Jiyugaoka Acupuncture Orthopedic Clinic - Nagoya

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Jiyugaoka Acupuncture Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

2 Chome-10-25 Jiyugaoka, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 464-0044, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 464-0044
Webサイト : https://www.heart-medical.co.jp/shop/jiyuugaoka.html

2 Chome-10-25 Jiyugaoka, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 464-0044, Japan
yamazaki on Google

腰痛と肩凝りがひどい為、数年前からお世話になってます。 毎回先生方には丁寧な治療をして頂き 施術後はかなり楽になります。 スタッフの皆さん明るいく親切な方ばかりで楽しく通わせて頂いています。 今後とも宜しくお願いします。
I have been indebted for several years because of my severe back pain and stiff shoulders. I have the teachers treat me carefully every time It will be much easier after the procedure. All the staff are cheerful and kind, and I am happy to attend. Thank you in the future.
秋松みどり on Google

開院から10年通っています。 足が痛いのも楽になっています。 大変最新の機械も使って運動も行うことでより健康の幅か広がっています。
It has been 10 years since the hospital opened. It's also easier for my legs to hurt. By exercising with the latest machines, you can expand your health.
m on Google

とても優しい先生方達なので 話しやすく家からも近く急な予約変更も対応して下さりとても感謝してます。 毎回丁寧にやってくださるので、施術後はとても楽になります。 とても良い接骨院を見つけたと思いました。
Because they are very kind teachers I am very grateful that it is easy to talk to and responds to sudden reservation changes near my house. It will be very easy after the treatment because it will be done carefully every time. I thought I found a very good osteopathic clinic.
フーちゃん on Google

I had a feeling of discomfort in my knee due to knee osteoarthritis, but my pain became stronger and I became more anxious before traveling, so I visited the Jiyugaoka Acupuncture and Moxibustion Hospital. On that day, I immediately had a balance manipulative treatment and acupuncture and moxibustion. With a polite response, my first acupuncture and moxibustion did not hurt, and the next day the pain was considerably reduced. It seems that you can go on a trip with peace of mind after receiving treatment every day.
【アタロー】ATARO on Google

首と肩の痛みで伺いました。 カウンセリングと説明を丁寧に行って頂けたので自分の体の歪み、そこからくる症状との繋がりがよくわかりました。 お陰さまで症状はかなり改善されたので、今ではメンテナンスの為の整体と楽トレというEMSの筋トレとを併用して行っています。 これからもより良くする為にお世話になりたいと思います。
I heard about it because of neck and shoulder pain. The counseling and explanations were given carefully, so I could understand the distortion of my body and the connection with the symptoms that came from it. Thanks to you, my symptoms have improved considerably, so now I am doing a combination of manipulative treatment for maintenance and EMS muscle training called easy training. I would like to take care of you to make it even better.
山本もな on Google

いつもお世話になってます。 ここで初めて針治療を受けたのですが、女性な鍼灸師の先生がとても丁寧に親切に対応してくださり安心して受けることができました。針って痛いものだと思っていましたが痛みもなく、ずっと悩んでいた肩こりが楽になりました。ありがとうございます!
I am always indebted to you. I received acupuncture treatment for the first time here, and the female acupuncture and moxibustion teacher responded very politely and kindly, and I was able to receive it with peace of mind. I thought that the needle was painful, but it didn't hurt, and the stiff shoulders that I had been suffering from for a long time became easier. thank you!
Hi Yo on Google

腰痛と左足全体にかけて痛みや張りがあったため通院しました。 初回施術時に、現在の症状や今後の見通しについて丁寧にカウンセリングをしていただけます。 その後は、身体の調子に合わせながら、痛み緩和のための施術や、中長期的に健康な状態を保つための助言もいただけます。 また、お店の方々は穏やかな雰囲気の方が多いため、リラックスして施術に臨むことができます。 気軽に接骨院を試してみたいという方や、担当の先生と相談しながら、健康な身体を維持していきたいという方にとっては、とてもよいお店だと思います。
I went to the hospital because I had low back pain and pain and tension all over my left leg. At the time of the first treatment, you can carefully counsel about the current symptoms and future prospects. After that, you can get advice on how to relieve pain and how to stay healthy over the medium to long term while adjusting to your physical condition. In addition, many of the shop staff have a calm atmosphere, so you can relax and perform the treatment. I think it is a very good shop for those who want to feel free to try the osteopathic clinic or who want to maintain a healthy body while consulting with the teacher in charge.
37A on Google

年に1~2度ほど左肩・首に痛みが出るのを、自己流で治していましたが、思いきってこちらでみていただきホントに良かったです。 自覚症状のない筋肉のこりや姿勢の悪さを指摘いただき、改めて自分の体に向き合えました。初回の施術で痛みが楽になり、回を重ねるごとに体が軽くなっていきました。
I used to heal my left shoulder and neck pain once or twice a year, but it was really good to see it here. He pointed out the stiff muscles and poor posture without any subjective symptoms, and I was able to face my body again. The pain was relieved by the first treatment, and the body became lighter with each treatment.

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