カーコンビニ倶楽部 北多摩自動車

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カーコンビニ倶楽部 北多摩自動車

住所 :

Akitsucho, Higashimurayama, 〒189-0001 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Webサイト : https://www.goo-net.com/pit/shop/0125692/top%3Fsite%3DGMB
街 : Tokyo

Akitsucho, Higashimurayama, 〒189-0001 Tokyo,Japan
渡邉有加里 on Google

Repair of the lower part that got on the curb. It is less than 40,000 yen by painting of sheet metal, blowing. If it is blowing, I ask because I can not help it. I can do it on this day, but I can't get in touch with you on the day I was told, so I can do it if I make a confirmation call from here. If I went to get it, I did not repair 3/5. that? here? If you ask me, I usually don't paint there. Huh? Because I painted only before that, and I am obviously bald? It is said that it will wait for a while, and it will be painted with a brushstroke and it will end. Aren't you spraying? It is uneven. I guess I just forgot to paint. No excuses. If I paid high money and painted with a brush, I could do it myself. Have you done sheet metal? That's about it, it's a loose place when it's bald. I want to fix it a little bit beautifully, so I'm not self-sufficient, so it's meaningless to have it. I will not go there again.
h umetsu on Google

いつも車のメンテナンスをしてもらっています。 修理はディーラーよりかなりお得かと。 フィット2のミラーが動かなくなったので修理してもらいました。片側2万円で済みました。 その他、リビルド品のオルタネータ等への交換など、色々お得かと思います。
I am always asked to do maintenance on my car. Repair is considerably better than dealers. As the mirror of Fit 2 stopped working, I got it repaired. It costed 20,000 yen for one side. In addition, I think that it is advantageous in various ways, such as exchange to the alternator etc. of a rebuild product.
Rie Kokubun on Google

ロードスターの車検で、お世話になりました 年代の古い物なので、1度はあきらめていましたが、丁寧に整備していただいて、また、乗れるようになりました 対応が、とても親切です ありがとうございました
Thank you for your help in the roadster's vehicle inspection It's an old one, so I gave up once, but after careful maintenance, I can ride again. Correspondence is very kind thank you very much
つばくろ on Google

I usually get it repaired by a dealer, but this time I decided to ask a shop I was interested in before. I used it for the first time, but the staff's response is good and it is bright and good impression. I feel that the work time is faster than the dealer. I will also use it for other work.
Katsuya K on Google

この度お世話になったのが2度目でしたが、今回も本当に丁寧で気持ちのいい対応をしていただきました。このお店の素晴らしいのはどのスタッフさんも親切で仕事が早いということです。(フロントスポイラー交換&板金、フロントウィンドウ補修2箇所で4日間、速っ❗️) この場を借りてお礼を申し上げたいです、ありがとうございました! また機会があればよろしくお願いします。
This was my second time to take care of me, but again, I was really polite and comfortable. The great thing about this shop is that all staff are kind and fast. (Front spoiler replacement & sheet metal, front window repair 2 places, 4 days, quick) I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, thank you! If you have the chance, thank you.
Hiro Kurasan on Google

予算に応じて柔軟な対応をしてくれる。 私の場合、コストを極力抑えたいと要望した所、自力でオークションにて中古パーツを購入し工賃だけを支払うという提案をしていただいた。その為、相場よりも安く修理をすることができた。修理に際して起きた問題や完了の報告などを必ず電話にて逐次報告してくれるので安心。引き取りの際もどこを修理したのか、何故そうしたのかをわざわざ工場まで入れていただき教えてくれる。フロントの対応も親切丁寧。信頼できるショップだと思います。
It will respond flexibly according to your budget. In my case, when I requested to keep costs down as much as possible, I received a proposal to purchase used parts at an auction on my own and pay only wages. Therefore, it was possible to repair at a lower price than the market price. Rest assured that problems that occur during repairs and reports of completion will always be reported by phone. When you pick it up, they will tell you where you repaired it and why you did it. The front desk is also kind and polite. I think it's a reliable shop.
さと on Google

擦り傷修理依頼 丁寧で早く安く、代車も借りれました
Abrasion repair request Polite and quick cheap, I could borrow a substitute car
つばきなおたか on Google

86のリヤバンパースポイラーとマフラーの装着を依頼しました。 加工するところもありましたが快くとても綺麗に仕上げてくれました。また何かあったらお願いしようと思います。 ありがとうございました。
I requested the installation of 86 rear bumper spoiler and muffler. There was a place to process it, but it was nice and very beautiful. I would like to ask if something happens again. Thank you very much.

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