積水ハウス不動産東京(株) 本社

2.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 積水ハウス不動産東京(株) 本社

住所 :

Yoyogi, Shibuya City, 〒151-0053 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://www.sekiwafudousan.com/
街 : Tokyo

Yoyogi, Shibuya City, 〒151-0053 Tokyo,Japan
藤川智生 on Google

飯田康博 on Google

中村健太 on Google

I visited at work.
t t on Google

0 level knowledge of noise trouble handling
富田久則 on Google

It's been a long time since I requested it, and the response is poor.
H F on Google

星1点も付けたくないです。 賃貸ですが、騒音、ゴミ捨て、その他マナー違反の居住者が多く、三鷹営業所に連絡するも対応が遅すぎる。 放置自転車があり、対応してほしいとお願いし、担当者はシールを配布すると言っていたが結局何もされず、、 ただ配るだけで何ヶ月もかかる訳ないでしょうし…どうなっているんでしょうか? 賃貸の客の扱いは適当でも構わない、というスタンスなのでしょうか? 騒音については、最終的には警察に連絡をというアドバイスのみ。 ゴミ置き場に指定日前からいくつも生ゴミが放置され、捨てている住人もこちらが特定して営業所に電話しましたが、何も変わりません。 真摯に入居者の依頼に向き合う姿勢が見られず、更新はしないつもりです。 積水ハウスの賃貸には二度と住みません。
I don't want to add a single star. Although it is rented, there are many residents who violate noise, garbage, and other manners, and it is too late to contact the Mitaka Sales Office. There was an illegally parked bicycle, and I asked him to take care of it, and the person in charge said that he would distribute stickers, but in the end nothing was done, It won't take months just to give it out ... what's going on? Is it a stance that it doesn't matter if the rental customers are treated appropriately? Regarding noise, only the advice to contact the police in the end. A number of kitchen wastes have been left in the garbage storage area since the designated date, and the residents who are throwing them away have also identified and called the sales office, but nothing has changed. I haven't seen a sincere attitude toward the tenant's request, so I'm not going to update it. I will never live in Sekisui House for rent.
low hi on Google

賃貸に住む前の「インターネット回線の勧誘」この営業が本当に最悪。 「ただの営業」なら秒速で電話を切るのだが、何やら賃貸契約に関して困り事を聞いてくるので、困っている事を答えたら不動産屋を巻き込んで余計混乱させて最悪。もうこんな意味の無い営業を止めてくれ。 バイトを使った勧誘電話は、本当に迷惑。 これってオレオレ詐欺と同じ扱いにしてくれないかな。
"Solicitation of internet line" before living in rent This business is really the worst. If it's just a business, I hang up the phone at the speed of a second, but I'm asked about problems with the rental contract, so if I answer the problem, I get involved with the real estate agent and it's the worst. Stop this meaningless business anymore. The solicitation talk using a part-time job is really annoying. I wonder if this will be treated the same as my scam.
hayami imaichi on Google

賃貸を借りていた際に鍵を紛失して合鍵を受け取りに行ったところ、同じアパートの別の住人の合鍵を渡される事例があった。 安全面で重大なインシデントだと思うが、一切の詫びや説明はなく、『間違ってお渡ししたので、返しに来てください(交通費は自己負担)』と言われただけであった。 借りている物件の質に不満はないが、更新書類の書類紛失も発生しており、信頼できないと感じた
When I lost the key when I was renting it and went to pick up the key, there was a case where I was given the key of another resident of the same apartment. I think it was a serious incident in terms of safety, but there was no apology or explanation, and I was just told, "I gave it by mistake, so please come back (transportation expenses will be borne by you)." I am not dissatisfied with the quality of the property I am renting, but I felt that it was unreliable due to the loss of renewal documents.

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