金峯山寺蔵王堂 - Yoshino District

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 金峯山寺蔵王堂

住所 :

Yoshinoyama, Yoshino, Yoshino District, 〒639-3115 Nara,Japan

Postal code : 639-3115
Webサイト : http://www.kinpusen.or.jp/
街 : Nara
Description : Wooden temple with 3 ancient statues representing past, present & future Buddha, plus forest views.

Yoshinoyama, Yoshino, Yoshino District, 〒639-3115 Nara,Japan
Hideki Xicun on Google

秘仏本尊の特別ご開帳やってました。 吉野へ向かう中吊り広告でたまたま見つけ、奥千本の帰りに寄ってみました。 桜満開の吉野はただでさえ、激混みでしたが、ここも同様で、チケット購入するだけでもそれなりに並びます。 中に入ると、先ずは参拝。それからまた列に戻り、ゆっくりと進み出す。 で、裏の方に入るとようやく秘仏ご本尊を拝見できます。 ぐるりとご本尊の裏を周り、再び正面に来ると、懺悔が始まります。 懺悔の方法など、何も説明もないまま個室に入りなんとなくの形だけやってると、ゴーンと終了の合図。 ゆっくりやってると間に合いません。 もう少し説明が欲しいです。
I was doing a special opening of the secret Buddha principal image. I happened to find it in a hanging advertisement heading to Yoshino, and stopped by on the way back from Oku Senbon. Yoshino, where the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, was already extremely crowded, but the same is true here, and even if you just buy a ticket, it will line up as it is. Once inside, first worship. Then go back to the line and slowly move forward. Then, when you enter the back, you can finally see the principal image of the secret Buddha. When you go around the back of the principal image and come to the front again, confession begins. If you enter the private room without any explanation such as the method of confession and do only somehow, it will be a signal of Gone and the end. If you do it slowly, you won't be in time. I want a little more explanation.
北九州KOJI on Google

I visited Yoshino for cherry blossom viewing. I was impressed by the fact that a magnificent building was built in the mountains like this.
市村寿男 on Google

修験道の開祖・役行者が開いた金峯山寺本堂で、創建以来幾度かの焼失と再建が繰り返され、1348年の南北期による戦火、1586年の火災のち、1592年に太閤秀吉が寄進、再建した一重裳階付きの入母屋造檜皮葺のお堂が現存し、国宝指定を受けている。 秘仏・蔵王権現は7mを超す巨像で、過去、現在、将来をお救いするための三体が祀られており、仏とも神ともつかない日本独特の尊格として堂内に鎮座されており、火焔を背負い、頭髪は逆立ち、目を吊り上げ、口を大きく開いて忿怒の相を表し、片足を高く上げて虚空を踏む姿で、こちらを見下ろしておられる。 19/10/21、修理勧進のためのご本尊特別ご開帳で、参拝した。堂内に入ると仕切られた個室に導き入れられ、非常に迫力のある姿を拝んだ。 風格と言い、お参りの仕方の独特さと言い、大いに感激した。
At the main hall of Kinpusenji Temple, which was opened by the founder and actor of Shugendo, it was burnt down and rebuilt several times since its foundation. The reconstructed Irimoya-zukuri Hinohide-roofed temple with a single Mokoshi floor still exists and has been designated as a national treasure. The secret Buddha, Zao Gongen, is a colossal statue of over 7m, and three bodies are enshrined to save the past, present, and future. He carries a flame on his back, his hair stands upright, his eyes are raised, his mouth is wide open to show the phase of anger, and he looks down at him with one leg raised high and stepping on the void. On 19/10/21, I worshiped at the special opening of the principal image for the promotion of repairs. When I entered the hall, I was led into a partitioned private room and worshiped a very powerful figure. I was deeply moved by the personality and the uniqueness of the way of worshiping.
Ichiro yoyogi on Google

Nara Yoshino, Kinpusenji Zao-do. A magnificent temple with such a magnificent building on top of such a mountain. The view is also wonderful, and it is a world heritage site.
KAZ on Google

前回は雨の中、蔵王堂は修復中でほとんど見れず、今回は晴天で全体像から詳細な造りまでじっくりと観る事ができ、良かったです。 とても暑かったですが、駐車場から15分くらい参道を歩いてリフレッシュできると思います。
Last time it was raining and Zao-do was being restored and I could hardly see it. This time it was nice to be able to take a closer look from the whole picture to the detailed structure in fine weather. It was very hot, but I think you can refresh yourself by walking along the approach road for about 15 minutes from the parking lot.
石井隆義 on Google

Visited according to the special opening of the principal image. Receive a red stamp and pay a worship fee of 1,600 yen. I was able to spend a fulfilling time listening to the explanation while looking at the principal image. ♪
ありがっ様・Meaning of thank you in JPN dialect on Google

It was a pity that the Niomon was under repair until the 10th year of Reiwa, but when we arrived, the Goma offering began, and while the sutras and drums echoed, we visited the National Treasure Zao-do. The principal image is a secret Buddha, but you can visit many precious Buddhas. The pressure of the entire hall is the best in Japan and is a must-see. Thank you.
北廣真希 on Google

景色も綺麗!空気も綺麗!心の底まで気持ちが穏やかになります。 お邪魔した時はご開帳拝観できる貴重な期間。 1600円の支払いが必要です。 800円は仁王門修復工事の為に。800円は金剛蔵王権現を間近で見ることができる貴重な時間を過ごす為のものです。 蔵王堂内は写真撮影ができません。 蔵王堂は防災工事をされていましたが、2022年春には終わります。 仁王門の工事は6年間かかるそうです。 紅葉のシーズン。きれいでした。 駐車場も何箇所かありますが、どこも、1000円程度でした。
The scenery is also beautiful! The air is also clean! It makes you feel calm to the bottom of your heart. It is a valuable period that you can open the book when you disturb. Payment of 1600 yen is required. 800 yen is for the restoration work of Niomon. 800 yen is for spending precious time to see Kongo Zao Gongen up close. You cannot take pictures inside Zao-do. Zao-do was undergoing disaster prevention work, but it will end in the spring of 2022. It seems that the construction of the Niomon will take 6 years. Autumn leaves season. It was beautiful. There are several parking lots, but all of them cost around 1000 yen.

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