つけめん いのうえ

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact つけめん いのうえ

住所 :

Yotsuya, Higashine, 〒999-3718 Yamagata,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11AM–2:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM
街 : Yamagata

Yotsuya, Higashine, 〒999-3718 Yamagata,Japan
Boogieman 321 on Google

I had whole grain seafood ramen. Ramen like tsukemen soup. Are noodles the same as tsukemen? Is it okay because it ’s delicious? It is better to eat while mixing well because the bottom of the bowl is thick. One point, red ginger is riding, but it doesn't seem to fit. I want you to put it separately.
鷹夕貴 on Google

We had limited seafood mixed soba, whole grain flour version. It was delicious, but ... ~ 900 yen. . Very thick noodles are here and there, and cospa is important, too.
さんあい on Google

全粒粉の魚介ラーメンいただきました。 凄くモチモチな食感で極太。好きな人には堪らない麺で最高です。 スープは少ししょっぱいかなと思いますが、麺との相性は良いです。 値段設定は、全粒粉麺は高くなってますが、この味にならお金を出しても問題無し。普通の麺も有り、そちらはよく見かける金額設定です。 もっとお客さんが入ってても良さそうな感じ。 次は、つけ麺かまぜそばにチャレンジ。
I had whole grain seafood ramen. Very thick with a very chewy texture. The noodles are the best for those who like them. I think the soup is a little salty, but it goes well with the noodles. As for the price setting, whole grain noodles are expensive, but there is no problem even if you pay for this taste. There are also ordinary noodles, which are often seen at a price setting. It feels like it would be nice to have more customers. Next, try Tsukemen Kamazesoba.
ニハチさん on Google

I saw the store's SNS. I felt a sense of discomfort in the store, which had no measures against infectious diseases, but the point was reached. Of course, I think it's okay for each person to have their own principle. However, I wonder what kind of store will be chosen by customers in this age. It's delicious, but I'm very sorry.
秀樹 on Google

全粒粉の醤油つけ麺食べました。麺は美味しいしスープも酢が入りサッパリ食べました。 が全粒粉の煮上がりが10分かかるとゆうので、先客いると着丼まで1時間近くかかることもあり.時間に余裕が有れば良いですが。
I ate whole grain soy sauce tsukemen. The noodles were delicious and the soup was refreshing with vinegar. However, it is said that it takes 10 minutes for the whole grain flour to boil, so it may take up to an hour to get the bowl if you have a customer.
松田博美 on Google

初来店だったけど美味しかったです? 次はつけ麺食べにきます。 全粒粉辛子味噌らーめん?950円 餃子?(5 個)400円
It was my first visit but it was delicious ? Next time I'm going to eat tsukemen. Whole grain mustard miso ramen ? 950 yen Dumplings ? (5 pieces) 400 yen
h小平治 on Google

餃子がおいしい、が、ちと甘い気がする つけ麺魚介の並注文しました ちょっと麺は少なめですがおいしかったです 魚介ラーメンは麺にスープが染み込み過ぎてちょっとしょっぱいけどおいしかった 全粒粉の方がスープに合っているかもしれない
The dumplings are delicious, but I feel a little sweet I ordered Tsukemen fish and shellfish The noodles were a little small, but they were delicious. The seafood ramen was a little salty but delicious because the soup soaked into the noodles too much. Whole grains may be better suited for soup
ringding bom on Google

全粒粉麺の味噌ラーメンと餃子を食べました。 スープは、初めにすり胡麻の風味が広がり、スープのコクと味噌の味を感じます。 全粒粉の麺は、太くてぷりっとした食感と小麦の味がとても美味しかったです。 個人的に味噌ラーメンのスープは、ややドロッとしたタイプが好きですので、他のメニューも食べたいと思いました。 餃子は、一口サイズですが餡がぎっしりと入っていて満足感があります。 にんにくと野菜の甘味でしょうか?甘く感じますが丁度良い、好きな味でした。
I ate miso ramen and dumplings of whole grain noodles. At the beginning of the soup, the flavor of ground sesame spreads, and you can feel the richness of the soup and the taste of miso. The whole grain noodles had a thick and plump texture and the taste of wheat was very delicious. Personally, I like the miso ramen soup, which is a bit dull, so I wanted to try other menus as well. The dumplings are bite-sized, but they are full of bean paste and are satisfying. Is it the sweetness of garlic and vegetables? It feels sweet, but it tastes just right.

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