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Contact 釈迦堂世尊院

住所 :

〒380-0851 Nagano,Japan

Webサイト : http://bunkazai-nagano.jp/modules/dbsearch/page0974.html
街 : Nagano

〒380-0851 Nagano,Japan
hide sina on Google

煌びやかな寺院です。 本殿の中に入ると釈迦涅槃像(しゃかねはんぞう) が拝見できます。 ただお守りなどの品物が多数置いいてあり、ごちゃごちゃしてます。
It is a gorgeous temple. When you enter the main shrine, the statue of Buddha Buddha (Shakane Hanzo) Can be seen. However, there are many items such as amulets, which are messy.
七面鳥放浪記 on Google

通称釈迦堂。もとは阿弥陀如来を本尊とする善光寺本堂の正面にあって対を成していたそうですが、何度かの火災を経て本堂のほうが現在の場所に移ってしまい、いまは境外の独立した寺院になっています。 いまの善光寺参道からは少し外れた位置にあり、勇壮な善光寺本堂に比べれば実にこじんまりとしていますが、朱塗りに金をあしらった本堂はひときわ目をひきます。御本尊の銅造釈迦涅槃像は国重文で年に何度か一般公開されるほか、一〇〇〇円をお納めすればお寺の方の解説付で拝観できます(釈迦堂そのものの拝観料は無料です)。がめついと感じる方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんが、日程制約の多い休日旅行者としてはむしろ有難く、他の社寺でもどんどんやってほしいぐらいです。 涅槃像は等身大とされていて、木像、塑像に比べれば精緻さで劣るもののさすがの存在感です。お寺の方の説明も丁寧で鑑賞の助けになります。善光寺参拝の折は立ち寄りをおすすめします。
Known as Shakado. Originally, it was said that they were paired in front of the main hall of Zenkoji, whose principal image is Amida Nyorai, but after several fires, the main hall moved to its current location, and now it is independent outside the precincts. It is a temple. It is located a little off the approach to Zenkoji Temple, and it is really small compared to the magnificent Zenkoji Main Hall, but the main hall with gold in red paint stands out. The statue of the Buddha Buddha, which is the principal image of the Buddha, is open to the public several times a year in the national important cultural property, and if you pay 1000 yen, you can see it with a commentary from the temple (the admission fee for the Buddha itself is free). is). Some people may find it difficult, but as a holiday traveler with many schedule restrictions, I would rather thank you for doing so at other shrines and temples. The reclining Buddha is considered to be life-sized, and although it is inferior in precision to wooden and plastic statues, it has a true presence. The explanation of the temple is also polite and will help you to appreciate it. We recommend that you stop by when visiting Zenkoji Temple.
Ak Taki on Google

It is a temple that you must visit when you visit Zenkoji. It seems that it can be put inside, but it has not been put in yet. It is also good to see the Buddha statue seen from the outside. I want to worship again.
Image Creation Studio on Google

It can be seen from the relatively wide side street of Nakamise Street.
M I on Google

七福神巡りの1つ。 沢山グッズなども売っており、 ゆっくり静かに参拝が出来るので 参拝好きの穴場だと思います♪
One of the seven deities of good fortune. We also sell a lot of goods, Because you can worship slowly and quietly I think it's a little-known spot for worshipers ♪
mai sen on Google

At the time of the opening of Zenkoji Temple, a turning pillar was also built here.
長岡雅彦 on Google

善光寺周辺を散策~(^^)。 すると発見、世尊院釈迦堂。お堂の前に来ると、本日御開帳とのことで入堂。日本唯一の等身大の"釈迦涅槃像:国重文"と"毘沙門天"、"摩利支天"、"不動明王"を鑑賞~(^^)。 建築は、日光東照宮の棟梁"甲良宗広"の孫"甲良宗賀"が関係あるかも知れない豪華で、感激~?。 お堂、仏像達と、なんといいタイミングで鑑賞出来たと、ご縁を感じました~(^^)。
Take a walk around Zenkoji Temple (^^). Then, I found it, Sesonin Shakado. When I came to the front of the hall, I entered the hall because it was opened today. Appreciate Japan's only life-sized "Shakyamuni Buddha: Kunishigebun", "Bishamonten", "Marici", and "Fudo Myoo" (^^). The architecture is gorgeous and inspiring, which may be related to "Kora Soga", the grandson of "Kora Munehiro", the builder of Nikko Toshogu. I felt a connection with the temple and the Buddha statues at the right time ~ (^^).
Taylor on Google

Wonderful temple in a great area of Nagano. The priestess was very helpful and friendly. Beautiful goshuin! Thank you. Definitely worth a visit. Many shops and restaurants all around.

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