
3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 妻恋坂

住所 :

Yushima, Bunkyo City, 〒113-0034 Tokyo,Japan

街 : Tokyo

Yushima, Bunkyo City, 〒113-0034 Tokyo,Japan
東京Tokyo EX on Google

This name is wonderful!
マヤノ“マヤノトップガン”トップガン on Google

I think it was a slope in love with my wife
Yoshihisa on Google

It is said that the name was given when Tsumakoi Shrine moved from Yushima.
ノリはる-H on Google

2021/8/22-Local shooting ...
やん on Google

There are many famous slopes including Tsumagoi Koisaka and it is interesting. Tsumagoi Shrine is a small but tasteful shrine where people come every few minutes.
神山博光 on Google

Is there real wife Koisaka here? I used to use Kuramaebashi Street a lot, but there is a slope with the same name on Kuramaebashi Street. Well, it doesn't make sense to mess up people who don't live in this land.
ひいsen on Google

由来は江戸にあるという、見た目普通の坂。 坂を登ると妻恋神社がある。
The origin is in Edo. When you climb the hill, you will find Tsumakoi Shrine
五十嵐正臣 on Google

説明板が建っており、下のように書かれていました。 江戸時代、このあたりに、名僧で名高い大超和尚の開いた霊山寺があった。明暦3年(1657)江戸の町の大半を焼きすくす大火がおこり、この名刹も焼失し、浅草へ移転した。 この霊山寺の敷地は、妻恋坂から神田神社(神田明神)にかかる広大なものであった。嘉永6年(1853)の『江戸切絵図』を見ると、その敷地跡のうち、西の一角に島田弾正という旗本屋敷がある。明治になって、その視木々は清水精機会社の所有となった。 大正時代に入って、湯島天満宮とお茶の水の間の往き来が不便であったため、清水精機会社が一部土地を待ちに提供し、坂道を整備した。 そこで、町の人たちが、清水家の徳をたたえて、「清水坂」と名づけ、坂下に清水坂の石柱を建てた。
An explanation board was erected and it was written as follows. In this area of ​​the Edo period, there was a sacred mountain temple opened by Osho Osho, a famous monk. In the 1657th year of the Meiji era (1657), a large fire that burned most of the town of Edo occurred, this famous temple was also burned down, and it moved to Asakusa. The site of this sacred mountain was a vast one from Tsumagoi-zaka to Kanda Shrine (Kanda Myojin). Looking at "Edo Kirie-zu" in 1853, there is a flag book mansion called Shimada Kanomasa in the western part of the site. In the Meiji era, the trees were owned by Shimizu Seiki Co., Ltd. Since entering the Taisho era, it was inconvenient to come and go between Yushima Tenmangu and Ochanomizu, so Shimizu Seiki Co., Ltd. provided a part of the land waiting for the improvement of the slope. Then, the people of the town praised the Shimizu family's virtue and named it "Shimizuzaka," and built a stone pillar of Shimizuzaka below Sakashita.

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