豚大門市場 馬喰町2号店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 豚大門市場 馬喰町2号店

住所 :

Higashinihonbashi, Chuo City, 〒103-0004 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
街 : Tokyo

Higashinihonbashi, Chuo City, 〒103-0004 Tokyo,Japan
樽井裕典 on Google

I refrained from going to the first store because it doesn't look beautiful, but since the second store is large and beautiful, I visited the store for the second time. The last time was the Cheese Dak-galbi set meal, and this time the Samgyeopsal set meal, both of which were delicious. My wife seems to like cold noodles. Next time, I would like to have a stone-grilled bibimbap and a jjigae pot.
マツタケ社長のグルメチャンネル on Google

#馬喰町 #韓国料理 【人気の韓国居酒屋が馬喰町で2店舗目をオープン】 1号店からすぐ近所にまた新しくお店がオープンしてたので行ってきました。 横浜や渋谷などにも同じブランドのお店はあります。 今回の一押しはサムギョプサルのチーズフォンデュでした!
#Bakurocho #Korean food [Popular Korean izakaya opens second store in Bakurocho] I went there because a new store was opened in the neighborhood right after the first store. There are stores of the same brand in Yokohama and Shibuya. The best choice this time was Samgyeopsal cheese fondue!
Adgjmpx Adgjmpx on Google

I have a taste of Korea. I'm happy with my favorite K-pop and rustling feeling! I really wanted to drink makgeolli, but I'm sorry because my husband is with me ~ (laughs) Lunch is good! There are many other things I want to eat Next time I will go with my friends Absolutely (* ^. ^ *)
ちーちゃん推し on Google

この日のランチは訳あって何と16時過ぎに。ランチタイムの長いこちらのお店でも流石にタイムアップという事で、夜メニューにご飯メニューがある事を確認し、食べるだけでも良いですか?と店員さんに確認してから入店致しました。 ご飯物のページを拝見し、ありふれた石焼ビビンバなどではなく、チャパゲティ+ノグリで「チャパグリ(825円)」をオーダー。調べてみると元は両方ともインスタント麺らしく、韓流ドラマによく登場するので、その筋が好きな方々にはよく知られたB級グルメだとか。 金沢カレーのようなシルバーな器で登場したその様は、目玉焼きが乗った焼きそばにしか見えません。麺はインスタントらしく縮れが強く、表面にはベトついた辛いソースがまとわりついています。まぁ、日本では“まぜそば”というジャンルにカテゴライズされる類のものでしょうか。 因みに頂いた感想は「凄く美味しい!」。濃い目の味付けにコシがあってジャンキーな麺の歯ざわりは、自分のようなB級グルメ好きにぴったり。過度でなく程よい辛さは酔い醒ましにはうってつけ。シラフでも十二分に楽しめる一品でした。 店内は韓国屋台を模した明るくPOPな内装で、近隣にある本店のような煤けた雰囲気はありません。メニューも豊富で楽しく呑むのには最高の舞台だと思います。接客は粗雑な本店と同様、水ひとつ持ってこないお粗末さ。期待するのは無用です。
Lunch on this day was after 16:00 for some reason. Is it okay to just eat after confirming that there is a rice menu in the evening menu because the time is up at this restaurant with a long lunch time? I entered the store after confirming with the clerk. Look at the rice page and order "Jjapaguri (825 yen)" with chapagetti + noguri instead of the usual stone-grilled bibimbap. When I looked it up, both of them seemed to be instant noodles, and they often appear in Korean dramas, so it's a B-class gourmet that is well known to those who like that line. Appearing in a silver bowl like Kanazawa curry, it looks like yakisoba with a fried egg on it. The noodles are instant and crispy, with a sticky and spicy sauce clinging to the surface. Well, in Japan, is it something that is categorized into the genre "Mazesoba"? By the way, the impression I received was "Very delicious!". The texture of the junky noodles, which has a strong flavor and is chewy, is perfect for B-class gourmet lovers like yourself. Moderate spiciness that is not excessive is perfect for getting sick. It was a dish that you can fully enjoy even in Shirafu. The interior is bright and pop, imitating a Korean food stall, and does not have the sour atmosphere of the nearby main store. The menu is abundant and I think it is the best stage to enjoy drinking. The customer service is as poor as the crude main store, which does not bring a single piece of water. It's useless to expect.
satoshi on Google

会社のミーティングで大門市場馬喰町2号店へ。 店内の拘り凄い!最初に食べた辛いサラダめちゃくちゃ美味しくてガッツいたらお腹一杯になってしまった(笑) 朝までお店開いてるので両国から近いしまた行きます!ご馳走様でした! #浅草橋 #馬喰町 #韓国料理 #豚大門市場 #辛いもの好き #サムギョプサル
At a company meeting, I went to Daimon Ichiba Bakurocho 2nd store. The insistence in the store is amazing! The first spicy salad I ate was so delicious that I was full when I was guts (laughs) The shop is open until morning, so it's close to both countries and I'll be back! It was a treat! #Asakusabashi #Bakurocho #Korean food #Pig Daimon Market #Spicy food lover #Samgyeopsal
Kri Khalas on Google

