府中市郷土の森博物館 プラネタリウム

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 府中市郷土の森博物館 プラネタリウム

住所 :

Minamicho, Fuchu, 〒183-0026 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Webサイト : http://www.fuchu-cpf.or.jp/museum/about/1000090/1000578.html
街 : Tokyo

Minamicho, Fuchu, 〒183-0026 Tokyo,Japan
kenzo mori on Google

Autumn leaves and yellow leaves peak this time. The park is always beautiful.
rara tanara on Google

It is a small and cute planetarium. The kids are looking forward to the anime program after the empty commentary. Affordable price.
Taka尾 on Google

I've been there several times, but I've fallen asleep and I don't remember much. One thing I can say is that reclining seats sleep better than those in movie theaters.
烏龍茶 on Google

プラネタリウムは1人 600円 公園の入場料 300円も必要です
Planetarium is 600 yen per person A park entrance fee of 300 yen is also required
4912 baba on Google

The planetarium projector uses products from Goto Optical Laboratory, which is a few minutes' walk from this museum.
岡川清明(岡ちゃん) on Google

広い公園、今はロウバイが満開です。 博物館にはプラネタリウムもあり、四季折々に楽しめます。
A large park, now the Japanese allspice is in full bloom. The museum also has a planetarium, which you can enjoy every season.
N. okADA on Google

プラネタリウム投影機(新・旧) 【新】投映機「ケイロン3」 より本物に近い星空の再現にこだわり、追求したハイブリッド・プラネタリウムの最高峰。 1つ1つの星の明るさや色を忠実に再現した光学式プラネタリウム。すべてのメシエ天体を含む多数の星雲や星団を双眼鏡で観察できるほど、繊細に表現している。 恒星球:48cm(直径) 標準対応ドーム径:16~30m 恒星:主恒星6.55等級までの9,500個 天の川恒星:17.5等級までの約1億個(天の川含む) 【旧】GL-AT カットモデル 2017年10月に引退したプラネタリウム投影機GL-ATのカットモデルが展示されている。 大きな丸い部分は北側恒星投影機、その上には太陽・月・火星投影機が同架されていた。 1万2,000個の恒星で作る星空は、開館した1987年から30年で、延べ200万人以上の人々に親しまれた。
Planetarium Projector (new and old) [New] Projector "Keiron 3" Commitment to the reproduction of the starry sky closer to the real thing, the highest peak of the hybrid planetarium that was pursued. Optical planetarium that faithfully reproduces the brightness and color of each star. It is so delicately expressed that you can observe many nebula and star clusters including all the Messier objects with binoculars. Stellar sphere: 48 cm (diameter) Standard compatible dome diameter: 16 to 30 m Stars: 9,500 up to 6.55 main stars Milky Way stars: about 100 million up to 17.5 (including Milky Way) 【Old】 GL-AT cut model A cut model of the planetarium projector GL-AT, which retired in October 2017, is on display. The large round part was the north star projector, and the sun, moon and mars projectors were mounted on it. The starry sky made of 12,000 stars has been popular with over 2 million people since its opening in 1987 and 30 years.
Toshie Kobayashi on Google

郷土の森に行ったのは二回目でした、 前に行った時は、プラネタリウムがやってなく、残念でした‼️12月からと聞き再度行きました。中に入り始まり、良く見やすく説明され、いろいろな星座。見る事ができ楽しい時間でしたね。家でもベランダからたまに、見ます✨オリオン座、北斗七星など、久しぶりのプラネタリウムでした。楽しかったです???
It was the second time I went to the local forest, When I went before, I was disappointed that the planetarium wasn't done! ️ I heard from December and went again. Various constellations that start to go inside and are explained in a good and easy-to-see manner. It was a fun time to see it. I sometimes see it from the balcony at home ✨ It was a planetarium for the first time in a long time, such as Orion and the Big Dipper. It was fun ???

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