Ajiwai-ya - Nakano City

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ajiwai-ya

住所 :

5 Chome-58-4 Nakano, Nakano City, Tokyo 164-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 164-0001
Webサイト : https://ajiwaiya.gorp.jp/

5 Chome-58-4 Nakano, Nakano City, Tokyo 164-0001, Japan
Yuki Takamatsu on Google

中野にはあまりない雰囲気のいいお店でした。 鮮魚や料理が美味しいです。 おすすめの刺盛りや煮付けなど、魚がいいのでとても美味しかったです。 店内はカウンターやテーブル席、中二階や個室の二階が用意されています。 和食だけでなく、洋風な料理も食べれるので使い勝手がいいです。 接待などにも利用しやすいと思います。 ランチもお刺身や海鮮などコスパのいいものがあるみたいなので、今度行ってみたいと思います。
It was a shop with a nice atmosphere that Nakano does not have much. Fresh fish and food are delicious. The recommended sashimi and simmered fish were good, so it was very delicious. There are counters, table seats, mezzanine floors and private rooms on the second floor. It is easy to use because you can eat not only Japanese food but also Western-style food. I think it's easy to use for entertainment. It seems that there are good cospa items such as sashimi and seafood for lunch, so I would like to go there next time.
後藤優美 on Google

飲み放題でクラフトビールが四種類あるのは嬉しい。 ビール好きにとっては、良い! 料理も美味しく、お店の雰囲気も良かった。
I am glad that there are four types of craft beer with all-you-can-drink. Good for beer lovers! The food was good and the atmosphere of the shop was good.
MILLET KYO on Google

夜に訪問。 月曜にも関わらず賑わっていました。 料理のメニューは魚だけではなく、お肉料理や野菜などバラエティ豊富。鍋も寄せ鍋、味わい屋鍋、ふぐちり、チゲ鍋などたくさん種類が選べました。寄せ鍋を注文しましたが、ちゃんこ風でいろいろな具材が入っており、味も量も満足でした。締めはうどんか雑炊か選べます。雑炊にしまきたがとても美味しかったです。
Visit at night. It was crowded despite Monday. The menu of dishes is not only fish but also a variety of meat dishes and vegetables. There are many types of pots available, including a hot pot, a taste pot, a fuguchiri, and a chige pot. I ordered a fried pot, but it contained a variety of ingredients in a chanko style, and the taste and quantity were satisfactory. You can choose between udon or porridge. I've cooked porridge, but it was very delicious.
Yosh โยชิ Nak on Google

ランチの海鮮丼は大盛り可、リーズナブル。新鮮な刺身。 緊急事態宣言下閉める店が多いがなんとかランチやってくれる、助かる。
The seafood bowl for lunch can be served in large quantities and is reasonably priced. Fresh sashimi. Many shops close under the state of emergency, but they manage to have lunch, which is helpful.
前沢孝之 on Google

天満 on Google

鮮度の良い魚介がとにかく美味い! 座敷も広くてゆっくり食べれました! また利用します!!
Anyway, the fresh seafood is delicious! The tatami room was large and I could eat slowly! I will use it again! !!
細谷洋平 on Google

お寿司も鮎の塩焼きも今まで食べた中で1番美味しかったです。塩焼きも味付けが美味しくて、お寿司はあじや、こはだのの酢締めが美味しく、マグロも温度感と酢飯の濃さのバランスが凄く良く美味しく、感動しました。 ハイボールにも合いました☘️
Both sushi and grilled sweetfish were the most delicious I've ever eaten. The salt-grilled fish was also delicious, the sushi was delicious with hydrangea and kohada vinegar, and the tuna had a very good balance between the temperature and the strength of the vinegar rice. It also suits highball ☘️
Aldo Tarricone on Google

Great sashimi!

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