
3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 田舎そば

住所 :

5 Chome−1, Nanba, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0076 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
街 : Osaka

5 Chome−1, Nanba, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0076 Osaka,Japan
りっち on Google

『歩き疲れたし、混んでる人気店まで行くつもりもないし、何か食べて帰ろう!』ってゆう程度で利用するお店です。 特に可もなく不可もなく、です。 定職で丼ものと麺ものをセットになってますし、お茶は黙っていても来てくださるし、良いお店だと思います!  味は普通(^^)
"I'm tired of walking, I'm not going to a crowded popular store, so let's eat something and go home! It is a shop that you can use for a while. It is neither good nor bad. I think it's a good restaurant because it's a regular job with rice bowls and noodles, and tea comes even if you keep silent! The taste is normal (^^)
ichi ichi on Google

I don't know if it happened that day, but the attitude of the elderly female clerk was the worst. If the taste is about this level, I don't think I'll go next. Speaking of force, the time from ordering to serving is short, so if you are in a hurry, it may be an ant.
辻雅博 on Google

Brought was the impression of a delicious buckwheat. We had Konohadon set as udon noodles, but I felt that the taste of the bowl was too sweet. It was good that the quantity was small.

This shop has a long history. There are both hot and cold soba noodles. It has a bowl and is very delicious.
マンカス東末富木伝説 on Google

悪い事は言わない今このGoogleの口コミを見られている方は他のお店を選択するべきだ 難波ならお蕎麦でも他でもいい店はいっぱいある 他の方も書かれているが とにかく高齢の女性の店員の対応が最悪でした お客さんの人となりを見て馬鹿にしていい客かどうかみており、馬鹿にしていいお客さんなら徹底的に小馬鹿にしてきます。 人によって接客を変えてきます 接客がどうのこうとかのレベルの話ではなくお店として即刻クビにすべき方です それでも難波のなんなんタウンという立地なのでお客さんが来たのでしょう 私は2度と行きません 天ぷら蕎麦を注文したのですが値段の割には味は普通だし お店に入ってから何の案内もないし まるでこちらが悪いかのように仕方なく席に案内されるし 注文も2回呼んでも来ないし 3回目で舌打ちしながら来ました その間やってることは常連客とのお喋りです お会計の時も小銭を出そうとすれば親の仇のように嫌な顔をされるし お金をドブに捨てるような店です このコロナ困で早く潰れますように
Don't say bad things If you're looking at this Google review right now, you should choose another store In Namba, there are many shops where you can eat soba or other foods. Others have also written Anyway, the response of the elderly female clerk was the worst We look at the customer's personality and see if it is a good customer to make a fool of, and if it is a good customer to make a fool of, we will thoroughly make a fool of it. We will change the customer service depending on the person It's not about the level of customer service, but the person who should be fired immediately as a shop. Still, because it is located in what town of Namba, I wonder if customers came. I will never go I ordered tempura soba, but the taste is normal for the price I haven't received any information since I entered the store I can't help but be guided to my seat as if this is bad Even if I call the order twice, it doesn't come I came while hitting my tongue for the third time What I'm doing during that time is talking to regular customers Even at the time of checkout, if you try to give out coins, you will get an unpleasant face like a parent's death It ’s like throwing money away. I hope this corona will collapse quickly
YUKI HIRO on Google

女性の定員さんの接客が気になったので。 てきぱき仕事してましたが、言葉が足りない感じました。他のお客さんもそれなりにいたので、気にならない人は気にならないのかな。。。蕎麦、味は悪くは無いのですが、リピートするほどではない。カツ丼の味、悪くはないのですが、たまたまなのか濃く(辛い)感じました。接客が気にならなかったらおいしく感じたのかな。あくまでも私の感想です。 でも、その日は家に帰ってからも喉がよく乾きました。
I was worried about the customer service of the female capacity. I was working hard, but I felt that I didn't have enough words. Other customers were in their own way, so I wonder if those who don't care don't care. .. .. Soba, the taste is not bad, but it is not enough to repeat. The taste of katsudon is not bad, but I felt it was strong (spicy) by chance. I wonder if it would have been delicious if the customer service didn't bother me. It's just my impression. But that day, even after I got home, my throat was dry.
中原壽美 on Google

お腹が空いてたまたま通りかかったお店でした。 そんなに広くないお店で 店頭に入ると従業員2人がずっと喋っていて案内や声かけすらなかったです。 勝手に座りメニューを見ているとおしゃべりをしながらお茶をだしおしゃべりを止めることなくオーダー。 天ぷらうどんを頼みましたが天ぷらの衣はかたく全然美味しくなかったです。うどんも細麺ぐらいの感じでコシもなく家で作って食べた方がまだよかったと思うクオリティ。 その割に値段は高く1300円ほど払いました。 接客も料理も料金に見合うものではなかったです。 また、他の方がお会計の際も何食べましたー?ってお客さんに聞いてました。 何のためのオーダーメモなんでしょうか? 店内私を入れて3名しかいない状態でした。 最低な店舗でした。
It was a shop that happened to pass by when I was hungry. In a store that is not so large When I entered the store, the two employees were talking all the time, and I didn't even get any guidance or voice. When I sit down and look at the menu, I make tea while chatting and order without stopping. I ordered tempura udon, but the tempura batter was hard and not delicious at all. The quality of udon is like thin noodles, and I think it would have been better to make it at home and eat it. For that reason, the price was high and I paid about 1300 yen. Neither the customer service nor the food was worth the price. Also, what did other people eat when paying? I asked the customer. What is the order memo for? There were only 3 people in the store including me. It was the worst store.
Bran on Google

Simple, cozy, delicious, cheap and wonderful. It's a little difficult to find but the food is as great as Japanese food can get. Their nabeyaki udon was so far the best that I have eaten! Update: just went here again a couple days ago, just as good as I remembered. The oyakodon is well balanced and the eggs are so fluffy. As for the nabeyaki udon, simply amazing. Still the best I have ever eaten. Until we meet again !

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