Aoki-ya Kyodo no Mori shop - Fuchu

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Aoki-ya Kyodo no Mori shop

住所 :

6 Chome-12-1 Minamicho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-0026, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 183-0026
Webサイト :

6 Chome-12-1 Minamicho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-0026, Japan
KAN on Google

アウトレットくろどら、ばっかり買わないで。。。7袋21個も。。。 皆で分け合いましょう!
Don't just buy outlet stores. .. .. 21 pieces in 7 bags. .. .. Let's share it with everyone!
Cycling A46 on Google

青木屋の工場にある売店です 場所は多摩川サイクリングロードからハズレてすぐにあります 府中駅前店などに比べて規模が小さい分商品が少なかったり 売り切れになってしまいますが バームクーヘンの切れ端などのアウトレットを特価で売っていたり 武蔵野日誌ができたてで冷蔵保存したあるものを 食べれます 下河原緑道の散歩がてらや多摩川サイクリングロードからの寄り道に オススメです
A store in Aokiya factory The place is right away from the Tamagawa Cycling Road There are few products because the scale is small compared to stores in front of Fuchu Station It will be sold out We sell outlets such as pieces of Baumkuchen at special prices A Musashino diary that has been freshly refrigerated and stored You can eat Take a walk along the Shimogawara Green Road on the way to the Teraya River Cycling Road I recommend
原田真知子 on Google

娘が送ってくれてさっそくひとついただいた桜餅が、とても上品でしつこくなくて美味しかった。 大事に食べたくて次の日迄、残りひとつを取り置きしてしまいました✨
The sakuramochi that my daughter sent me and gave me one was very elegant, not persistent and delicious. I left the remaining one until the next day because I wanted to eat it carefully ✨
赤見行男 on Google

値上がりして、お得感が無い。でも、あんことどら焼きの皮は、好き。バターを、入れて食べてます。 追記 また、値上げ!
The price has risen and there is no sense of value. But I like the anko and dorayaki skin. I put butter in it and eat it. postscript Also, price increase!
ピンキードフィ on Google

自分ち用にサービス品のチクワ状のミニバームプレーン180とどら焼きの皮(サービス品)、贈答用に武蔵野日誌購入!! サービス品は自分の好みで生クリームトッピングで楽しみました♪♪美味しかった? パーキングの口コミが少なかったので書いときます。 店舗隣のスペースに2、3台位停めれるスペースが有りました!
Purchase a chikuwa-shaped mini barm plain 180 and dorayaki skin (service item) for yourself, and a Musashino diary for gifts! !! I enjoyed the service products with fresh cream toppings to my liking ♪♪ It was delicious ? I will write it because there were few reviews of parking. There was a space next to the store where a few cars could be parked!
森高樹 on Google

I was finally able to go, but there wasn't much ... I wonder if it depends on the day !? Musashino diary that I have been eating for 40 years. It's a pity that I can't buy it easily.
Mari Is on Google

近くを通ったので寄ってみました。 お店の横(正面から見て右手)に駐車場がありました。 午後に伺いましたが、色々種類があって迷ってしまいます。 ¥300のミニバームクーヘン?の詰め合わせや、どら焼きの皮のみ&餡子があったり、こちらにしか無さそうな物がありました。 どら焼きはその日に出来立ての物とは別に、前日(以前?)に作られた賞味期限が3日間位の物があり、後者は3個入りにまとめて¥300で売られていました。 自宅ですぐに食べるならこちらがお得だと思いました。
I passed nearby so I stopped by. There was a parking lot next to the shop (on the right when viewed from the front). I visited in the afternoon, but I am at a loss because there are various types. ¥ 300 Mini Baumkuchen? There was an assortment of dorayaki, only dorayaki skin and red bean paste, and there were things that seemed to be unique to this place. Apart from the freshly made dorayaki on that day, there was a dorayaki that was made the day before (previously?) And had a best-by date of about 3 days, and the latter was sold in packs of 3 for ¥ 300. I thought this was a great deal if I wanted to eat it at home right away.
眠休四郎 on Google

府中の森公園の、釣り池の近くにあります。矢崎小学校も近くです。自社工場の脇にこじんまりと直営売店があり、その時のスタッフさんお二人はとても感じが良かった! 工場直結ゆえ出来たて商品も味わうことが出来ます。ただ、曜日によって商品が変わるようなのでHPでチェックが必要。 他にも、どら焼きの皮・バウムの端っこなどをサービス品として販売。工場売店ならではの商品で、面白く珍しいので購入させて頂きました。府中の銘菓です。応援しています。
It is located near the fishing pond in Fuchu no Mori Park. Yazaki Elementary School is also nearby. There was a small shop next to our factory, and the two staff members at that time felt very good! Because it is directly connected to the factory, you can also taste the freshly made products. However, it seems that the product changes depending on the day of the week, so you need to check it on HP. In addition, we sell dorayaki skins and baumkuchen edges as service items. I bought it because it is a product unique to a factory shop and it is interesting and rare. It is a famous confectionery in Fuchu. I support you.

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