中華 ランタン

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中華 ランタン

住所 :

Aobadai, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒227-0062 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8989
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–9PM
Sunday 11AM–9PM
Monday 11AM–9PM
Tuesday 11AM–9PM
Wednesday 11AM–9PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 11AM–9PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Aobadai, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒227-0062 Kanagawa,Japan
M Kinoshita on Google

I went to another Chinese restaurant, but it was overtime, so I stopped by. The cook was cooking while smoking. The clerk was making guiyouza with his bare hands. Miso ramen was 650 yen and had a decent taste.
ハローハロー on Google

長津田時代から通ってます。 みなさんのコメにもありますが、まさにザ昭和の中華ラーメン屋さんです。 今時の閑静な住宅街育ちの方にはカルチャーショックでしょう。特に青葉台は無理無理、土地柄と絶対合わない、田園都市線なら溝の口か長津田だけじゃないですか?。 タバコなんか普通です。連れ4人で別々の物頼んだりしたら怒られますから。 炒飯は1分で出来上がり〜。 包丁捌きも見事です。 気取らない感じが大好きです。
I have been attending since the Nagatsuta era. As you can see in your rice, it is exactly the Chinese ramen shop in the Showa era. It will be a culture shock for those who grew up in a quiet residential area at this time. Especially Aobadai is impossible, it never matches the land pattern, isn't it only Mizonokuchi or Nagatsuta on the Denen-toshi line? .. Cigarettes are normal. I would get angry if four of my companions asked for different things. Fried rice is ready in 1 minute. The kitchen knife handling is also wonderful. I love the unpretentious feeling.
中井亨 on Google

It is a Showa-style Chinese restaurant located quite a bit from Aobadai station. I received Sun Mamen. I chose this because it felt like noodles, but I was a little worried about the daily set meal, Tonkatsu and Mao Eggplant. The shop also has an entrance on the back, and some customers come in from there. It is a good shop in the Showa era, with the Zenkoji bill and the tilefish fish cultivated on it.
K A on Google

青葉台駅から歩くとそこそこあるところにある中華屋さんです。 日曜11時半くらいに一人で訪問しました。 頼んだもの 瓶ビール(大瓶) 600円 ニラレバ炒め 600円 餃子 400円 チャーハン 700円 合計 2300円 メニューは税込み表記です 街の中華屋さんといった感じのお店です。 味も思った通りの感じでいい感じです。
If you walk from Aobadai station, you will find a Chinese restaurant in a reasonable place. I visited by myself around 11:30 on Sunday. What I asked for Bottled beer (large bottle) 600 yen Stir-fried Nirareba 600 yen Dumplings 400 yen Fried rice 700 yen Total 2300 yen Menu includes tax It's like a Chinese restaurant in the city. The taste is just as I expected.
Ken H on Google

まず喫煙OKなお店なので苦手な方は注意。お店のご主人も手が空いているときはカウンターで新聞読みながら吸ってらっしゃいます。駐車場は店の裏手、お店に向かって右隣の診療所の角を入って左側です。3台分。 この日は天津飯と餃子をいただきました。天津飯はちょっと酸味の効いた風味であっさり。卵はちょっと不格好ですがふんわり感はあり、ご飯と混ぜて食べると美味しい。餃子はちょっと大き目で6つ。具たっぷりでニンニクの効いたビールに合う一品でした。良くも悪くも「昭和の近所の中華屋さん」という雰囲気のお店です。接客はちょっとぶっきらぼうに感じるかもしれませんが、手早く提供していただけ、会計もスムーズでしたので私は気になりませんでした。次は評判のチャーハンをいただきたいです。
First of all, smoking is OK, so be careful if you are not good at it. The owner of the shop also smokes while reading the newspaper at the counter when he is free. The parking lot is on the left side of the back of the store, after entering the corner of the clinic on the right side of the store. For 3 cars. I had Tianjin rice and dumplings on that day. Tianjin rice has a slightly sour flavor and is light. Eggs are a little clunky but fluffy and delicious when mixed with rice. The dumplings are a little big and 6 pieces. It was a dish that goes well with beer with plenty of ingredients and garlic. For better or for worse, it has the atmosphere of a "Chinese restaurant in the Showa neighborhood." The customer service may seem a bit blunt, but I didn't mind because it was provided quickly and the accounting was smooth. Next, I would like to have a popular fried rice.
しーの on Google

