Yoneyama Station - Kashiwazaki

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yoneyama Station

住所 :

Yoneyamachō, Kashiwazaki, Niigata 949-3675, Japan

Postal code : 949-3675

Yoneyamachō, Kashiwazaki, Niigata 949-3675, Japan
hnakagawa7 on Google

ここから鯨波までの駅では海が見えます。駅舎は狭いです。連絡橋は古いですが駅の規模のわりに大きいのが不思議です。 トイレはありますが、トイレットペーパーは備えつけてありません。
You can see the sea at the station from here to Whale Wave. The station building is small. The connecting bridge is old, but it is strange that it is big for the size of the station. There is a toilet, but no toilet paper is provided.
喜美候部浩二 on Google

昭和30年代海水浴で駅前の中野屋旅館に宿泊しました。当時はクーラーもなく窓は全開、蚊帳の中に入って寝ました。 でも、夜中に蒸気機関車に牽かれた貨物列車の遠慮容赦の無い轟音に驚かされるました。そして、その通過音のダイナミックさにおかしな興奮を感じました。 当時の米山駅舎の窓口は旧国鉄マンの磨き上げと利用客の手荷物等の擦れで好い具合に艶がでてました。窓口のガラス窓の向こうには硬券が並んだ棚と大きな秤があったような気がします。 列車に乗るには改札を出て線路の上を歩き数段の石段を上ってホームに出ました。ホームにはちっちゃなちっちゃな築山みたいなものがまだ残ってるのでしょうか。 今も昔も変わらないのはプラットホームからマンモスのようにも見える聖が鼻の景色でしょうか。
I stayed at Nakanoya Ryokan in front of the station by bathing in the Showa 30s. At that time, there was no cooler and the windows were fully open, and I went into a mosquito net and slept. But I was surprised by the relentless roar of a freight train pulled by a steam locomotive in the middle of the night. And I felt strange excitement in the dynamic of the passing sound. At the time, the window of the Yoneyama station building was glossed in a nice way due to the polish of the former JNR man and the rubbing of passengers' luggage. I feel like there was a shelf with a lot of hard tickets and a big scale behind the window of the window. To get on the train, I left the ticket gate, walked on the railroad track, climbed up several stone steps, and went out to the platform. Is there something like a little tiny mountain still left in the home? Isn't the scenery of Holy nose, which looks like a mammoth from the platform, still unchanged?
黒岩好春 on Google

54年前に良く家族で旅行していました 夏になると良く蟹を買って頂いてしました。
I used to travel with my family 54 years ago I often bought crabs in the summer.
蟹沢 on Google

Speaking of the station facing the sea, this is also recommended.
北日本旅客鉄道 on Google

It is a station near the sea as well as the Aomi River, but it is difficult to shoot the station name and the Sea of ​​Japan at the same time because the station name marker is not in a good position.
ぎたふぐ on Google

A station by the sea. Shooting under the summer sky is a picture.
吉野雅人 on Google

2年前に訪れたときと、今回来てみてホームがガラッと変わっていたのにびっくりしました。 使いやすくて綺麗になるのは素晴らしいと思います。 いつ来てもゆっくりとした時間が流れていて、静かな感じすごくいいと思います。 ちょうどよく特急しらゆきの通過も見れて最高でした。 次来る時にはどんな感じに駅が変わっているのかとても楽しみです。 個人的には昔の線路の間から電柱が出ている雰囲気の方が好きだなって思います。
I was surprised when I visited there two years ago and when I came this time, the home was completely different. I think it's great that it's easy to use and clean. Whenever I come, the slow time is flowing and I think it's very nice to feel quiet. It was great to see the passing of the limited express Shirayuki. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the station will change the next time I come. Personally, I prefer the atmosphere where utility poles come out from between the old railroad tracks.
H. Yahagi on Google

2021年12月に訪問。 中線を潰してホーム幅を拡張しており、非常に乗り降りのしやすい駅です。 駅から海が直接見え、非常に眺めの良い無人駅。電車が来るまでの間、ぼーっと海を眺めることができます。
Visited in December 2021. The station is very easy to get on and off because the middle line is crushed and the width of the platform is expanded. An unmanned station with a very nice view of the sea directly from the station. You can gaze at the sea until the train arrives.

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