★★★支払いが現金不可なので注意★★★ 1⃣ チーズタッカルビ定食のライスをミニ石焼ビビンパに変更して食す【1,485円】。 2⃣ テジプルコギ定食のライスをミニ石焼ビビンパに変更して食す【1,485円】。 ・とにかく鉄の器が激熱なのが素晴らしい。焦げすぎないよう注意するほど持続している。 ・ライスをミニ石焼ビビンパに変更したくなってしまうが、そうするとオカズとして食べられなくなるので、ライスのままでもいいかもしれない。韓国海苔までついてくるし。ミニ石焼ビビンパに変更したときは海苔は持ち帰ることになるはず。
★★★ Please note that payment is not possible in cash ★★★ 1 ⃣ Change the rice of the cheese dak-galbi set meal to a mini stone-grilled bibimbap and eat it [1,485 yen]. 2 ⃣ Change the rice of the Tejipurukogi set meal to a mini stone-grilled bibimbap and eat it [1,485 yen]. ・ Anyway, it is wonderful that the iron bowl is extremely hot. It is persistent enough to be careful not to burn it too much. ・ You will want to change the rice to a mini stone-grilled bibimbap, but if you do so, you will not be able to eat it as a side dish, so you may leave the rice as it is. It even comes with Korean seaweed. If you change to a mini stone-grilled bibimbap, you should bring back the seaweed.
Bea on Google

昨年夏にオープンしてから何度か15時過ぎにランチで来訪。すぐそばの一号店も韓国に行った気分になれる店内の雰囲気なので度々行ってました。新店舗きれい!そして先日super rich のドラマで赤楚君がご飯食べてましたね!また行こうと思います♩ ランチメニューは量的には少なめなので星四つ。(少食な女性にはちょうどいい量です!)
Visited for lunch several times after 15:00 since it opened last summer. I often went to the first store near by because it had an atmosphere that made me feel like I was in Korea. The new store is beautiful! And the other day, Akaso-kun was eating rice in a super rich drama! I will go again ♩ The lunch menu is small in quantity, so it has four stars. (It's just the right amount for women who eat less!)
takashi murakami on Google

【韓国屋台 豚大門市場)】(馬喰横山) まるで韓国に来たかのような屋台市場✈️ このご時世でも、満席御礼の賑わいっぷり! ーーーーーーーーーーーー 屋台ながら、料理がどれもおいしい! ・軍手で食べるトゥンカルビ これめちゃうまかった! 量り売りスタイルで、300gが1〜2人前で、ちょうどいい一品くらいな量。骨が多め? 熱々の韓国スペアリブを軍手で握って食べるのも楽しい! 調理に時間かかるので最初に頼むべき! ・チーズケランチム (韓国式ふわふわたまご蒸し) 一時期話題になったケランチム! ふわっふわの茶碗蒸しみたいな感じで、チーズもよく溶けておいしい! ・チーズボール 以前、新大久保で食べられなかったのでここでリベンジ! チーズたっぷり、弾力もすごくておいしかった! ・ピーマンナムル さっと出てきて、おいしくて最高? ・ジョウンデー数本 どの味もおいしい? ・マッコリ3種飲み比べ 数種類の中から、好きな3種類を選べるよ! ・百歳酒 これあまりおいしくなかった? ーーーーーーーーーーーー
[Korean food stalls Pig Daimon Market)] (Bakuro Yokoyama) Street food market as if you came to Korea ✈️ Even in this time of the year, there is a lot of full thanks! ------------- Despite being a food stall, all the food is delicious! ・ Tunkalbi eaten with work gloves This was really good! It is sold by weight, and 300g is for 1 to 2 servings, which is just the right amount. Do you have a lot of bones? It's fun to grab hot Korean spareribs with work gloves and eat! It takes time to cook, so you should ask first! ・ Cheese gyeran jjim (Korean style fluffy egg steamed) Gyeran-jjim became a hot topic for a while! It feels like fluffy chawanmushi, and the cheese melts well and is delicious! ・ Cheese ball I couldn't eat it at Shin-Okubo before, so revenge here! Plenty of cheese and great elasticity! ・ Pepper namul It came out quickly, it was delicious and the best ? ・ Several holidays Every taste is delicious ? ・ Comparison of drinking 3 types of makgeolli You can choose your favorite 3 types from several types! ・ Baekse-ju This wasn't very good ? -------------

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