
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 北海道らーめん雷

住所 :

1 Chome−46, Futabagaoka, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒981-0924 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://mobile.twitter.com/ikazuchisendai
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Miyagi

1 Chome−46, Futabagaoka, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒981-0924 Miyagi,Japan
モモンガ on Google

ブラックインパクト野菜普通ニンニク背脂マシをいただきました。 注文から着丼までレスポンスが早く、また注文後の麺の追加注文にも柔軟に対応していただき、満足出来るまで食べることが出来ました。 ブラックインパクトは二郎系らしい豚骨ベースの醤油スープで、見た目の黒っぽさより後味があっさりした印象でした 麺はストレートのやや太め、券売機で太麺に変えることも出来ます モチモチした麺とスープの相性はよく、野菜用のタレなども付いていて最後まで飽きのこない味でした。美味しかったです
Black impact vegetables I had regular garlic lard. The response from ordering to donburi was quick, and we were able to flexibly respond to additional orders for noodles after ordering, and we were able to eat until we were satisfied. Black Impact is a pork bone-based soy sauce soup that is typical of Jiro, and has a lighter aftertaste than it looks black. The noodles are straight and slightly thick, and you can change them to thick noodles at the ticket vending machine. The chewy noodles and soup go well together, and the sauce for vegetables was also included, so the taste was timeless until the end. It was delicious
ポチョムキン on Google

炒めヤサイの味付けが薄いので、スープがもう少し濃い味わいだと尚良し。 ヤサイはマシくらい、ニンニクとアブラは普通で十分です(笑)。 あと麺が若干ダマになってる感があるので、ある程度ヤサイをやっつけないと持ち上がりません(笑)。 ※写真は「ヤサイマシマシニンニクマシアブラマシ」
The stir-fried yasai is lightly seasoned, so it's better if the soup has a slightly stronger taste. Yasai is as good as it is, and garlic and abra are normal enough (laughs). I also feel that the noodles are a little lumpy, so I can't lift them unless I beat Yasai to some extent (laughs). * The photo is "Yasai Mashima Shinin Garlic Shea Bramashi"
Dealer DB on Google

3年間通わせていただいてるお店です。 ほぼ「セカンドインパクトの厚切り」しか食べてないですが、とても美味しいです。ヤサイ、ニンニク、背脂の量を『増し増し』まで増やすことができます。平日ランチならば、ライスも無料で付けられます。 二郎系とはちょっと違いますが、私の中で一番美味しいラーメンだと思います。 ぜひ一度、食べてみてください。
It is a shop that I have been going to for 3 years. I only eat "thick slices of second impact", but it's very delicious. You can increase the amount of yasai, garlic, and backfat to "additional". For lunch on weekdays, you can also add rice for free. It's a little different from Jiro, but I think it's the most delicious ramen in my life. Please try it once.
みずのこうじ on Google

2021年104杯目(73店舗)。日曜日、12時45分頃に初訪問しました。店舗前駐車場は満車で第二駐車場にとめました。 先客10名程度で、お目当てのセカンドインパクト880円を券売機にて注文(オーダー時に野菜マシマシ、味、油普通、ニンニク増しを注文)。待つこと10分程度で御対麺。 来た瞬間に苦笑いをしてしまうインパクトのある野菜盛り。二郎系でも中々のインパクト(笑)。チャーシュー厚切りで頼んだので2センチはある厚さ。野菜は小鉢によけて専用のタレで食べるとウマイ。ウマイウマイと食べてる間にお腹八分目(泣)麺に達した頃には罰ゲームの様に満腹になり、麺をすすると言うよりは箸で押し込む感じになってました。 味は濃い目で頼む方が良かったかな。 野菜増しや麺大盛は自信のある方のみにオススメ。マシマシも無料だからと言って頼むと後悔する事になるかもしれません。帰りは満腹過ぎてため息のラッシュ。 気になられた方は自分の体調、空腹具合を考えてからの無理のない注文をオススメします。
The 104th cup (73 stores) in 2021. I visited for the first time around 12:45 on Sunday. The parking lot in front of the store was full and stopped at the second parking lot. With about 10 customers, order the desired second impact of 880 yen at the ticket vending machine (at the time of ordering, order vegetable mashimashi, taste, normal oil, and extra garlic). It takes about 10 minutes to wait for the noodles. An impactful vegetable platter that makes you laugh bitterly the moment you come. Even in the Jiro system, it has a moderate impact (laughs). I ordered a thick slice of char siu, so 2 cm is a certain thickness. Vegetables are delicious when eaten in a special sauce in a small bowl. By the time I reached the 8th minute (crying) noodles while eating with Umai Umai, I was full like a punishment game, and I felt like pushing in with chopsticks rather than squeezing the noodles. I think it would have been better to order the taste with a strong eye. We recommend adding vegetables and a large serving of noodles only to those who are confident. You may regret it if you ask for it because it's free. On the way home, I was too full and sighed. If you are interested, we recommend that you make a reasonable order after considering your physical condition and hunger.
オサムさん on Google

