株式会社エイブル 秋津店

2.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社エイブル 秋津店

住所 :

Akitsucho, Higashimurayama, 〒189-0001 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89997
Webサイト : http://shop.able.co.jp/000000666/
街 : Tokyo

Akitsucho, Higashimurayama, 〒189-0001 Tokyo,Japan
さくらいちか on Google

いろいろと安くなるようにしてくれました。 机の形のせいで、隣が気になって落ち着かなかったので集中できませんでした。 薄い衝立みたいなのがあればよかったかも。
It made me cheaper. Because of the form of the desk, I could not concentrate because I was worried about the next door and I was not calm. It would have been nice if there was something like a thin screen.
ミヤタトシロウ on Google

Even though I suddenly stopped, I was kindly treated with kindness. I am grateful for the convenience of this outside time. I decided to move to another area after all, but I would like to use it again!
渡辺卓也 on Google

急遽大阪から単身赴任ですぐに部屋を探さないといけなくなり 問い合わせをした所、非常に丁寧に話を聞いて的確に物件を紹介してくれた 朝から伺い本当に夕方まで部屋探しに付き合ってもらい本当にNさんを始めスタッフの方々に感謝 しかし鍵を受け取る時に店が混みあっており、結構待たされたので★4 それ以外は本当に大満足
I need to find a room immediately from Osaka When I made an inquiry, I heard the story very carefully and introduced the property accurately. Thanks to Mr. N and other staff members who asked us from morning to get to find the room until the evening. However, the store was crowded when I received the key, so I waited a lot ★ 4 Other than that, I ’m really happy
JPN on Google

I went to see the person in charge with thin hair, but I smelled cigarettes and wore tattered shoes .. The old suit also smelled and I was a real estate agent, so I wanted you to be well dressed! This time I will ask another real estate agent!
z z on Google

最悪です。 仲介手数料半額、もしくは無料だとしても エイブル秋津店使うぐらいなら他の仲介選びます。態度が悪いだけでなく エイブル側のミスで手続きされておらず連絡したら はーい、今からやりまーす、そちらから連絡してくれないとわからない、と話し方も失礼。 社員がエイブルの車を停めてる駐車場でタバコをポイ捨てもしていました。 顧客の顔を覚えていないのでしょうが、こちらは エイブルの○○さんという目線でみています。 接客業というのは 常に自分が会社の顔であるという認識でいると思っていたので あまりのレベルの低さに 二度見しました
It's the worst. Half the brokerage fee, or even if it's free, choose another broker if you use the Able Akitsu store. Not only is his attitude bad, but he hasn't been processed due to a mistake on the Able side, so if you contact me, I'll do it now, and I'm sorry to say that you won't know unless you contact me. Employees were also littering cigarettes in the parking lot where Able's car was parked. You probably don't remember the customer's face, but I'm looking at it from the perspective of Mr. XX of Able. I always thought that the hospitality business was the face of the company, so I saw it twice because it was too low.
鷹舞 on Google

契約時の特約に注意! 畳の全交換とかクリーニング代で敷金の三倍以上の額を請求されてむしり取られます!
Pay attention to the special contract at the time of contract! You will be charged more than three times as much as the security deposit for the replacement of all tatami mats and the cleaning fee, and you will be stripped of it!
Jihye Lee on Google

担当してくださった萩原さんがとてもいい方でした。 私用で契約までは至らなかったですが、無駄なこと無く最低限の必要な情報だけ伝えてくださり、とても良かったです。ありがとうございました。
Mr. Hagiwara who was in charge was a very nice person. It was for private use and I didn't get a contract, but it was very good that he gave me only the minimum necessary information without waste. Thank you very much.
なつめ on Google

人当たりは良かったのに 必要なことは何も言われず 越してから2ヶ月目で 色んな所からの書類が届き届いた書類の場所に電話を掛けたら 何々が足りない等言われ 説明を受けてないから分からないと言ったら ちゃんと説明をしてもらった。 エイブルの人より細かく説明して頂いたので今回は良かったですが、普通は契約時に説明漏れが無いようにするのが当たり前何じゃないかと思いました。
Even though the people were good It's been two months since I wasn't told anything I needed I received documents from various places, and when I called the place of the documents I received, I was told that something was missing. If you say you don't understand because you haven't received an explanation I got an explanation properly. It was good this time because I was given a detailed explanation from the Able person, but I thought that it is normal to make sure that there is no omission of explanation at the time of contract.

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