本山整体サロン - Nagoya

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 本山整体サロン

住所 :

Yotsuyatori, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, 〒464-0819 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877799
Postal code : 464-0819
Webサイト : http://motoyama-seitai.com/
街 : Aichi

Yotsuyatori, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, 〒464-0819 Aichi,Japan
Mame on Google

産後の骨盤矯正のため通い始めました。丁寧なカウンセリングから、骨盤だけではなく、頭、肩、腰、背中、内臓から足まで全て複合的に関連しているとお話しを伺い、調子の悪いところのみ診てもらうだけではなく、根本的な原因を探ってもらえることに安心感を覚えました。託児所もあり、曜日は指定されてしまいますが子供を連れて伺えるのは助かります。スタッフの皆さんは本当に優しくて親切で感謝しています。長年の積み重ねで出来た身体のため、すぐには身体は変化しませんが、教えていただいたストレッチなどを行い、体質が改善されればと思います。 毎回とても気持ちの良い施術で心地よい音楽が流れてリラックスできますが、院長の足音と話し声、出入り口の扉の開閉音が気になってしまうため星4つとさせていただきます。いつもありがとうございます。
I started going to correct my pelvis after giving birth. From careful counseling, I heard that not only the pelvis but also the head, shoulders, hips, back, internal organs and feet are all related in a complex way. I was relieved to be able to find the cause. There is also a daycare center, and the days of the week are specified, but it is helpful to bring your children. The staff are really kind, kind and grateful. Since my body has been built up over many years, my body will not change immediately, but I hope that I can improve my constitution by doing the stretching that I was taught. It's a very pleasant treatment every time, and you can relax with soothing music, but I'm worried about the director's footsteps and voice, and the sound of opening and closing the door of the doorway, so I will give it 4 stars. I am always grateful for your help.
chii_s. on Google

夫婦でお世話になっております。 長年の偏頭痛と生理痛が酷く鎮痛剤が手放せなかったのですが、偏頭痛の症状がほぼ出なくなり生理痛も軽くなりました。 また不妊治療でなかなか授かることが出来なかったのが、やっと妊娠し今8ヶ月を迎えました! 妊娠初期は骨盤が安定せず脚に痛みがありましたが、何度か通っているうちに骨盤が安定し脚の痛みもなくなりました。 食事や運動、ストレッチなどのアドバイスもいただき順調に育ってます! このまま出産に向けて身体を整えて、産後も通わせていただきます!
I am indebted to my husband and wife. I couldn't let go of the painkillers because of my long-standing migraine and menstrual cramps, but the symptoms of migraine headaches almost disappeared and my menstrual cramps became less severe. In addition, I couldn't get it because of infertility treatment, but I finally got pregnant and now I'm 8 months old! In the early stages of pregnancy, my pelvis was not stable and I had pain in my legs, but after several passes, my pelvis became stable and my leg pain disappeared. I received advice on diet, exercise, stretching, etc. and I am growing steadily! I will prepare my body for childbirth as it is, and I will continue to attend after childbirth!
Kay F on Google

I am indebted to the postpartum pelvic correction. There is a person who specializes in childcare, so it is helpful because you can leave it with confidence. The height of the shoulders after childbirth was different on the left and right, and I felt uncomfortable with the hug strap, but now I can attach the hug strap without any discomfort! The procedure is also very pleasant and often causes loss of consciousness. I'm glad I chose this!
りな on Google

産後の骨盤矯正でお世話になりました。 骨盤の左右差を毎回治していただきました。 猫背と立った時の股関節の痛みが気になっていましたが、段々と痛みがなくなり、今は全く痛くなくなりました。 また、保育士さんがいるため娘を連れて施術に行けたためありがたかったです。 たまたまかと思いますが、予約時間を過ぎてから前の人が終わることが多く大半待たされていたので星4つにさせてもらいます。。
Thank you for your help in postpartum pelvic correction. Healed the laterality of the pelvis every time. I was worried about the pain in my hip joint when I stood with my stoop, but the pain gradually disappeared, and now it doesn't hurt at all. Also, I was grateful that I was able to go to the treatment with my daughter because I had a nursery teacher. I think it happens, but since most of the previous people have been waiting after the reserved time, I will give it 4 stars. ..
アルパカアル on Google

The terrible atopy has been improved. When I first started going to school, I couldn't sleep until the morning because of itching, but now I can sleep well. It may get worse in winter, but I think it's getting lighter. I would like to continue to go for a complete cure.
1045 on Google

