蕎麦屋 真心庵 そばひろ

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 蕎麦屋 真心庵 そばひろ

住所 :

Odomomachi, Maebashi, 〒371-0847 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Webサイト : http://g-sobahiro.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Gunma

Odomomachi, Maebashi, 〒371-0847 Gunma,Japan
なお on Google

ここのそば茶プリンがひたすら好きです。 東京からわざわざ行ってお蕎麦食べてプリンたべて、持ち帰り用のプリン何個か買うくらい好きです。日持ちするバージョンで通販して欲しいレベルです(笑) 最近コロナで行けてないの悲しいです( ;꒳​; ) あ、もちろんそばも美味しいですまた早く行きたいです?
I really like soba tea pudding here. I like to go all the way from Tokyo to eat soba, eat pudding, and buy some takeaway puddings. It is a level that you want to mail-order with a version that lasts long (laugh) I'm sad that I haven't been able to go to corona these days (;꒳​;) Oh, of course, soba is also delicious I want to go again soon ?
カンかん on Google

二度と行かない。 このコロナ禍で大人数20人から25人ほどの会食の客がおり、その人達が食事をしている私たちの後ろを何度も通りこっちでぺちゃくちゃあっちでぺちゃくちゃ。知り合いの席を行ったり来たり。 店員も注意せず。 なら貸切にするべき。 他の客に迷惑。 レジでその旨伝えると不満気。 味も全然美味しくないし どうしょうもないお店。
I will never go again. There are about 20 to 25 people in this corona slaughter, and they pass behind us eating many times, and they are messed up here and there. Going back and forth between acquaintances' seats. The clerk does not pay attention. Then you should charter. Annoying other guests. I was dissatisfied when I told that at the cash register. The taste is not good at all A shop that can't be helped.
もちもち on Google

十割蕎麦、合盛り、もりそば、天ぷら付き鴨汁蕎麦を注文しました。 蕎麦は3種類(そば粉入の塩、カレー塩、塩)のお塩で食べると楽しさ倍増❗風味が増し、更に美味しかったですよ(*•̀ᴗ•́*)?
I ordered 100% buckwheat noodles, soba noodles, morisoba, and duck soba noodles with tempura. Eating soba with 3 types of salt (salt with buckwheat flour, curry salt, salt) doubled the fun ❗ The flavor increased and it was even more delicious (* • ̀ᴗ • ́ *) ?
Yasuhiko Kenmochi on Google

独特のスタイルで提供されるカレー蕎麦、美味しゅうございました 蕎麦も老舗の旨さです
The curry soba served in a unique style was delicious. Soba is also a long-established restaurant
Takashi Ouchi on Google

蕎麦の美味しい老舗 ただ、汁は辛口というよりショッパイ いろんな事にチャレンジするのは良いけど唐揚げ弁当はどうか‥
A long-established store with delicious soba However, the juice is not so dry as it is a shoppai It's good to try various things, but how about a fried chicken lunch?
みゆき。 on Google

7月25日(日)18時半過ぎに行きました。 店内には3組だったかな? ぉ客さんがいました。 店内とても広く感じました。 福豚ソースかつセット(冷たいぉそば)、姫天重セット(冷たいうどん)、麦とろセット(冷たいぉそば)にしました。 ぉそばも、ぉうどんも(゚д゚)ウマー! すごーくまいぅー!! 気に入りました(☆∀☆) 姫天重がボリューミーすぎてびっくり! エビちゃんの尾っぽがはみ出してきました! 麦とろにも天ぷらが付いてきて…ナス、かぼちゃ、さつまいも、ズッキーニ、舞茸…こちらもボリューミー! 福豚ソースカツ丼美味しかったみたいです!←味見もしなかった…笑 ぉ会計でスタンプカードも頂きました! 期限がないと聞いたのでそこもイイです! なんでも有名な方(昔の総理大臣とか)も御用達だったみたいです。 また行きまーす!オススメです! 美味しかったです(♡ˊᵕˋ♡)
I went after 18:30 on Sunday, July 25th. Was there 3 groups in the store? There was a customer. I felt the inside of the store was very spacious. I made Fukubuta sauce and set (cold soba), Himetenju set (cold udon), and mugitoro set (cold soba). Soba and udon noodles (゚ д ゚) Uma! Great bear! !! I like it (☆ ∀ ☆) I was surprised that Hime Tenju was too voluminous! Ebi-chan's tail is sticking out! Tempura is also attached to the barley ... Eggplant, pumpkin, sweet potato, zucchini, maitake mushroom ... This is also volumey! Fukubuta sauce cutlet bowl seems to have been delicious! ← I didn't taste it ... lol I also got a stamp card at the accounting! I heard that there is no deadline, so that is also good! It seems that famous people (such as the former Prime Minister) were also purveyors. Let's go again! I recommend it! It was delicious (♡ ˊᵕˋ ♡)
for fun on Google

産業通り沿い、ホテル1-2-3前橋マーキュリーの隣にある「蕎麦屋 真心庵 そばひろ」。駐車場は店舗の前と裏にあります。店舗は大きめ、高級蕎麦屋の雰囲気が漂う和風建築。大人同士の落ち着いた食事はもちろん、お客を招いての会食等大切なシーンでの利用にも向いている。 お蕎麦作りへのこだわりは、国産の玄蕎麦を石臼で自家製粉。徹底して仕上げられる蕎麦と枯節が香るそばつゆで頂く上品な逸品が堪能できる。 他にもご飯物、お切り込みなど季節限定の料理も楽しみのひとつ。
"Sobaya Shinshinan Sobahiro" is located next to Hotel 1-2-3 Maebashi Mercury along Sangyo-dori. Parking lots are in front of and behind the store. The store is large and has a Japanese-style architecture with the atmosphere of a high-class soba restaurant. It is suitable not only for calm meals between adults, but also for important occasions such as dinners with guests. We are particular about making soba noodles, using domestically produced soba noodles with a stone mill to make homemade flour. You can enjoy the refined gem of soba soup with the scent of soba and dried sardines that are thoroughly finished. Besides, seasonal dishes such as rice and cuts are one of the pleasures.
poopeye on Google

overpriced and indifferent quality, tsuyu was unpleasant, noodles poor quality and soggy

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