無難でおいしい町の中華屋さんです。 いつもうかがうのはランチですが、まずは(日替り)定食のメニューを見て、よければ定食ピンとこなければ麺類が多いです。 タバコ関連の口コミも多いですが、店主が吸っているのを見ても「まぁ昔はこんなだったよね」くらいで流すくらいの気持ちがちょうどいいです。私は非喫煙者ですが。
It is a safe and delicious Chinese restaurant in the town. I always ask for lunch, but first look at the (daily) set meal menu, and if you don't mind the set meal pin, there are many noodles. There are many reviews related to cigarettes, but even when I see the owner smoking, I feel like I'm just saying, "Well, it used to be like this in the past." I'm a non-smoker.
Z2オヤジ on Google

青葉台では、あまり駐車場付の店が少ないなか こちらの店は3台は止められます。 最初の頃は気がつかなっかたが 何度か行っているうちに パーキングに止めた時 女将さんに「こちらから どうぞ」と裏の厨房口に案内された もちろん帰りもこちらから 「有り難うございました 」 なんだかオモロイね 結構長く通っているが、飽きさせない秘訣は日替わり定食 これが変わった組み合わせのおかず二品が付いていて、なかなかボリュームが有って良いですね その他メニューは昔ながらの中華って感じかな 印象的だったのは、チャンポン麺と海老塩麺 特に旨かったのは海老塩麺 さっぱりながらも良い味が出ていますね~ 半チャーハンもあってこちはどんなメニューにも合わせられるのが嬉しいね 調理は全て主人が真剣に作り、無口なところもカッコいいな~ 定期的に行きたくなる店ですね ご馳走様でした。 10回目 ロース味噌焼きとニラ玉定食750円 11回目 味噌ラーメン650円 半ライス 150円 普通でした! 五目そば800円 半ライス150円 サッパリしていて旨いっすね! サンマーメン650円 あんかけ ライス小 150円 ニラレバ炒め600円 ライス250円 出来たてが嬉しいね!
In Aobadai, there are not many stores with parking lots This store can stop 3 cars. I didn't notice it at the beginning While going several times When parked To the landlady, "From here Please, "he was guided to the kitchen entrance on the back. Of course, you can also return from here "Thank you " Somehow Omoroi I've been going there for a long time, but the secret to not getting bored is the daily set meal It comes with two side dishes with a different combination, and it's nice to have a lot of volume. Other menus are like old-fashioned Chinese food What impressed me was the champon noodles and the shrimp salt noodles. Especially delicious was the shrimp salt noodles It has a refreshing but good taste ~ There is also half fried rice, so I'm glad that this one can be matched to any menu All the cooking is done seriously by the master, and the quiet part is also cool ~ It's a store you'll want to visit on a regular basis It was a treat. 10th time Grilled loin miso and garlic chives set meal 750 yen 11th time Miso ramen 650 yen Half rice 150 yen It was normal! Gomoku soba 800 yen Half rice 150 yen It's refreshing and delicious! Sanmamen 650 yen Ankake Rice small 150 yen Stir-fried Nirareba 600 yen Rice 250 yen I'm happy that it's freshly made!
竹道 on Google

Ramen 600 yen including tax + set half fried rice 350 yen including tax 950 yen including tax. The ramen was about 0.6 balls and the fried rice was about half, which was about one person in total. Hmmm expensive. There was nothing special about the taste, and it felt like it was brought from an ordinary Chinese restaurant in the Showa era. From noon, there were a lot of customers and they were noisy and had a drink and smoked. Both the customer and the store manager are no masks. The atmosphere of the restaurant, the food, and the customers were all Showa. Showa is a shop where you can experience it like this, which is rough and appropriate and is allowed. The taste was 3 stars and the CP was 2, so I felt the true Showa era, so I set it to 3 in total.

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