Zuiryusansosan Temple - Kawasaki

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Zuiryusansosan Temple

住所 :

1 Chome-4-3 Isago, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 210-0006, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 210-0006
Webサイト : http://www2.harimaya.com/sengoku/html/mamiya_k.html

1 Chome-4-3 Isago, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 210-0006, Japan
xxion神田 on Google

2017/4/8拝受 准秩父三十四観音霊場第20番札所。境内の墓所には、川崎宿として栄えた頃に、宿で働いた、飯盛り女を供養する石造物がありました。有り難く准秩父三十四観音霊場第20番札所の御朱印(如意輪観世音)を頂きました!
2017/4/8 Reception @ Junchibu 34th Kannon Sacred Ground No. 20. At the grave in the precincts, there was a stone sculpture that worked at the inn and offered a memorial service to the young lady when it flourished as Kawasaki-juku. Thank you very much, I got a red seal (Ryoinkan Kanzeon) at the 20th bill of the 34th Kannon Chichibu Kannon Sacred Ground!
永田徳哉 on Google

"Bushu, Kawasaki Shoshukuji Temple" is said to be its predecessor. Odawara Hojo's vassal, Nobumori Maize Buzen Mamoru, was established in Chuo, and was named Sosanji by its legal name, "Zuiryuin Untani Sozanshi." It is said that there are tombs of Mamiya Buzen Morinobu Nomorimori and tombs with uncharacterized characters engraved with "Uhatsu mortar" in the center of the head of the tombstone.
Kou K on Google

A historic temple along the old Tokaido.
keiichi koyanagi on Google

The unrelated Buddha of Meshimori onna is in this temple.
大吉 on Google

I met a historical temple near Kawasaki station♪
五十嵐正臣 on Google

お寺の説明板があり、下のように書かれていました。 中世前期、この付近は「川崎荘」と呼ばれる一つの地域単位を構成していたが、その時代荘内に勝福寺という寺院があり、弘長三年(1263)在地領主である佐々木泰綱が中心となり、五千人余りの浄財をあつめて梵鐘の鋳造が行われた。勝福寺はその後退転したようであるが、宗三寺はその後身とみられ、戦国時代、この地を知行した間宮氏が当寺を中興している。 「江戸名所図会」に本尊釈迦如来は、「一尺ばかりの唐仏なり」とあるように、本尊はひくい肉髯、玉状の耳朶、面長な顔、腹前に下着紉を結び、大きく掩腋衣をあらわす中国風の像である。今、墓地には大阪方の牢人で、元和元年(1615)川崎に土着した波多野伝右衛門一族の墓や、川崎宿貸座敷組合の建立した遊女の供養碑がある。
There was an explanation board for the temple, and it was written as follows. In the early Middle Ages, this area constituted one area unit called "Kawasaki-so", but there was a temple called Shopuku-ji Temple in that era, centered on Yasuna Sasaki, who was the lord of the year 1263. , The casting of the bell bell was carried out by collecting more than 5,000 purified goods. It seems that Shofukuji Temple has retreated, but Sosanji Temple is believed to have become the body after that, and Mamiya, who had known this place during the Warring States Period, has established this temple. As the Buddha Shaku Nyorai said in the "Edo Famous Views," he said, "It's just one shy of a Buddha." It is a Chinese-style statue of a large robe. At the cemetery, there is a tomb of the Hatano Denemon family, who was a prisoner in the Osaka area in 1615 in Kawasaki, and a memorial monument for a prostitute built by the Kawasaki-juku Rental House Association.
乙名丹次郎 on Google

An old temple of the former Tokaido Kawasaki-juku (a temple that is said to have succeeded the old temple). There is only an ordinary temple and graveyard, but at the far left of the cemetery is the memorial mound of the Iimori women (young girls who sell spring) in the inn. Many were not able to live long because they were sold by poor households in their neighborhoods and were sick and abused. Gassho.
Yoshi Kurakino on Google

