Tarui, Fuwa District, Gifu 503-2124, Japan
kazutoshi on Google

塔のあるお寺は 岐阜県は少ないので以前から一度来てみたいと思っていました 趣のある良いお寺だと思いますよ
There are few temples with towers in Gifu prefecture, so I've always wanted to visit them. I think it's a nice and quaint temple
快弥 on Google

南宮大社は何度かお参りしてますが、すぐそばにこのようなお寺があるとは思いませんでした。歴史は古く1300年前の創建。かつては南宮大社と同じ場所で神宮寺という名でした。関ヶ原の戦いの時は兵火で荒らされたそうです。 明治になり廃仏毀釈の難を逃れるため現在の地に移転、その際真禅院となりました。 境内は多くのお堂があり鐘楼もあります。とても静かで歴史ある建物も多いです。 門を潜るとすぐ見える本地堂は保存修理がされ鮮やかな朱色。観音堂には御尊像の十一面観世音菩薩様がお祀りされてます。 三重塔は江戸時代の創建で立派です。 鐘楼もあり、鐘は奈良時代に作られたそうです。そのため鐘内部にひびがあり割れてしまうため鳴らせないです。 駐車場は門前にあります。拝観料はないので、お礼にお賽銭を多めに納めました。
I have visited Nangu Shrine several times, but I didn't think there was such a temple nearby. It has a long history and was built 1300 years ago. It used to be called Jingu-ji Temple in the same place as Nangu Shrine. At the time of the Battle of Sekigahara, it was destroyed by fire. In the Meiji era, he moved to his current location to escape the difficulties of Haibutsu Kishaku, and at that time became Shinzenin. There are many temples in the precincts and there is also a bell tower. There are many very quiet and historic buildings. The Honji-do, which you can see immediately after going through the gate, has been preserved and repaired and is bright vermilion. The eleven-faced Kanzeon Bodhisattva of the statue is enshrined in the Kannon-do. The three-storied pagoda was built in the Edo period and is magnificent. There is also a bell tower, and it seems that the bell was made in the Nara period. Therefore, the inside of the bell is cracked and cracked, so it cannot be ringed. The parking lot is in front of the gate. There is no admission fee, so I paid a lot of money as a thank you.
赤座良樹 on Google

おだ天狗 on Google

真禅院(しんぜんいん)は、岐阜県不破郡垂井町にある天台宗の寺院である。山号は朝倉山(あさくらさん)。山号にちなみ朝倉山真禅院、朝倉寺、または単に朝倉山とも呼ばれている。 かつての南宮大社の僧坊であった。本尊は無量寿如来(阿弥陀如来)、十一面観世音菩薩。無量寿如来は南宮大社本地仏。古くから霊験があると言われ、平安時代の承平天慶の乱の際、朱雀天皇の勅令により平将門調伏祈願が行なわれている。また、前九年の役の際、後冷泉天皇の命により安倍貞任追討祈願がおこなわれている。境内には干支の守り本尊(守護仏)がある。美濃七福神(大黒天)
Shinzenin is a temple of the Tendai sect located in Tarui Town, Fuwa District, Gifu Prefecture. The mountain number is Mt. Asakura (Mr. Asakura). It is also called Asakurayama Shinzenin, Asakuraji Temple, or simply Asakurayama after the mountain number. It used to be a monk at Nangu Shrine. The principal idols are Mugenju Nyorai (Amitabha Nyorai) and Eleven-faced Kanzeon Bosatsu. Nangu Shrine is the home of Buddha. It is said that there is a spiritual test from ancient times, and during the Tengyo no Ran in the Heian period, a prayer for Taira no Masakado was made by the edict of Emperor Suzaku. In addition, during the role of the previous nine years, a prayer for Abe no Sadato was made by the order of Emperor Go-Reizen. There is a guardian deity (guardian Buddha) of the zodiac in the precincts. Mino Shichifukujin (Daikokuten)
飛騨の山猿 on Google

心落ち着く自然豊かな森を携えた静かで美しい山寺です✨ 三重の塔の美しさには感動します。
It is a quiet and beautiful mountain temple with a calming and natural forest. I am impressed by the beauty of the Mie Tower.
高田のシュウ on Google

I visited the Mino Shichifukujin Sacred Ground. This seems to be dedicated to Daikokuten. I have visited Nangu Shrine many times, but I didn't think there were any nice temples or shrines nearby, such as a temple, a bell tower, and a three-storied pagoda. I think it was very good to hear this time.
高橋康晴 on Google

739年創建の天台宗の古刹は紅葉の穴場スポット 三重塔、県下最古の梵鐘は国重文です
The ancient temple of the Tendai sect, which was founded in 739, is a hidden spot for autumn leaves. The three-storied pagoda, the oldest Bonsho in the prefecture, is an Important Cultural Property
厚村おもや on Google

初めて利用しました! とても静かで空気も澄んでいて清々しい。 住職さんは出迎えのときから優しく温かく迎えて頂けました。 物腰低く、儲け主義ではなく誠心誠意尽くされている印象です。 毎月の参拝はこちらを今後利用しようと思います。 帰りに頂きました。有難うございました。
I used it for the first time! Very quiet, clear and refreshing. The chief priest was kind and warm from the time he was greeted. The impression is that he is low-key and sincere, not profitable. I will use this for monthly worship in the future. I got it on my way home. Thank you.

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