
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 結城蔵美館

住所 :

Yuki, 〒307-0001 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://www.city.yuki.lg.jp/sp/page/page000264.html
街 : Ibaraki

Yuki, 〒307-0001 Ibaraki,Japan
岡本芳則 on Google

【結城蔵美館】 駐車場?️綺麗に舗装されてて安心ですが白線書いて無いので若干戸惑う。 結城市にあるちっこい美術館。 入館料無料!感謝。 女性店員さん気さくな方でしゃべりやすい。 御手杵の槍格好いいですね!凄い!こんな長い槍で戦してたなんてビックリです。 (2019.6.23)
【Yuki Kuramikokan】 Parking lot ?️ It is safe to be paved beautifully, but I am a little confused because I do not write the white line. Chikkoi Art Museum located in Yuki city. Admission fee free! Thanks. It's easy for female clerks to talk freely. It's nice to look at your chopsticks! great! I'm surprised that I was fighting with such a long fight. (2019.6.23)
杉浦さん on Google

入口正面を入ると絵画の展示販売があり、右奥に進むとすぐ別館に。 別館の一階は日露戦争時の結城市にまつわる展示【陸軍特別大演習】。 二階は結城晴朝氏【御手杵の槍】の展示。 古い蔵を利用した美術館で素敵ですが、瓦屋根の二階は夏とても暑いです。 入場無料
If you enter the front of the entrance, you can see and sell paintings. The first floor of the annex is an exhibition related to Yuki City during the Russo-Japanese War. On the second floor is an exhibition by Haruyuki Yuki (Mite-no-Mori). This is a nice museum in an old storehouse, but the second floor with a tiled roof is very hot in summer. free entrance
Char Leo on Google

JR水戸線結城駅から徒歩15分程度。 訪問した時に学芸員さんが電話応対しており、終わるまでかなり待たされた。 無料拝観という事なので入ろうとしたら電話しながら指差しで止められ、住所名前を記入するボードを投げ渡され不快な思いをした。 館内は二部屋しか無く、展示物も少ないので5分くらいで全て回れます。学芸員が一人しかいないので待たされる場合があります。
About a 15-minute walk from Yuki Station on the JR Mito Line. The curator was answering the phone when I visited, and I had to wait a long time until the end. It was a free visit, so when I tried to enter, I was stopped by pointing at it while calling, and I was thrown a board to write my address and name, which made me feel uncomfortable. There are only two rooms in the hall, and there are few exhibits, so you can go all around in about 5 minutes. You may have to wait because there is only one curator.
きようこ on Google

シンプルな美術品が飾られてました お土産も 扱ってましたよ マンホールカードが貰えます
A simple piece of art was displayed We also handled souvenirs You can get a manhole card
Smile* Simple on Google

小さな美術館ですが、結城の歴史を知るのに役立ちます。 刀剣好き女子も来ますね。街中をお散歩するのもよいでしょう
Although it is a small museum, it is useful for learning about the history of Yuki. Girls who like swords will also come. You can also take a walk in the city
百瀬哲夫 on Google

Surprisingly, the history of Yuki City seems to be that the spear is historically rare, and the memorials that the Emperor Meiji came and practiced are displayed here.
小梅ちゃん2001 on Google

I don't know what the nationwide tourism rating of Yuki City is, but on the day I visited, it was full of tourists walking around the city with a pamphlet. This small museum was also lively. Although it is a replica, it is decorated with a famous spear. In addition, the history of Yuki is shown in a chronological table format. From Toyotomi Hideyoshi to Yuki Hyakumangoku, I learned from the Meiji era to modern times. The souvenir corner is also substantial. There are also two types of castle stamps for Yuki Castle.
Leonid Bolotov on Google

I visited to see dolls during Hina matsuri. Only few exhibitions were on display due to the restrictions. There are lots of preventing measures against COVID adopted. The visit was exciting.

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