Aotsuka Station - Tsushima

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Aotsuka Station

住所 :

1-chōme Aotsukachō, Tsushima, Aichi 496-0001, Japan

Postal code : 496-0001

1-chōme Aotsukachō, Tsushima, Aichi 496-0001, Japan
taro mame on Google

There is a unique coffee shop in front of the station.
Nao Urasato on Google

Available on foot from home. Even if the road is narrow and the students at Higashi High School are no longer transportable, the mayor and the city council are not aware of it. Ama City, Aisai City, Inazawa City Help ~~~~
soranokaze (soranokaze) on Google

無人駅です。昔は有人駅で夜の遅い時間などは電車から車掌が降りて切符回収をしていました。 現在は、自動改札が導入されておりSuica、manacaなどの交通系ICカードが使用できます。 上下線のホームは改札がそれぞれ別々に設置されており、トイレは改札の外にあります。 普通列車は止まりますが、急行列車以上は止まりません。 踏切は車一台分のスペースしかなく、交互通行となります。 駅にロータリーはありませんが、コインパーキングがあり、このスペースが乗り降りに使われる事があります。
It is an unmanned station. In the old days, at a manned station, the conductor got off the train and collected tickets late at night. Currently, automatic ticket gates have been introduced, and transportation IC cards such as Suica and manaca can be used. There are separate ticket gates on the platforms on the upper and lower lines, and the toilets are outside the ticket gates. Regular trains stop, but no more than express trains. There is only space for one car at the railroad crossing, and the railroad crossings alternate. There is no rotary at the station, but there is coin parking and this space may be used for getting on and off.
Moritaka YAMADA on Google

It is a station where only each stop stops. I feel lonely in front of the station. There is no convenience store. The old highway runs on the right side when viewed from the direction of Nagoya, and the road width is narrow.
nasiji 1026 on Google

敷地の狭い駅には、どうしても設備が充実出来なくて利用者として不便を感じますが仕方がありませんね。 先日岡崎にある“男川駅”に降り立ちましたが、やはり上下線の改札は別々でした。 駅にはトイレもなく、近くにコンビニも見当たらなく苦労しました。 青塚駅にはトイレはあるようですが、近くは極端に狭く踏み切り事故もあるようです。 名鉄には同じ様な駅があると思いますが、トイレ位は設置する方法があると思いますから、是非設置して欲しいものですよね。
At a station with a small site, it is inconvenient as a user because the facilities cannot be fully equipped, but it can not be helped. The other day I got off at "Otogawa Station" in Okazaki, but the ticket gates for the upper and lower lines were still separate. I had a hard time because there was no toilet at the station and I couldn't find a convenience store nearby. There seems to be a toilet at Aotsuka station, but there seems to be an extremely narrow railroad crossing accident nearby. I think there is a similar station on Meitetsu, but I think there is a way to install a toilet, so I definitely want you to install it.
M OSHIMA on Google

This is also a type that is common in unmanned stations of Meitetsu, two platforms, each with a ticket gate.
uni on Google

ここの踏切は死亡事故が多い。高校生の送り迎えでな。 駅の目の前に踏み切りがあるから間に合うと思って踏み切りをすり抜けようとして、電車に撥ねられる死亡事故が稀にある。 津島東高校の生徒が多く利用するから朝は混むぞ。
There are many fatal accidents at railroad crossings here. Pick up and drop off high school students. There is a railroad crossing in front of the station, so there are rare fatal accidents where you are hit by a train trying to pass through the railroad crossing, thinking that you will be in time. It gets crowded in the morning because many students from Tsushima Higashi High School use it.
Greg Willett on Google

No amenities and absolutely no parking or pick-up/drop-off areas on either side of the station.

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