335 - Nagoya

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 335

住所 :

1 3 1 池下 千種, 3, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 464-0067, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8798
Postal code : 464-0067
Webサイト : http://www.nagoya-335.com/

1 3 1 池下 千種, 3, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 464-0067, Japan
anpon343 anpon343 on Google

この日ランチで向かったのは「名古屋のオーガニックイタリアンレストランです」ってふれこみに惹かれ池下の【335(トレトレチンクエ)】さん家にシンクロで~す(*σ´ェ`)σ店名由来はギター好きのマスターが愛用してたギター『Gibson ES-335シリーズ』からつけたものらしい_〆(゚▽゚*) まさにイタリア~ン!!イタリア語で335は「トレトレチンクエ」(^3^)/店頭のこれまたイタリアンな二輪車がお出迎えでおますハイ(。uωu)♪キャパはカウンター6席のテーブル5卓16席ほど!!切り盛りしてんのはマスターお一人!!( ; ロ)゚ ゚エエッ 少々朽ちた感はあれどそれがまたええ雰囲気を醸し出してまん!!席に着きオーダーしたんは ■〖Pranzo A〗…*自家製フォカッチャ+*Farm to 335(フィレンツェ風野菜煮込み)+*選べるパスタ+*一口ドルチェ付き(*別途ドリンクセットにて) ■〖Pranzo B〗…*自家製フォカッチャ+*水牛のモッツァレラチーズのカプレーゼ+*フィレンツェ風野菜煮込みリボッリータ/ボローニャ産の炙った生ハムを添え+*選べるパスタ+*豚肩ロースの低温調理/カシスのソースで+*ドルチェ(ベイクドチーズケーキ)+*ドリンク付き ◆〖Pranzo A〗のパスタは「季節野菜とパルマ産生ハムのトマトソースのスパゲティーニ(+αにて)」 ◆〖Pranzo B〗のパスタは「ゴルゴンゾーラのクリームソースをショートパスタのコンキリエで(+α分は無償で~す)」 *いずれもドリンクは「オーガニックコーヒー」をチョイス Pranzo A・Bどちらにも付いてるフィレンツェ風野菜煮込みの「リボッリータ」これぞイタリア~ン!!家庭料理の代表格マンマの味でんがな~(^3^)/ショートパスタのコンキリエが濃厚なゴルゴンゾーラのクリームソースの中でまるで貝殻のよに気持ちよさげ(●’∇’)♪ ちと残念やったのは豚肩ロースのプレートの余白!!ここに生野菜がこれでもかと盛ってあれば完璧の壁(*σ´ェ`)σそれにつけてもホスピタリティーに満ち満ちたオーナーシェフがお一人で営む【335(トレトレチンクエ)】さん家はこれから先も目が離せませんな~(*^ω^)本日は忙しいなか出口までの見送り(*^-゜)vThanks!!! おっとベビーカーでのお客様への対応もお見事でした♪ヾ(●´∀`●)ノ
On the day of the run, I was headed for the “Nagoya Accordion Test Lantern” and was attracted by the contact, and went to Ikeshita's [335 (Tottori)] house to sing to the house (* σ´ ェ `) σ. It seems that it came from the data "Gibson ES-335 series" that the favorite master used habitually _〆 (▽ *) In Italy, 335 stands for "Tottori" (^ 3 ^) / It is also a two-wheeled motorcycle at the store. Highway (。uωu) ♪ As much as the seats! Only one master is preparing! (; ロ) Although it feels a little ruined, it still creates an atmosphere! When I arrived at the seat and ordered ■ 〖Pranzo A〗… * Homemade File + * Farm to 335 (French-style Vegetable Stewed) + * Selectable Paster + * With One Bite Door (* Don't Cut) ■ 〖Pranzo B〗 ... * Homemade flavour + * Buffalo color topping + * French style vegetable stewed roasted roasted roasted roasted ham / bottled roasted ham + * Selectable pasta + With ** door (daily loose) + ** with link ◆ 〖Pranzo A ハ 's pasta is “Spaghelle (+ α) of tomato sauce of seasonal vegetables and palm production ham” ◆ Pranzo B〗 's pasta is “Cream case of Déndilla” with a short pastel channel (+ α for free) * In all cases, don't miss the "Acoustic Cleaner" “Voreta”, a stewed French-style vegetable that is attached to both Pranzo A and B. It's all about it! It's a taste of the typical dish of home cooking-(^ 3 ^) / Short pasta is rich in deli It feels like a seashell in a cream case (● '∇') ♪ I was sorry that the margin of the plate of pork shoulder case was perfect! If raw vegetables are still here, the perfect wall (* σ´ ェ `) σ But run alone [335 (Tortokun)] I will keep an eye on the house from now on (* ^ ω ^) Today I'm busy but I'm off to the exit (* ^-゜) vThanks !!! It was also wonderful to respond to customers with Oops! ♪ ヾ (● ´∀` ●) ノ
今泉隆 on Google

