
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Zenpuku-ji

住所 :

Tsukudekiyooka, Shinshiro, 〒441-1414 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
街 : 区画 Aichi

Tsukudekiyooka, Shinshiro, 〒441-1414 Aichi,Japan
清水桂 on Google

小林哲康 on Google

ラオウ on Google

松本伸雄 on Google

Nioson, Aun statue, wooden parquet. It is said to have been made by Unkei during the Kamakura period. The name "Tsukude" was given to the village because the Shingon sect Omuro school and the Shinsai monk repaired the hands of the Buddha statue.
川上富男 on Google

真言宗御室派(本山 仁和寺)のお寺です。とても歴史を感じられるお寺で、お勧めです。入口が分かりにくいですが、白い公民館の横の細い道を上っていくと左手に草の生えた空地(お寺の駐車場)が有ります。少し急な階段を登ると山門が、更に静かな本堂の中の坊が有ります。
It is a temple of the Omuro school of the Shingon sect (Ninna-ji, Motoyama). It is a temple where you can feel a lot of history, so I recommend it. The entrance is difficult to find, but if you go up the narrow road next to the white public hall, you will find a grassy open space (temple parking lot) on your left. If you climb the steep stairs, you will find the Sanmon Gate, and the quieter Main Hall.
Yuu Hattori on Google

There is a beast fence at the entrance. After passing through the temple, many stone Buddhas are enshrined, and if you go further, you will reach the remains of Munju Mountain Castle.
Boss Hatto on Google

文殊山城址から お参りさせて貰いました。 道中、お地蔵さまが沢山あります。
From the ruins of Monjusan Castle I was allowed to visit you. There are many Jizo statues along the way.
ういん. on Google

文珠山ふもとの作手観音善福寺。風格のある山門と趣のある石段そして威風漂う本堂はなかなかの圧巻だ。 わざわざここまで来て納得させられるいい雰囲気だ。 さらに500メートルほどで文珠山城址にいけるというので上がってみた。思いの外山中の道なき道で、傾斜もかなりあり息が切れる。(Google Mapsにも道は表示されていないが、林道があり、文珠山城址に直接車でいけるらしい。) 石段手前脇にお宅があったが、お留守らしくご朱印は頂けなかった。残念。
Tsukudekannon Zenpukuji Temple at the foot of Mt. Bunju. The stately gate, the quaint stone steps, and the majestic main hall are quite spectacular. It's a nice atmosphere to come all the way to this point and convince. I went up because I could reach the ruins of Mt. Bunju in about 500 meters. It's a road without a road in the mountains, and the slope is quite steep, so I'm out of breath. (The road is not displayed on Google Maps, but there is a forest road, and it seems that you can drive directly to the ruins of Bunju Mountain Castle.) There was a house in front of the stone steps, but I couldn't get the red stamp because I was away. Sorry.

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