
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ライステラス

住所 :

Yorogo, Katori, 〒287-0018 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87879
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Yorogo, Katori, 〒287-0018 Chiba,Japan
Hiromi Suzuki on Google

バイタミックススムージー。アボカドオイルいり。飲みやすく美味しかったです。 アボカドオイルを使ったランチも野菜たくさん食べられました。水郷鶏肉皮パリパリ(*´ ꒳ `*)で柔らかくて美味しかったです。
Vitamix smoothie. Avocado oil you. It was easy to drink and it was delicious. Lunch with avocado oil was also eaten a lot of vegetables. It was soft and delicious with the waterfall chicken skin crisp (* '꒳ `*).
うにサバ夫 on Google

山側の方から行ってしまったために、山と山の間のV字のとこを進んでしまい、アァァァァァ…となった。アァァァァァ…ゾーンを100メートルほど過ぎると景色が明るくなり、開ける。 道は全然まようことはなかったんですけどね。 帰りはここと反対側から帰った…… 香取神宮はたまにお参り来るんですけど、近くにこんなとこあったんですねえ。 開けた一面の田んぼより、やや高いところにレストランはあります。なので、テラスの景色はよく、田んぼを渡る風と光は気持ちがよいです。が、しかし、強風のため、テラス席は使いませんでした。 奥様がお一人で調理してらっしゃるんで、まぁ、少し余裕をお持ちください。野菜がおおいメニューです。テラスならアルコールが最高なのかもです。 銘柄豚はボリュームあって、カリっとしてます。一番美味しいのは香取名産マッシュルームのスープでしょうか。
Since I went from the mountain side, I proceeded with the V-shaped cross between the mountains, and became an Awaa. Aah ... After about 100 meters the zone gets brighter and opens. There was no way to go along. I came back from the other side here ... Katori Jingugu sometimes visits, but there is something like this nearby. There is a restaurant a little higher than the open rice fields. So the view on the terrace is good and the wind and light across the rice fields are pleasant. However, due to the strong wind, I did not use the terrace seats. My wife cooks it alone, well, please bring some room. Vegetables are covered by the menu. If it is a terrace, alcohol may be the best. The brand pig has a volume and it is crispy. The most delicious is the mushroom soup from Katori.
平野知子 on Google

カーナビが無いとたどり着けない。 知らない味付け、美味しいけど、時間が 掛かる。 アボカドオイルを買ってみました。 ランチメニュー、無くなってました。 一滴が難しく、空になったマニキュアを 洗った瓶に入れ、大事に使ってます。 石鹸も有るそうです。 また行くと思います(笑) ネットでオイル買うか、多分食後購入か ですかね。
I can't get there without a car navigation system. I don't know the seasoning, it’s delicious, but time Hang up. I bought avocado oil. The lunch menu is gone. It's difficult to make a drop Put it in a washed bottle and use it carefully. There is also soap. I think I'll go again (laughs) Should I buy oil online, maybe after meals? Is that right?
夏の空 on Google

ずっと行ってみたかったライステラス! 地元の人でも辿り着くまでちょっと不安になる立地です。私的にまたそれも良い♪香取駅方面からの方がおすすめです。5月のそよ風がテラスから入ってきて優雅な時間を過ごせました。
Rice terrace that I've always wanted to visit! It is a location where even locals are a little worried until they reach it. It's also good for me ♪ I recommend the one from Katori station. The May breeze came in from the terrace and I had an elegant time.
ぐみはぐ on Google

I finally visit a shop that I knew existed before. The place is really rural. From the lunch menu, you have a choice of pork steak and Mizugodori open grill. First of all, from the vegetable salad of Tappli. It seems that avocado oil is used. This day's soup is mushroom soup from Katori city. The main is the thick grilled pork steak and grilled with water. Both are delicious. I think that it is good once in a while if it comes to dessert and 2600 yen. It may be only this day, but it is also good that it is not complicated. In addition, all dishes are pattern of Noritake.
M T on Google

家族でランチ利用しました。コースで各自ハンバーグ、ポークステーキ、チキンステーキをチョイス。全て美味しく、味がまろやか~✨ 肉の味が尖ってなく、ソースやスパイスとの絡みが相乗効果で美味しさが層になって素晴らしかったです。野菜サラダも新鮮で、野菜本来の味が際立ってました。苦味のある野菜、酸味がある野菜を味わうことができました。小さなバケットがカットされて提供されましたが、ランチタイムはライスもあると嬉しいかな? マッシュルームスープに使用されていたアボカドオイルは購入できます。
I used lunch with my family. Choose hamburger, pork steak, chicken steak on the course. Everything was delicious and the taste was mellow ~ ✨ The taste of the meat was not sharp, and the entanglement with the sauce and spices was synergistic and the taste was layered and it was wonderful. The vegetable salad was also fresh and the original taste of the vegetable stood out. I was able to taste bitter and sour vegetables. A small bucket was cut and served, but would you be happy if you had rice at lunchtime? Avocado oil used in mushroom soup can be purchased.
さのつかさ佐野つかさ on Google

The course lunch with plenty of avocado oil, where the couple is running, is the best. The plenty of vegetables are used and it's healthy. The avocado oil sold here is of high quality that does not contain any extra ingredients such as additives, so it can be attached to the skin! Some of the paths on the way are amazing mountain roads, but it is really recommended because you can go without going through them. ️
Jason Stewart on Google

This is an absolutely outstanding restaurant. You don’t think of Japanese and Italian cuisines as being fusion-able, but trust me, this place works. Boy howdy, does it work! The Avo pork is impossibly succulent and so tender it can be cut with chopsticks. This place is family owned and operated, and they own some of the local farms. This allows them to tick the boxes of sustainability, locally sourced, and farm to table organic concepts. Do yourself a favor and request a table on the deck outside. There is a beautiful and serene view of the rice fields. I don’t say this often, but I consider this to be the perfect dining experience.

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