産前・産後に大変お世話になりました。 産前は、お腹が大きく体が思うように動かせない事から、全身凝り固まっていましたが、リラックスしながら施術を受けることが出来ました。 出産に向けて呼吸法やストレッチの仕方も教えてもらえて助かりました! 産後も、骨盤がぐらいついて歩きにくかったり、授乳や寝かしつけで首肩腰が凝り固まっていましまが、とっても楽になりました。 サロン内で子どもを預けて施術を受けれるので、本当に助かっています!
Thank you very much for your help before and after childbirth. Before giving birth, my stomach was so big that I couldn't move my body as I wanted, so my whole body was stiff, but I was able to receive the treatment while relaxing. It was helpful to be taught how to breathe and stretch for childbirth! Even after giving birth, my pelvis was so tight that it was difficult to walk, and my neck, shoulders, and hips were stiff due to breastfeeding and sleeping, but it became much easier. It's really helpful because I can leave my child in the salon and receive the treatment!
t d on Google

産前に、足の痛みがひどく、駆け込みました。妊娠中は頭痛やつわりなどマイナートラブルが多くありましたが、親身に相談に乗っていただき、原因を探って下さったことが嬉しかったです。 施術自体は痛みがなく、効いているのか半信半疑ではありましたが、施術が終わると身体が軽くなり、不思議な感覚でした。 産後も骨盤矯正のため通っていますが、子供を安心して預けられるのがとてもありがたいです。授乳などで猫背な姿勢を取ることが多く、首、肩がガチガチになって辛かったのですが、ほぐしていただき、頭痛に悩まされる事が減りました。 教えていただいたストレッチなどを隙間時間に行い、更によくなるようにがんばります!
Before giving birth, I had a severe pain in my leg and rushed in. I had a lot of minor troubles such as headaches and morning sickness during my pregnancy, but I was glad that I was kind enough to consult with me and find out the cause. The treatment itself was painless and I was skeptical that it was working, but after the treatment, my body became lighter and it was a strange feeling. I go there for pelvic correction after giving birth, but I am very grateful that I can leave my child with peace of mind. I often took a stooped posture when breastfeeding, and my neck and shoulders became stiff and painful, but I had them loosen and I was less likely to suffer from headaches. I will do the stretching that I was taught in the gap time and do my best to improve it!
A Z on Google

少し前になるのですが、オスグッドでお世話になりました。 息子はサッカーをしてます。 大事な大会9日前に膝が痛み出し、 整形外科でオスグットと診断され、 少し動くと膝の痛みが酷くて歩くのも辛そうでした。 本人は大会に出たいと言ったので、 大会4日前でしたが、少しでもよくなればと思い、ネットで探して山本整体サロンにたどり着きました。 吉川先生と電話でお話して、大会までに2回来れるように調整してもらいました。 急な予約だったのにありがとうございました。 ゆらし療法との事だったのですが、 本人は全く痛くなく、むしろ気持ちいいと言ってました。 そして、一回目の施術でサッカーをしてもほんの少し痛いくらいまで回復してました。 本人も私もビックリでした!! そして、ボールスピードが上がって、プレーの質が良くなった言ってました! 二回目の施術は大会前日だったのですが、 痛みが無くなりました。 そして、大会はフル出場できました!! 何回か痛くないか聞いても全く痛くないと言ってました。 本当にビックリです。 息子は3回通って終了しました。 今、膝の痛みがなく、ケガもなく元気にサッカーをしてます! 本当に感謝してます。 ありがとうございました。
Not long ago, I was taken care of by Osgood. My son is playing soccer. My knee started to hurt 9 days before the important tournament, Diagnosed as Osgood in orthopedics When I moved a little, my knees were sore and it seemed difficult to walk. He said he wanted to go to the tournament, so It was four days before the tournament, but I searched online and arrived at the Yamamoto Seitai Salon, hoping that it would improve even a little. I talked to Professor Yoshikawa on the phone and asked him to make adjustments so that he could come twice before the tournament. Thank you for the sudden reservation. It was a swaying therapy, He said it didn't hurt at all, but rather felt good. And even if I played soccer in the first treatment, I recovered to a slight pain. Both myself and I were surprised! !! And he said that the ball speed has increased and the quality of play has improved! The second treatment was the day before the tournament, The pain is gone. And I was able to fully participate in the tournament! !! He said it wouldn't hurt at all even if I asked him if it didn't hurt several times. I'm really surprised. My son went through three times and finished. Now I'm playing soccer without any pain in my knees and without any injuries! I really appreciate it. Thank you very much.

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