Yoshinaga Station - Bizen

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yoshinaga Station

住所 :

Yoshinagachō Yoshinaganaka, Bizen, Okayama 709-0224, Japan

Postal code : 709-0224

Yoshinagachō Yoshinaganaka, Bizen, Okayama 709-0224, Japan
玉木靖郎 on Google

It's beautiful and quiet.
のぶ on Google

山陽本線の駅。駅員は基本いるけど、早朝と夜は無人駅に。 券売機あるけど駅員はいるときは、新幹線等の切符もかえます。
Sanyo Main Line station. Station staff is basic, but in the early morning and at night unmanned station. If you have a ticket vending machine but station staff, you can change the ticket for the Shinkansen.
taro mame on Google

The nearest station of Old Junya School. In the boundary between the Kinki and the Chugoku district, during the daytime it will be operated one hour a day between Upper Gun and Kazaki. In the morning and evening, a train arriving and departing from Yoshinaga runs considering commuting to school.
平野善信 on Google

大昔は 地場産業の煉瓦の貨物取扱で 賑わっていた感じで、観光名所 旧岡山藩藩校「閑谷学校」迄、徒歩約3㎞程の道程です。
In the olden days, it was crowded with the handling of brick cargo in the local industry, and it is about a 3km walk to the tourist attraction "Shizutani School" of the former Okayama Clan School.
くぁいざぁたん on Google

There is a parking lot managed by Bizen City. 100 yen for 24 hours, settled every 4 days
渡辺裕二 on Google

開業は山陽本線開通時の明治24年。跨線橋の骨組みには古レールが使われています。古レールは米国のベスレヘム社製で、1923年(大正12年)に製造されており、当時、米国製というのは大変珍しいらしいです。 2・3番線の外側には昭和の終わり頃まで、周囲で生産されたレンガの積込に使われていた、貨物専用のホームが残っています。その頃までは駅前にも飲食店などもそこそこあり、賑やかな駅でした。
It was opened during the Meiji era when the Sanyo Main Line was opened. Old rails are used for the framework of the overpass bridge. The old rail is made by Bethlehem in the United States, it was manufactured in 1923 (Taisho 12), it seems that it is very unusual at that time made in the United States. On the outside of lines 2 and 3, until the end of the Showa era, there is a home dedicated to freight that was used to load bricks produced in the surroundings. Until that time there were plenty of food and drink in front of the station, and it was a lively station.
がんば on Google

2021/4/18来訪。 旧閑谷学校の最寄り駅。ここから10人乗りのバスが走っていて、運賃は200円です。歩いても30分から40分くらいでつけると思います。 ICカードが使えて、切符も自動改札になっています。無人駅で、駅スタンプはありません。 ホームは、 単式ホーム1面1線と島式ホーム1面2線、合計2面3線のホームを持つ地上駅。単式ホームの1番のりば側に駅舎があり、島式ホームの2・3番のりばへは跨線橋(階段のみ、エレベーターやエスカレーターは未設置)を渡ることになる。(Wikipedia)
Visited on April 18, 2021. The nearest station to the former Shizutani School. A 10-seater bus runs from here, and the fare is 200 yen. I think it will take about 30 to 40 minutes on foot. IC cards can be used, and tickets are also automatic ticket gates. It is an unmanned station and there is no station stamp. Home is An above-ground station with a total of 2 platforms and 3 lines, including a single platform with 1 track and an island platform with 1 track and 2 lines. There is a station building on the side of platform 1 of the single platform, and you will cross the overpass (only stairs, no elevator or escalator) to platform 2 or 3 of the island platform. (Wikipedia)
Kazuk Hiros on Google

It is an old station of the building. It seems that it has recently become an unmanned station.

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