
4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact クジラ商店

住所 :

Yokoyamacho, Hachioji, 〒192-0081 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://kujira.owst.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Yokoyamacho, Hachioji, 〒192-0081 Tokyo,Japan
Opty 【ENL】 on Google

We are satisfied with various fish! The all-you-can-drink menu is also abundant, and Jinbei is even more satisfied!
斎藤則夫 on Google

会社の同僚と一緒に八王子 クジラ商店へ 色々なお魚が食べられ最高な時間でした! 飲み放題メニューも豊富でリピート確定! また来ます!ご馳走様でした!
To Hachioji whale store with company colleagues It was a great time to eat various fish! The all-you-can-drink menu is abundant and repeats confirmed! I will come again! It was a treat!
ぱぐ on Google

評価が高い割に料理はそこまで美味しくないです。 グラスに口紅がついたまま提供されたり(連れのものにも付いていました)料理に髪の毛が入っていたりと衛生面は最悪です。値段も一見安くてもお通しが高いため2倍の値段になりました。伝票には値段の内訳が書いていなかったためお通しが正確にいくらかはわからなかったので計算したところ一人600円でした。
Despite the high evaluation, the food is not so delicious. The hygienic side is the worst if the glasses are provided with lipstick attached (or they were attached to my companions) and the hair is in the dish. Even though the price is seemingly cheap, it is twice as expensive because of the high through-hole. I did not know the breakdown of the price on the slip, so I did not know exactly what it was.
コカ・コーラ on Google

飯が美味しいです。 後でコロナ化なので小分けで料理を提供してくれてとてもいい店
The rice is delicious. It will be corona later, so it's a very nice restaurant that serves food in small portions
ぺんたろ会長 on Google

The world is diet-oriented and health conscious, but the calories on this shop can not be stopped! ! (Lol)
MAKO 91 on Google

夕方から朝までやってる居酒屋さんです! オリオンの生が飲めるお店でよくおじゃまします! 五島列島産のお刺身を始め各種オリジナル料理もありおいしーです! 今の時期はおでんがありますがよく煮込まれて美味しかったです! お刺身はもちろんですが変わり種としてはトマトの天ぷら! 熱々で食べるとジュワッと口にトマトが広がりそこからのビールがたまりません! 写真にはありませんがご飯ものもおススメで、ガパオライスなど晩御飯だけでもオススメです! カウンターの椅子がなぜか座り心地がよくついつい長居してしまいます! 店長も従業員も打ちとけるのがはやくとっても居心地のいいお店ですのでオススメです!
Izakaya is doing it from evening until morning! I will often get in at a shop where Orion's life can drink! There are also various original dishes including sashimi from Goto Retto Island, and it's delicious! I have oden in the current time but it was cooked well and it was delicious! Of course sashimi is tempura of tomato as a different kind! When eating hotly, tomato spreads in the mouth and beer from there spreads! Although it is not in the picture, it is also recommended to eat rice, it is also recommended only for dinner such as Gapao Rice! The chair of the counter seems to have some comfort and for some reason long-lived! It is recommended because store owner and employees are quickly getting down and it is very cozy shop!
Y. Chigusa on Google

久しぶりの友人と二人で金曜夜にちょっとした作業の後、比較的空いているだろうとクジラ商店にお邪魔しました。 なんとほぼ満席でカウンターに案内されました。お通しは前回の手作りのくみ上げ豆腐と海塩から更に進化してクリームチーズ風くみ上げ豆腐で旨味も強く、海塩で旨味倍増で美味しいです。 生ビールで乾杯して五島列島の白身3種盛り、その後あれこれ頼んで途中から七賢と八海山の地酒に切り替えて、久しぶりに楽しく美味しくご馳走さまでした。
After a little work on Friday night with my friend after a long absence, I visited the whale shop, thinking that it would be relatively free. It was almost full and I was guided to the counter. The izakaya is a cream cheese-style pumped tofu that has evolved from the previous handmade pumped tofu and sea salt, and has a strong flavor. The sea salt doubles the flavor and is delicious. We toasted with draft beer and served 3 kinds of white meat from the Goto archipelago. After that, we asked for this and that, and switched to local sake from Shichiken and Hakkaisan on the way.
Hiroyuki Wada on Google

まんぼうのせいでお店も大変だとおもうけど、美味しいかわったメニューがあります キッチンカーのクジラサンドはいつも利用してるけどお店もちょくちょくいきたいなー
I think the shop is difficult because of the sunfish, but there is a delicious and different menu. I always use the whale sandwich in the kitchen car, but I want to go to the shops often.

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