ネッツトヨタ多摩株式会社 東村山店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ネッツトヨタ多摩株式会社 東村山店

住所 :

東村山市秋津町Akitsucho, 〒189-0001 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://www.netztama.com/shoplist/tamahigashi/higashimurayama/
街 : Tokyo

東村山市秋津町Akitsucho, 〒189-0001 Tokyo,Japan
D S on Google

You can leave your car to this safe shop.
コダマカツミ on Google

I am always taking care of my car. The courteous response attracts many customers, and it is quite busy even on weekdays.
Katsu N on Google

調度 ネッツ多摩と東京の境目になるのでそれなりに力の入っている販売店かな。小平も。広いだけに結構客は多い気がします。応対は丁寧。修理対応も良かったと思います。
Furnishings: It's the border between Netz Tama and Tokyo, so I think it's a store that has a lot of strength. Kodaira too. I feel that there are quite a lot of customers because it is large. The reception is polite. I think the repair support was also good.
はせがわさま on Google

昨今は、どこの自動車販売店に行っても、良い対応をしていただけますが、この店も、例外なく紳士な方が担当してくれました。 試乗コースがつまらないのは、このお店に限りません。(東村山は道が狭く、平均車速も低いケース(渋滞)がほとんどです)
Nowadays, you can take good care of any car dealership, but this shop was also handled by gentlemen without exception. This shop is not the only place where the test drive course is boring. (In Higashimurayama, the road is narrow and the average vehicle speed is low in most cases (congestion))
藤宮政絵 on Google

I asked on regular inspection. While having a cup of freshly brewed coffee, we had a chance to read a book or bring a game. The toilet is really amazing!
高崎裕司 on Google

The clerk is very kind. It is also quick to offer drinks to customers (laughs). It is an impression of a lively place with lots of young staff.
ムロツヨシ on Google

I thought it was wonderful to be considerate of our customers. Unlike the stands, etc., they were inspected firmly. After all, I thought that the dealer was better.
小笠原高三 on Google

I am grateful for the good relationships I have had before moving to my current location, and everyone is well-educated and kindly responds to me.

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