
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ふぢ金旅館

住所 :

Yumachi, Kaminoyama, 〒999-3156 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
街 : Yamagata

Yumachi, Kaminoyama, 〒999-3156 Yamagata,Japan
西澤努 on Google

一泊しました、昭和レトロ感バリバリです。 温泉は結構熱いですが、朝に入った時は、温度が丁度良く、最高でした。宿のメシも旨かった❗️特に御飯が「ツヤツヤ」でした、また行きたいです。
I stayed overnight, it is a feeling of Showa retro Bali. The hot spring is quite hot, but when I entered the morning, the temperature was just right, it was the best. The meal was also delicious, especially the inn's messi, and I wanted to go again.
yuki koo (ゆっきー) on Google

時間:10:00~ 定休日: 料金:大人400円 泉質 ナトリウム、カルシウム、塩化物硫酸塩泉、 弱アルカリ性、PH7.8 温度 64.9℃ 効能 神経痛 リューマチ 運動器障害 便秘 建物は老朽化している。入り口は二箇所あります。 温泉の質がいいです。 人があまり入っていないので激熱です。 流石、源泉かけ流しです。 設備はカランが一つでよくはありませんが上山源泉の芒硝臭、石膏臭がとてもいい香りで満足。
Time: 10:00-Regular holiday: Price: Adult 400 yen Spring condition Sodium, calcium, chloride sulfate spring, weak alkalinity, pH 7.8 Temperature 64.9 ° C Efficacy, neuralgia, rheumatism, musculoskeletal disorder constipation The building is old. There are two entrances. The quality of the hot spring is good. Because there are not many people in it, it is intense fever. It's a shame, it's pouring over the source. The facility is not good with only one callan, but it is satisfied that it has a very good smell of salt and gypsum odor from the Kaminoyama source.
Peri Cafe on Google

名人の湯として日帰り温泉施設としてリニューアルしています。 温泉宿の名残もあり、わざわざ女将さんが浴室まで案内してくださいました。 浴室・脱衣所は少し小振りですが、喫茶スペースで主人や女将さんと話が出来、アットホームな感じがよいです。是非今度は食事もしたいと思います。
We are renovating as a hot spring facility for a day trip as a hot water of a master There is also a remnant of a hot spring inn, and a lady general took us to the bathroom. The bathroom and dressing room are a bit small, but I can talk with my husband and daughter in the cafe space and I feel at home. I would like to have a meal this time.
無添加無添加 on Google

Equipment is old when we say bad cousin at first. The building will also be over 50 years old. So it is not suitable for young couples. If you are older or older, you may miss Showa. We were able to stay with discount on the day when there were no lodgings on Saturday, and received a seasonal cherry as a service. It is nice to have an elderly couple who will be able to provide a service with a firm smile, and it is discounted, but it was good that I could stay in a room with around 12 tatami around at the lowest price and relax. There is also an air conditioner, but it's not necessary to be cool and comfortable. As it is a type that is decreasing gradually, please support not to stay in high accommodation.
新野之男 on Google

温泉が最高級、源泉掛け流し昭和レトロの旅籠屋です。 湯槽が広くゆったりできますが源泉のため熱目です。夫婦でお邪魔しました貸しきりで、頂きました。 最高でしたね、リピート確定です。
The hot springs are the highest grade, and the Showa Retro Hatagoya that flows from the source spring. The bath can be spacious and spacious, but it is hot because it is the source. I got it because it was rented by a couple. It was the best, the repeat is confirmed.
Charlie pooh on Google

I love this inn. I love the atmosphere. Grandpa and grandma met me very kindly. I visited yesterday night for a day trip bathing. It is a very tasteful inn. The floor squeaked but it was very clean. There are a lot of clean and decent hotels in the area, but if you come here, you have traveled! It has the potential to make you feel at home. Hot springs are intense heat and are the uniqueness of Kamiyama Onsen. I enjoy in hot water. The reason for the heat of this ryokan seems to be that the source is not diluted with water. Hot water is very beautiful and has no smell and is transparent. It is a very precious hot spring. However, it will be surprised if it enters normally because it is intense heat after all. Please do not press here as you will not enter the gaga level of Ueshima Ryushi's hot water bath. And I recommend hot water.
koota a on Google

単独日帰りで利用しました。入り口が表裏あり、大声で何とか女将さんを呼ぶと駐車はそのまま玄関前でも良いとの事、古く大きな民家のお風呂をお借りする感じで脱衣場まで案内して頂きました。 あのー料金は?なるほど後で良いと、、いざ浴室を開けるとまさにサウナ、密閉され民家にしては広大な浴槽に60℃近いお湯が掛け流されてます。貸し切り状態で、言いつけ通りホースから最大水量で薄めても温度は全然下がりません、最後は浴槽の横に寝そべり桶でお湯を浴びてました(笑)帰り際には、差し支えなければ 上の窓を開けておいてみては?と進言しましたがそれでも45℃以下にはならないと思います。とても気の良い女将さんで 財布から¥400円の最後の100円を探していると「無ければいいですよ」と、 いやいや小銭だけは持ってますから。 このご時世でお客様も少ないらしいですが つっかけみたいな靴で来た日帰り客にわざわざ靴ベラまで取りに行く程のお見送りに感動し 「インターネット、、、あー、まぁそういうのに良い評判書いておきますよー」と旅館を後にしました。
I used it on a single day trip. There are front and back entrances, and when I managed to call the landlady in a loud voice, I was told that parking could be done in front of the entrance as it was, and I was guided to the dressing room as if I was renting a bath in an old large private house. What is the charge? Well, it's okay later, when you open the bathroom, it's just a sauna, and a bathtub that is sealed and vast for a private house is filled with hot water of nearly 60 ° C. In the chartered state, the temperature does not drop at all even if you dilute it with the maximum amount of water from the hose as you say, at the end I lay down next to the bathtub and bathed in hot water in a vat (laugh) I have to do it on my way home Why don't you open the upper window? But I don't think it will be below 45 ℃. A very nice landlady When I was looking for the last 100 yen of ¥ 400 from my wallet, I said, "I wish I hadn't." No, I only have small change. It seems that there are few customers in this age I was impressed by the fact that day-trippers who came with shoes that looked like shoes had to go to the shoehorn to pick them up. I left the ryokan, saying, "The Internet ... well, I'll write a good reputation for that."
カモ on Google

隣の名人のゆが満員で待ち時間が必要だったためこちらに伺ったところ、なんと貸し切りで入浴できました。 お湯が出るシャワーとドライヤーがないのは残念でしたが、泉質と人柄の良さは抜群に良かったです。
The next master, Yu, was full and needed a waiting time, so when I visited here, I was able to take a bath for private use. It was a pity that there was no shower and hair dryer with hot water, but the quality of the spring and the personality were outstandingly good.

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