As rumored, the vegetables are delicious. There is a course meal for 2,000 yen for lunch. You can get hungry.
Takahisa TSUKAMOTO on Google

平日ランチにお邪魔しました。店内は一杯で、一応予約してよかったです。スタッフさんの感じがよく気持ちいいです。お洒落な店内で、ランチ時は主婦が多いという感じでした。 パスタのランチ1500円。フォカッチャ◎、前菜、デザートもよかったです。パスタはオイル系でしたが、麺の硬さは丁度よく、好みにもよりますが濃い味でした。量も丁度よかったです。 帰るときには一言挨拶してくれました。心地よかったです!
We bothered for lunch on weekdays. The store was full and it was nice to make a reservation. The staff feels good. There was a lot of housewives at lunchtime in a stylish store. Lunch of pasta 1,500 yen. Focaccia 、, appetizer, dessert was good too. The pasta was oil-based, but the hardness of the noodles was just right, depending on taste, but it was a dark taste. The quantity was just right. When I came back, I said a word. It was comfortable!
みっこ on Google

新鮮な旬のお野菜が美味しくいただけ、落ち着く雰囲気のお店です。いつもお任せですが毎回違うものをいただくことができますし、コースの中で様々な種類のお野菜、お肉、お魚とをこだわり抜いた難しい味ではなく(笑)カジュアルに純粋に素材を楽しめるお料理です。 いつもは夜に伺いますが、ランチも利用したいと思ってます!
It is a restaurant with a calm atmosphere where you can enjoy fresh seasonal vegetables. It's always up to you, but you can get different things each time, and it's not a difficult taste that sticks to various kinds of vegetables, meat, and fish in the course (laugh) Casually pure ingredients It is a dish that you can enjoy. I usually visit at night, but I also want to have lunch!
みらロマん on Google

平日ランチに伺いました。予約せずでしたが快く受け入れてくださり、店主お一人で運営されていましたが完璧な接客と心遣いに大変気持ち良く食事ができました! お料理もとても美味しくて、また行きたいと思えるお店です。 お昼から幸せな気持ちになれました。
I visited for lunch on weekdays. I didn't make a reservation, but they were willing to accept me, and although the restaurant was run by the owner alone, I was able to eat very comfortably with perfect customer service and consideration! The food is very delicious and I want to go there again. I felt happy from noon.
Derazzurri K on Google

Select pasta with seasonal vegetables and prosciutto tomato sauce for lunch A. I thought that the focaccia was delicious and I could expect this, but the pasta was full of vegetables and the prosciutto was excellent with vegetables, so I was very satisfied! I want to try other menus, so I will repeat it.
石川R on Google

いやあ、美味しいっていいね。 土曜のランチ時間に妻と息子3人で訪れた。予約時の電話が男性の優しい声で好印象。 ホームページからは明るい家庭的なイメージを受けたが、来てみるとシックな大人の店。隠れ家的な。 3人とも選べるパスタのランチAを注文。以下、我が家の短評。 ①自家製フォカッチャ →妻曰く「本物の小麦の匂いがする!」とのこと。そんなん君にわかるのか。笑 ②フィレンツェ風野菜煮込み →料理好きの息子が「旨い、うまい」と絶賛。出せそうで出せないこの味わい ③本日のパスタ →ちりめんじゃこのオイルソース。絶品だ ④一口ドルチェ →正式な名前を忘れてしまったが、美味しいほろ苦チョコプリン♥️ この素晴らしいランチを堪能する一方、店内は何とシェフがお一人だけで運営していた。聞けば急遽スタッフさんがお休みしたとのこと。 そうか、予約時の優しい電話対応もシェフだったのですね。 物腰柔らかなシェフが美味しい料理を提供するステキなお店「335」。末永く頑張ってください。
Well, it's good to be delicious. I visited with my wife and three sons at lunch time on Saturday. The phone at the time of booking made a good impression with the gentle voice of a man. I got a bright homely image from the homepage, but when I came to it, it was a chic adult shop. It's like a hideaway. I ordered pasta lunch A that all three can choose. Below is a brief review of my home. ① Homemade focaccia → My wife said, "It smells like real wheat!" Do you understand that? Lol ② Florentine-style stewed vegetables → My son, who loves cooking, praised it as "delicious and delicious." This taste that seems to be possible but cannot be produced ③ Today's pasta → Chirimenjako's oil source. It's exquisite ④ Bite Dolce → I forgot the official name, but delicious bittersweet chocolate pudding ♥ ️ While enjoying this wonderful lunch, the inside of the restaurant was run by a chef alone. I heard that the staff was absent in a hurry. Well, the chef was also the kind person who responded to the phone when making a reservation. "335" is a wonderful restaurant where a chef with a soft attitude serves delicious food. Please do your best for a long time.
Dr K on Google

I had a carbohydrate restriction weight loss menu. It was very delicious. It's wonderful that it's nicely decorated and entertaining, and tastes good! I highly recommend it!

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