瑞龍山宗三寺は鎌倉時代にあった宇多源氏佐々木家の関東における菩提寺だった勝福寺が前身。佐々木泰綱公の記録等が残る。 その後衰退した所を戦国時代に小田原北条家臣の豊前守 間宮信盛 入道 宗三によって末吉村の寶泉寺第四世僧自山を招いて中興開山されて寺名は宗三寺に改められた。 戦国武将、間宮信盛公の御廟所が在る寺院だが、間宮信盛公の墓石には子孫が追善供養をした際に誤って間宮信盛公の曾孫に当たる間宮康信公の名前が刻まされている。 誤って開山と彫られている間宮康信公も又、武田信玄の軍勢を駿東郡戦線や三増峠で痛撃した猛将として有名。しかし、当山の中興開基は間宮信盛公である。 間宮信盛公の間宮家は戦国時代の北條家臣で相模十四騎筆頭に挙げられた家。 間宮家は近江国の宇多源氏佐々木家の分家で、初代鎌倉公方の足利基氏公の家臣を経て、鎌倉府の消滅後は伊勢盛時入道宗瑞(北條早雲)公に使えた一族。 伊勢盛時公が韮山城主と成った伊豆入国の際に従い、扇谷上杉家との権現山合戦での間宮彦四郎の活躍し世に武名を知らしめた。 間宮家は陸戦以外にも宮司家出身、水軍、築城集団、鷹匠等の特異な技能を持つ集団であり、その経歴と合戦での実績から玉縄北條家の付家老と成った。 玉縄北條家の地黄八幡こと北條綱成公~北條氏繁公~北條氏勝公の三代に与力した間宮康俊公と間宮康信公、北條氏照公に与力した間宮綱信公、北條氏康公の直臣の間宮信繁公等は特に鶴岡八幡宮の再建を始めとした寺社の再建、合戦や諜報、外交、築城で功績を残した。 豊臣秀吉の小田原攻めの際に、間宮康俊は城将の松田康長と共に箱根山中の山中城で手勢200ばかりを率いて籠城、秀吉の先鋒豊臣秀次率いる26000の大軍を迎撃し秀吉配下の大名、一柳直末を討ち取る等活躍し玉砕した。 この間宮康俊公の活躍と、北條家の外交官を務めた間宮綱信公が徳川家康公と直接面識が有った事により、北條家の改易蟄居後は間宮一族の多くが徳川家康公の直参旗本に取り立てられた。 特に間宮康俊公の娘の於久は徳川家康公の側室となり一女を産み、嫡孫の間宮直元公は本牧奉行・但馬奉行・佐渡奉行に取り立てられた。間宮直元公は大坂城の総堀を埋めたて城を無力化する作戦を家康公に献策した人物。
Zuiryuzan Sosan-ji is the predecessor of Shofu-ji Temple, which was a Buddhist temple in the Kanto region of the Sasaki family in the Kamakura period. Records of Yasunori Sasaki, etc. remain. Later, in the Sengoku period, the declined area was enshrined by Odawara Hojo's Buddhist Mamoru Buzen Mamoru Nobumori Mamiya, Nichimichi Souyoshi-mura, the 4th Buddhist monk of Suisenji, and the temple name was changed to Sosan-ji. It is a temple where there is a sanctuary of the Sengoku warlords, Nobumori Mamiya, but the tombstone of Nobumori Mamiya is engraved with the name of Yasunobu Mamiya, who was mistakenly the great-grandchild of Nobumori Mamiya, when the descendant provided a memorial service. Yes. Yasunobu Miyamiya, who was mistakenly carved as a mountain, is also famous as a warrior who injured Shingen Takeda's army on the Nakdong-gun front and Sanmasu. However, the Zhongxing foundation of the mountain is Nobumori Mamiya. The Mamiya family of Mamoru Nobumori Mamiya is the home of the Samurai family who was listed as the head of the Sagami period. The Mamiya family is a branch of the Sasaki family of Utaki Genji in Omi country. After the disappearance of Kamakura's first family member, Mr. Motoshi Ashikaga, and after the disappearance of Kamakura prefecture, it was a family that could be used by Izumi Seizu Izumi Suzui (Hokkaido Soun). According to the time of the Izu arrival when Isemori Tokiko became the lord of the Hiyama castle, Shiko Mamiya played an active role in the battle of the Gongenyama with the Ogigaya Uesugi family and made the world famous. In addition to the land battle, the Mamiya family is a group with unique skills, such as those from the Miyaji family, the Navy, the castle group, and the falconer. The territory of the Tamaki Hokuto family, Hokuhachi Tatsunari, Hokusei Tsunari, Hokujo Shigenko, Hokuto, Katsuko, Mamiya Yasutoshi and Mamiya Yasunobu, Hokuto Ms. Naomiomi's Nobuyoshi Mamiya, among others, made an outstanding achievement in rebuilding temples and shrines, including the reconstruction of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, battles and intelligence, diplomacy, and construction of castles. When Hideyoshi Toyotomi attacked Odawara, Yasutoshi Mamiya led the castle 200 in Yamanaka Castle in the mountains of Hakone together with Yasucho Matsuda, and intercepted 26,000 large forces led by Hideki Toyotomi Hideki, who is the lord of Hideyoshi. , Crushing Naoue Ichiyanagi and other activities. Due to the success of Yasutoshi Mamiya and the fact that Tatsunobu Mamiya, who served as a diplomat of the Hojo family, had direct acquaintance with Ieyasu Tokugawa, many of the Mamiya clan were It was set up as a direct entry flag book. In particular, Yasutoshi Mamiya's daughter, Oku, became the side room of Ieyasu Tokugawa, who gave birth to a girl, and the great-grandchild Naokimoto Mamiya was commissioned by Honmoku, Tajima, and Sado. Naomoto Mamiya is a person who dedicated to Ieyasu's strategy to fill the entire moat of Osaka Castle and neutralize the castle.

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