
4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 菓子店manna

住所 :

Tamachi, Hachioji, 〒192-0064 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
街 : Tokyo

Tamachi, Hachioji, 〒192-0064 Tokyo,Japan
T kei on Google

hanako aoyama on Google

諸星亨 on Google

Of course, the quality of the product is high, but I like the attitude of valuing the customer.
猫騎士 on Google

Shop for baked goods and roll cakes. It's a little confusing because it's far from the station, but you can enjoy the joy of finding it and the joy of its deliciousness. We recommend that you visit us after checking the business hours.
shizue T on Google

A pastry shop that opens only on Fridays. Today was the 10th anniversary event day (September 27, 2019). ★ Noteworthy is the softness of the roll cake ... the softness you can have with your hands! (Sumimasen is a people who eat by hand) ★ Sweets are very sweet and simple. ★ Because we are particular about the safety and security of materials, it may be a good gift for families with small children. Baking powder is aluminum free.
OYAMA Tomo on Google

このあたりいつも通っているにもかかわらず、mannaさんは全く分からず。それもそのはず。現在は金曜日のみの店舗営業だそう。地図を手にむかうと、業務用スーパーの目と鼻の先にありました。16:30にお伺いしましたが、その日はまだ売り切れておらず、プリンとシフォンケーキを購入。販売されているラインナップは、焼き菓子だけでなく、ケーキやなまロールがあるのも嬉しいかぎり。贈答用にあっとカルトナージュみたいな箱がうつくしかったなー。で、実食ですがプリンはかなり濃厚。昔母が作ってくれた蒸しプリンみたいな感じでしたが、卵臭さが抑えられていて、かなりよい感じ。シフォンケーキは、美味しいですが、普通かな。店主さんと少しお話させて頂きましたが、とても温厚な印象な方で素敵でした^^ 先日伺ったタツヤ・ササキさんは、みなさんに知られた有名店ですが、私は、こういうひっそりと人知れず営業なさっているお店がすきなのかもしれません。田町周辺は、ひっそりですがいいお店が多い穴場エリアだと思います。
Despite the fact that he always goes around here, manna doesn't understand at all. That should be it. It seems that the store is open only on Fridays. When I picked up the map, it was in front of my business supermarket eyes and nose. I visited at 16:30, but that day was not sold out yet and I bought pudding and chiffon cake. As far as I am glad that there are not only baked goods but also cakes and raw rolls, the lineup that is on sale. A box like a cartonage was perfect for a gift. And the actual pudding is quite rich. It was like a steamed pudding made by my mother in the past, but the egg odor is suppressed and it feels pretty good. The chiffon cake is delicious, but is it normal? I talked to the store owner a little, but it was wonderful with a very warm impression ^^ Tatsuya Sasaki, who I visited the other day, is a famous store known to everyone, but I was quietly unknown You might like a shop that is open for business. The area around Tamachi is a secret area where there are many good shops.
Jour Bon on Google

The baked goods and cakes that are carefully made with particular attention to the ingredients are very delicious! It is open once a week, and although it is small in scale, people are lined up before the store opens in search of its taste ... No more owners In case it gets harder ... Actually, I don't really want to tell people ?
Mina on Google

☆10個付けたいくらい好きです。 おいしいから紹介したいけど、紹介したくない(ひとりじめしたい)お店です。 いい素材で丁寧に作られている、という感じがします。 とってもやさしい味です。 ずーっと食べ続けたくなります。
☆ I like to attach 10 pieces. It's a delicious restaurant, but I don't want to introduce it (I want to be alone). I feel that it is carefully made with good materials. It has a very easy taste. I want to keep eating all the time.

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