ジャストインパクトみそを食べました。 麺は太麺のストレート。 色は何かが練り込んでいて薄茶。 まずはスープを飲んでみたら、どこか紅生姜の香り? たぶん気のせい! ちょうど良い麺の量。薄すぎるチャーシューとのバランスが絶妙。 わたし的にはスープは濃いかも。
I ate Just Impact Miso. The noodles are straight thick noodles. Something is kneaded into the color and it is light brown. First of all, when I drank the soup, it smelled like pickled ginger. Maybe it's because of my mind! Just the right amount of noodles. The balance with the too thin char siu is exquisite. For me, the soup may be thick.
なるお。 on Google

土曜日の仕事の昼休憩で目的のラーメン屋が臨休でフラれ、次の仕事の移動がてらラーメン屋探して車を走らせているとびっくりド○キーさんの隣にラーメン店を発見!! 双葉ケ丘の【北海道らーめん雷】さんで昼食を取ることにしました 入店すると入口の食券機にはセカンドインパクト??ブラックインパクト??の見慣れぬメニュー名が!時間も無いので後にも引けずに食券機左上の法則で今回は【セカンドインパクト】を注文しました? カウンター席に座り、店員さんに食券を渡すとニンニクとアブラはどうしますか?の問いかけが・・・ あ〜、なるほど、そういうことか・・・ 一軒目にフラレて、昼の時間が無いなか二郎インスパイア系のお店に入店してしまうとは・・??? とりあえずニンニク、アブラ少なめでラーメンを待つことに‥ 5分ほどで名前通りのインパクトを感じるラーメンが卓上に鎮座!!☹️ なかなかのビシュアルで戦いがいが有りそうです!! 初めは付属のタレをヤサイにかけて頂きましたが、タレがヤサイに良く合い、食始めにはもってこいな味とモヤシのシャキシャキ具合が良いですね〜 ヤサイをある程度食べ進めたら、麺を引き上げると中太なちょい硬めの麺で濃厚な味噌の旨味の強いスープとよく絡んで美味い!!?? トッピングの存在感ある肉厚な豚ちゃんも肉質しっかり目で食べごたえが充分過ぎる〜? 時間がない中、味わいつつもなんとか完食できました〜 予期せぬ衝撃的な出会いでしたが大変美味しく頂けました!!出来れば時間に余裕がある時に来てもっとじっくり味わいたかった〜〜 ゴチそう様でした!!!????
I was surprised to find a ramen shop next to Mr. Do * ki when I was driving a car looking for a ramen shop when I was moving to the next job because the target ramen shop was closed during the lunch break on Saturday! !! I decided to have lunch at [Hokkaido Ramen Rai] in Futabagaoka. Is it a second impact on the ticket machine at the entrance when you enter the store? ? Black impact? ? Unfamiliar menu name! I didn't have much time, so I couldn't close afterwards, so I ordered [Second Impact] this time according to the law on the upper left of the ticket machine ? What do you do with garlic and abra when you sit at the counter and give the clerk a meal ticket? The question is ... Ah, that's right ... It's said that you will enter a Jiro-inspired shop when you don't have time for lunch at the first house ... ??? For the time being, I decided to wait for ramen with less garlic and abra. Ramen that feels the impact as the name suggests sits on the table in about 5 minutes! !! ☹️ It's quite vicious and it seems to be worth the fight! !! At first, I had the attached sauce sprinkled on the yasai, but the sauce goes well with the yasai, and the taste is perfect for the beginning of the meal and the crispness of the bean sprouts is good ~ After eating Yasai to a certain extent, pull up the noodles and the noodles will be thick and slightly hard, and will be deliciously entwined with the rich miso soup! !! ?? Thick pork with a strong presence of toppings is too meaty to eat with good eyes ~ ? I managed to finish the meal while tasting it while I didn't have time ~ It was an unexpected and shocking encounter, but it was very delicious! !! If possible, I wanted to come and enjoy it more carefully when I had time to spare. It was like that! !! !! ????
Szymon Maciej Fujak on Google

Good and pretty cheap ra-men. I do recommend.
Monika Bednarczyk on Google

Good ramen, I recommend if you are around this area.

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