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Contact ネイチャーボディ鍼灸整体院

住所 :

Aobadai, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒227-0062 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8989
Webサイト : https://nature-body-seitai.com/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Aobadai, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒227-0062 Kanagawa,Japan
無希 on Google

もっと早く来ればよかったと後悔しております。 非常にいい対応をしていただけたので、今後ここに来る機会があるという方はとても運がいいです。 ここまで親身になって私のトレーニングについて意見を言ってくださったり、丁寧な言葉遣いで対応していただけたりと、とてもいいと思いました。 もしもダイエットを考えていたり、トレーニングがしたいという方はここに来るのがとてもオススメです。 安心して通うことが出来ますのでとてもいいと思います。
I regret that I should have come earlier. I had a very good response, so if you have a chance to come here, you are very lucky. I felt so good that I was so friendly and would like to give my opinions on my training and respond with polite language. If you are thinking about dieting or want to train, it is highly recommended that you come here. I think that it is very good because I can go with peace of mind.
中込陽太 on Google

Since I was worried about infertility in my husband and wife, I went to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at first. So I was orally introduced to an obstetrics and gynecology teacher and visited this clinic. I think that the treatment of the body is also necessary for the pregnancy, but I think that the teacher who also cares for the heart is better, it is actually very easy to talk and easy to understand, so I can go with peace of mind including treatment It was. Thank you very much.
助川華梨 on Google

My shoulders hurt and my arms did not go up and my shampoo was difficult, but when I took care of Nature Body, my arms turned around and my entire body became lighter. I was a good friend of male and female teachers, and I was able to relax from start to finish.
みっこ on Google

Thanks to the teacher, there was a child! To be honest, half were prepared for a cesarean section, but I thought there was something I could do, so I decided to have a treatment. He explained in detail the reasons why it is difficult to have a baby, and the state of his body. I'm currently working hard on the campaign for safe delivery. thank you very much.
レン on Google

I was suffering from back pain, but it was improved for the first time when I went here! Since I was told that I wanted to manage my body shape through counseling, I decided to start training as a diet when my back pain improved. The advice on meals is easy to understand, and I am very happy that my weight has actually decreased. Also, the number of people who say that their posture has improved has increased, and I can feel the effect!
ちゅうぴか on Google

I wanted to wear clothes before childbirth. The story of fattening after childbirth was heard in rumors, but if I was thinking that it would be restored, I wouldn't be able to return to any form. The nature body helped me when I couldn't collect the food because of the stress of childcare and the amount of food increased. The teacher who taught me not only pelvic correction but also nutrition management knowledge was very helpful.
A Y on Google

ママ友の紹介でお世話になっています。 まず子供連れで行けるところがなかなかない中、女性スタッフがしっかりと託児を対応していただけることを知り、 私はすごく信頼できる安心できる治療院だと思いこの治療院を選びました! 治療院ぽくないオシャレな治療院で対応も良いと私は思います。 女性にも入りやすい雰囲気で、先生も治療院でのケアだけではなく、自宅で続けていけることまでしっかりと教えてくれる先生なので本当に体のことで悩んでいる方の力になってくれる治療院だと思います。
Thank you for the introduction of mom friend. First of all, there are not many places where you can go with your children, knowing that the female staff can handle daycare, I chose this clinic because I thought it was a trustworthy and reliable clinic! I think that the treatment is good at a stylish treatment room that is not a treatment room. A treatment room that is easy for women to enter, and is a teacher who teaches not only the care in the clinic but also the ability to continue at home. I think.
賢太郎里見 on Google

I was taken care of when I was worried about my wife and son. I didn't get much better at other hospitals, but I believed that Nature Body started with infertility and fertility, and that she was also involved in Kyoko and Maternity Care. He also has a wealth of knowledge and explained that it comes from coldness and muscle tension. Thank you very much.

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