純手打そば・うどん 麺道楽

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 純手打そば・うどん 麺道楽

住所 :

Arakomachi, Maebashi, 〒379-2106 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878898
Webサイト : https://m.facebook.com/%25E9%25BA%25BA%25E9%2581%2593%25E6%25A5%25BD-440562706032088/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11AM–2:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11AM–2:30PM
Friday 11AM–2:30PM
街 : Gunma

Arakomachi, Maebashi, 〒379-2106 Gunma,Japan
克明 on Google

カツ丼と冷たいミニそばをいただきました。 どちらも美味しかったです。 ボリュームもありました。 Paypayが使えるのもうれしいですね。 追記 2回目はもり蕎麦とかき揚げ(なんと100円)をいただきました。 どちらも美味しかったです。
I had Katsudon and cold mini soba. They were both delicious. There was also volume. I'm happy that Paypay can be used. postscript The second time I had Morisoba and Kakiage (a whopping 100 yen). They were both delicious.
タカダアキオ on Google

ここは蕎麦よりうどんの店でしょう。いや、むしろ丼物・ご飯物を頼んだほうが幸せになれますよ。量が結構あります。 注文から到着まで結構時間がかかった気がしましたが、人員が少ない中頼まれてから作ってると思われるため、そこは仕方ないのかなと思いました。
This is probably a udon shop rather than soba. No, it makes me happier to order rice bowls and rice dishes. There is quite a lot. I felt that it took quite a while from ordering to arrival, but I thought it couldn't be helped because it seems that I made it after being asked while the number of staff was small.
戸丸領子 on Google

It was delicious with plenty of volume ?, the staff at the shop are kind and it is safe for families. Also, this is the shop I would like to visit.
ラん on Google

混んでないのに注文してから時間かかるなあって思ってたらメニューに手作りなので時間がかかると表記されてました しまった! なので店員さんが二回注文にきました(´▽`) 目の前が畑で古民家っぽい感じがして私は田舎っぽいとこ好きですね なので天ぷらは春菊! どれも美味しいと思います!
Even though it wasn't crowded, I thought it would take some time after ordering, so it was written on the menu that it will take time because it is handmade! So the clerk came to order twice ('▽`) The field in front of me is like a folk house, and I like my country cousin. So tempura is shungiku! I think they are all delicious!
たんあめ on Google

The amount was large and I was satisfied and it was delicious
Kazu on Google

親戚に連れて来てもらった店です。 寒の戻りで冷え切ってしまったので鍋焼きうどんをリクエストして牡蠣鍋うどん頂きました。牡蠣の出汁が出て美味しい! 冷えた体に染み渡ります。 店員の男の子はもう少し言葉遣いを教育しないとお客様の中には怒る方も出てきますよ。 私は我慢しましたが( ´・ω・` )
It is a store that my relatives brought me to. It got cold due to the cold weather, so I requested Nabeyaki udon and got oyster nabe udon. The soup stock of oysters is delicious! It permeates the cold body. If the boy in the clerk does not educate the wording a little more, some customers will get angry. I put up with it (´ ・ ω ・ `)
hanamaruwo on Google

前から気になっていた麺道楽に入ってみた。 とりあえず盛蕎麦と天麩羅盛り合わせ合計¥950頼んでみた。 岩塩も用意しているので天ぷらは自信あるのかも?!つゆは美味しい。
I went into the noodle dough that I had been interested in for a long time. For the time being, I ordered a total of 950 yen for assorted soba noodles and tempura. I also have rock salt, so maybe tempura is confident? !! The soup is delicious.
おやっさん(おやっさん) on Google

11時半に久しぶりの来店! 先客2組で(お好きな席にどうぞ)と 窓際のテーブルに、注文はもり蕎麦と 野菜天盛り合わせ海老天?を 待ってる間に次から次にお客様で 下のテーブル席が一杯に、繁盛店ですね。 蕎麦も前回と言っても数年ぶりだが 旨くなってるようだ。 ご馳走様でした?‍♂️又来ます。
Visited the store at 11:30 for the first time in a long time! With 2 pairs of customers (please take your favorite seat) On the table by the window, order with Morisoba Assorted vegetable tempura Ebiten ? While waiting, one after another with the customer It's a thriving store with a lot of table seats below. Soba is also the first time in a few years It seems to be delicious. It was a treat ?‍♂️ I will come again.

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